Monday Night Football Opening


New Member
Did anybody else see the controversial Monday Night Football opening with Terrell Davis and Nicollette Sheridan from Desperate Housewives? There are a lot of people offended by it. I'm a single, 25/m. Obviously, I didn't mind it. What's everybody else's opinion?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's crap and it's stupid...

...if it were up to me I'd yank ABC's liscense for a week, shut them down, all programing, and see if they can't pay a bit more attention to their responsibilities as a public broadcaster.

What, exactly, do 25 year olds find inapproriate?


Larry Gude said:
...if it were up to me I'd yank ABC's liscense for a week, shut them down, all programing, and see if they can't pay a bit more attention to their responsibilities as a public broadcaster.

What, exactly, do 25 year olds find inapproriate?
Well, the fact is that it was inappropriate, and broadcasters should be a lot more mindful of what they broadcast. Although they might have the "freedom" to broadcast a lot of questionable material, that doesn't mean they "should" broadcast it. Freedom does not free one from responsibility. That all having been said, the FCC and public allow Desperate Housewives itself, with that type of material, to be broadcast at 9 p.m., so I don't understand the uproar over this intro. We need to be more consistent with our standards, and use a little common sense. Incidentally, I'm 24 years old and have that view. Being in your 20s doesn't mean you have to be crass.


New Member
theNewGuy said:
Did anybody else see the controversial Monday Night Football opening with Terrell Davis and Nicollette Sheridan from Desperate Housewives? There are a lot of people offended by it. I'm a single, 25/m. Obviously, I didn't mind it. What's everybody else's opinion?

I don’t see what the deal was either. They show more skin than that in Soap Operas. Besides that, they just showed Saving Private Ryan unedited. Nobody seemed to have a problem with that?


New Member was a little risque, but people are making such a big deal about it. I think it is extremely hipocritical for the NFL to say they disapprove of that intro. There are more suggesting commercials being played on TV on Sunday AFTERNOONS during football games (Viagra anybody?). If the NFL disapproves of this, they need to get rid of the beer and "sexual enhancement" drug commercials too (oh wait...they would be losing tons of money if they did that).

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...what you are aguing is;

Why take a stand here?

Why now?

What about this?


By definition, living in a free society, those questions are valid but they invite anarchy if they are the reflex to every attempt at saying 'no'.

Thus the answer;

Why not take a stand here?

Why not now?

We have a saying that started about porn years ago;

"I don't know how to define what is pornographic but I know it when I see it."

People who are in the business of having to make judgements, regulatory agencies, judges, parents, know what this means, clearly.

People who are in the business of making judgements difficult offer no help, only excuses.

So, newguy, you're daddy of the TV, FCC boss man. Whatcha gonna do?

Fine 'em hard?

Slap their wrists?

Ignore it?

Maybe tell them they can go a lot farther?

Define, exactly, to everyones satisfaction, beforehand, just what you will and won't tolerate?



New Member
Here ya go

Is this going to be the beginning of the end of sex on non-cable TV? sells, and not everybody has cable. People see these things on TV every day. My question is, why does this affend people so much more than a Viagra, Herbal Essence, or beer commercials?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
theNewGuy said:
My question is, why does this affend people so much more than a Viagra, Herbal Essence, or beer commercials?
Queen Offended at your service! :diva:

I don't find the Viagra commercials offensive (unless there are some I haven't seen) because they are ambiguous enough that young children won't "get" it.

The Herbal Essence commercial where the woman is having a Big O over shampoo is crass and tasteless, and shows a complete lack of creativity on the part of the copywriters.

I haven't seen any beer commercials that offend me.

When Nicollette Sheridan drops her towel, not even off-camera, to entice Terrell into missing his game, that's a little more blatant than I like my network TV to be. It's offensive because it portrays women as sex objects, and it's offensive because it portrays Terrell as some sex-dog retard who would blow off his job for a hank of hair and a pair of boobs.

I find most music videos offensive. In fact, I'm offended by anything that portrays women as sex objects and blacks as low-class thugs. And what offends me most of all is that these two groups, women and blacks, show overwhelming support for the same people who are portraying them in a bad light, then turn around and complain when they get stereotyped.

So there ya go.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Queen Offended at your service! :diva:

I don't find the Viagra commercials offensive (unless there are some I haven't seen) because they are ambiguous enough that young children won't "get" it.

The Herbal Essence commercial where the woman is having a Big O over shampoo is crass and tasteless, and shows a complete lack of creativity on the part of the copywriters.

I haven't seen any beer commercials that offend me.

When Nicollette Sheridan drops her towel, not even off-camera, to entice Terrell into missing his game, that's a little more blatant than I like my network TV to be. It's offensive because it portrays women as sex objects, and it's offensive because it portrays Terrell as some sex-dog retard who would blow off his job for a hank of hair and a pair of boobs.

I find most music videos offensive. In fact, I'm offended by anything that portrays women as sex objects and blacks as low-class thugs. And what offends me most of all is that these two groups, women and blacks, show overwhelming support for the same people who are portraying them in a bad light, then turn around and complain when they get stereotyped.

So there ya go.

They showed a woman’s back. What’s the big deal? I can understand being pissed at JJ after the Super Bowl, but this is ridiculous.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
mojorisin said:
What’s the big deal?
I am well aware that not everyone is trying to teach their daughters how to succeed in life on their feet instead of their back. I, however, am and stuff like this doesn't do much to reinforce the message.

What's good is that Condoleeza Rice didn't have to take her clothes off to get a job, while skeezes like Nicolette Sheridan and Paris Hilton do. :yay:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
What's good is that Condoleeza Rice didn't have to take her clothes off to get a job, while skeezes like Nicolette Sheridan and Paris Hilton do. :yay:

Yea, she and Margaret Spellings even got some lip smacking from the Prez! Which of course USA Today put the "is this appropriate?" spin on.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
newguy... FCC chairman, I find you response to be...nothing.

Who says people aren't bothered by other things?

A commercial explaining that you're good to go unless your erections last longer than 4 hours troubles me. Why the #### is that on the airwaves? Put it in Mens Health. On the net. In Playboy for Christsakes. I don't wanna hear that or watch that with my kids.

I find condom commercials idiotic.

All these commercials are past the bounds of good taste, in my opinion, and certainly past standard public consumption.

Come on newguy, don't just object to objections. Lead. What would you do?



New Member
Dear Mr. FCC Chairman,

Larry Gude said: FCC chairman, I find you response to be...nothing.
Come on newguy, don't just object to objections. Lead. What would you do?


I, personally, have no problem with what was shown on TV that infamous Monday night. The skit was meant as a joke that would promote Desperate Housewives in a clever way. It definitely worked...I think I'm going to check it out the next time it comes on.

WWNGD? Well, I'll keep watching TV and keep laughing at the things I find funny (like the intro to the Monday Night Football Game). However, it is unfortunate that some families were watching it with there children and found it to be an uncomfortable situation. It would have been a perfect opportunity for parents to explain to their children that what they were seeing is wrong. Maybe next time, while your waiting for the shows on TV to "clean up", you can try that approach. :peace:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I am well aware that not everyone is trying to teach their daughters how to succeed in life on their feet instead of their back. I, however, am and stuff like this doesn't do much to reinforce the message.

What's good is that Condoleeza Rice didn't have to take her clothes off to get a job, while skeezes like Nicolette Sheridan and Paris Hilton do. :yay:

Hello, it’s called “ACTING”. So what you are saying is that every actress that performs in a love seen on a soap opera or movie is a whore?


New Member
Larry Gude said: FCC chairman, I find you response to be...nothing.

Who says people aren't bothered by other things?

A commercial explaining that you're good to go unless your erections last longer than 4 hours troubles me. Why the #### is that on the airwaves? Put it in Mens Health. On the net. In Playboy for Christsakes. I don't wanna hear that or watch that with my kids.

I find condom commercials idiotic.

All these commercials are past the bounds of good taste, in my opinion, and certainly past standard public consumption.

Come on newguy, don't just object to objections. Lead. What would you do?


I agree with some of your points, but there is this square looking thing with buttons on it that you can use to change the channel.


New Member
mojorisin said:
...there is this square looking thing with buttons on it that you can use to change the channel.

Good point. I believe there are also buttons directly on the TV and cable I'm told.
Bogart said:
I was offended because Nicollette Sheridan isn't hot enough to miss a football game over.
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