Monday Night Football Opening


New Member
kwillia said:
barely clothed does not equal hot

Larry Gude

Strung Out
mojo and newguy are Punters...

...certainly your are intelligent enough to understand that the issue is what is and is not appropriate.

It is NOT appropriate to turn on the tv to watch Monday night football and have that add run. You know that.

You wanna pump gas into your car, find it's water and have someone tell you 'sorry, you don't have to shop here'.

You want a cop to pull you over for going 50 in a 55 and tell you 'sorry you didn't have to use this road'?

You wanna buy a box of cornflakes and pour out cat litter only to be told 'you don't have to buy from them'?

You wanna flip on "Desperate Housewives" and have Jerry Fallwel commercials?

There is a right to consumer expectations. ABC crossed the line and you know it.

Think 'regulation'.
Think 'standards'.
Think 'enforcement'.

Don't embarrass yourselves by pretending you don't get it.

Tell me, tell us all, what you would in this issue if you were FCC bossman:


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...certainly your are intelligent enough to understand that the issue is what is and is not appropriate.

It is NOT appropriate to turn on the tv to watch Monday night football and have that add run. You know that.

You wanna pump gas into your car, find it's water and have someone tell you 'sorry, you don't have to shop here'.

You want a cop to pull you over for going 50 in a 55 and tell you 'sorry you didn't have to use this road'?

You wanna buy a box of cornflakes and pour out cat litter only to be told 'you don't have to buy from them'?

You wanna flip on "Desperate Housewives" and have Jerry Fallwel commercials?

There is a right to consumer expectations. ABC crossed the line and you know it.

Think 'regulation'.
Think 'standards'.
Think 'enforcement'.

Don't embarrass yourselves by pretending you don't get it.

Tell me, tell us all, what you would in this issue if you were FCC bossman:

I don’t get it. They showed a woman’s back. Like I said before, they show more on soap operas. Are they going to cancel all the love making scenes? Hell no! And you know what? They are on in the middle of the day. I see your some of your points, but you either have it all removed or none. Or define to all networks what is and isn’t appropriate.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Do you see...

but you either have it all removed or none. Or define to all networks what is and isn’t appropriate.

...what you are saying? What you are asking for?

You say 'change the channel'

You say 'all or none'

You say 'define what is and isn't' as though networks are children and couldn't even begin to judge what is or is not over the mysterious line. Maybe they are stupid children. Somebody has to tell them.

Culture is a living, breathing thing and it evolves and it devolves. We shape it.

I want you to put yourself in the shoes of the FCC and make the call. You will inherit this world and you damn well better be able to make judgements based on reason.

Would you have felt comfortable sitting their with your daughter watching the lead in?

Do you think ABS went over the line? If so, what would you do, as the person responsible for the public airwaves, to make clear to them that it was unacceptable? They are in it for $ so money would seem to be the punishment.

The people who ran that intro are nothing but a bunch of juevenille delinquents trying to see what they can get away with. MNF doesn't need that to add one single person to their audience.

What of soap operas? Aren't they what they are? Aren't they on during the day when kids are at school? Parents tell a kid 'you can't watch soap operas BECAUSE of what they sell'.

So now, do I say "No MNF because of what they sell?"

Stand up! Be judgemental! Point your finger at ABC and shout 'WRONG!'.

It's good for you.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...what you are saying? What you are asking for?

You say 'change the channel'

You say 'all or none'

You say 'define what is and isn't' as though networks are children and couldn't even begin to judge what is or is not over the mysterious line. Maybe they are stupid children. Somebody has to tell them.

Culture is a living, breathing thing and it evolves and it devolves. We shape it.

I want you to put yourself in the shoes of the FCC and make the call. You will inherit this world and you damn well better be able to make judgements based on reason.

Would you have felt comfortable sitting their with your daughter watching the lead in?

Do you think ABS went over the line? If so, what would you do, as the person responsible for the public airwaves, to make clear to them that it was unacceptable? They are in it for $ so money would seem to be the punishment.

The people who ran that intro are nothing but a bunch of juevenille delinquents trying to see what they can get away with. MNF doesn't need that to add one single person to their audience.

What of soap operas? Aren't they what they are? Aren't they on during the day when kids are at school? Parents tell a kid 'you can't watch soap operas BECAUSE of what they sell'.

So now, do I say "No MNF because of what they sell?"

Stand up! Be judgemental! Point your finger at ABC and shout 'WRONG!'.

It's good for you.

I'm done with this thread. You can catch Desperate Housewives on channel 7, Sunday's at 9 PM. :banana:

Mr. Gude...... :moon:

Fruitcake Lady

Who the Hell Cares?
You know those men like to slap eachothers butt alot. I think it helps them deal with their inner feelings. It's kinda queer if you ask me.


Football season!
Great. Next thing you know you'll have the people in AA boycotting football because of the Leon commercials :banghead:


Football season!
Gotta love it. Naked backside of a woman is not appropraite for football. A group of half-naked cheerleaders putting their ankles behind their ears is just part of the game :confused:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I've been waiting for you Mr. Library Porn... to take a stab at being FCC chairman?

Anything goes? Maybe a few rules? Maybe even, gasp, a judgement or two?

Or you gonna be with the kids who are scared of the word 'no' for fear of the world not being black and white?



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Naked backside of a woman is not appropraite for football.
Oh for piss sake. :rolleyes: I get so bored with the arrested development types trying to pretend that a naked woman blatantly jumping into the arms of some guy is the same as fully clothed women dancing.

The commercial was meant to sexually excite men and get them all stupid. If you get excited over the smiling man in the Viagra commercials, you have issues the FCC cannot possibly address.


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Oh for piss sake. :rolleyes: I get so bored with the arrested development types trying to pretend that a naked woman blatantly jumping into the arms of some guy is the same as fully clothed women dancing.
Yea, fully clothed. And they just wear those outfits because they are comfortable :rolleyes:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Oh for piss sake. :rolleyes: I get so bored with the arrested development types trying to pretend that a naked woman blatantly jumping into the arms of some guy is the same as fully clothed women dancing.

The commercial was meant to sexually excite men and get them all stupid. If you get excited over the smiling man in the Viagra commercials, you have issues the FCC cannot possibly address.

You and Larry are not getting the point! What if you were watching TV with your kids and you flipped the channel to Saving Private Ryan and you see heads being blown off or it is a scene in which they are dropping “F” bombs every other word. Is that ok to show unedited on a major network? Probably not a good idea, but they did it.

My point is people were offended by that stupid commercial and then when they show an unedited movie that is ok. This kind of inconsistency is the real problem! You either let it all go or fine every network that shows nudity or doesn’t censor all of the cussing.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
mojorisin said:
Is that ok to show unedited on a major network?
If you get sexually aroused while watching "Saving Private Ryan", you have issues.

You miss the point, dear, not me. Venus De Milo, with her naked breasts, isn't pornography. Playboy magazine is. Fat naked chicks in a Rubens painting is not porn. Fat naked chicks in "Love Chunks" is.

I'm not saying Nicolette Sheridan doffing her duds and jumping on Terrell is porn, but it WAS done for sexual gratification, which means it's not "art", but smut.

Those are my airwaves, too - I pay for them just as much as you do. And I have a right to watch TV with my kids without unexpected smut. Now the NFL is two for two and it's officially off the family viewing list in my house.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Yea! One less person to b!tch the next time something happens :yay:
And one less person to see sponsor advertising, which is what helps keep them in business. :yay: