Monday Night Football Opening


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
And one less person to see sponsor advertising, which is what helps keep them in business. :yay:
People said the same thing after the Super Bowl booby show. But like a train wreck, they keep coming back to see more.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...all you and smalltown and new guy have to do is play a simple exercise in 'what if'.

What if the public airwaves were your responsibility?

I think it's clear you know ABC crossed the line but you are unsure what to do about it as evidenced by the excuses of other programming you cite.

This isn't for real or binding, gents. I think you have a nagging feeling that something should be done, that there should be SOME standards and some rules.

Ryan has warnings; extreme violence and naughty launguage.

Should the NFL have labels; "Warning; you just can't tell what we'll pull next!"?

It's E-Z to be a spectator and shrug your shoulders. Play along! What would you do?


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Oh for piss sake. :rolleyes: I get so bored with the arrested development types trying to pretend that a naked woman blatantly jumping into the arms of some guy is the same as fully clothed women dancing.

The commercial was meant to sexually excite men and get them all stupid. If you get excited over the smiling man in the Viagra commercials, you have issues the FCC cannot possibly address.


I typically don't disagree with too much you say, but I do have something else for you to consider.

What is the purpose in football cheerleaders? Aren't they there to instill team sprit, get the crowd rooting for the team, etc.? If that's the case, why then are the shorts almost non-existent and the girl's boobs almost falling out of their tops; another question here, why no guy cheerleaders? Not that I’m “ghey”, but why is it OK for guys to cheer for their team in college, but none are in the pros?

At first, I thought that ABC went over the line with last week's intro, but then after sitting back and watching a T and A show from the cheerleaders, I have to question which, if either, was worse than the other?

I heard that parents were complaining that their children were subjected to the intro and found offensive. If kids who are too young to understand the intro, what are they doing up at 9:00 p.m. on a school night? Also, a fourteen or fifteen year old boy only has one thought in his mind when he sees a cheerleader bouncing across the screen… and it ain’t team spirit.

I agree that you that someone must have problems if watching Saving Ryan or the Viagra commercials "get you going", but if you want to use the analogy that if something gets you thinking of sex, then it becomes in appropriate; shouldn’t the cheerleaders wear “real” cloths or be done away with all together?

What is objectionable to one person is usually totally acceptable to another.

On the other hand, sexual innuendoes I believe are out of place in sports broadcasting. The clip that was shown was a blatant display of sex (leading potentially to sexual intercourse between the two involved. Many other people here have said it was “just Nicollette’s bare back, what’s the big deal”. Well, what if it showed Terrell Owens sitting in a car and you saw the top of someone’s head (near his lap) going up and down (in and out of screen). Using the same “bare back” excuse to allow the airing, wouldn’t this be “just the top of someone’s head”? Would that be allowed?

It’s a fine line; I think the problem is that the line has been blurred by socially accepted norms and "excuses". Why should network be allowed to drop the f-bomb on Saving Ryan, when at the same day in age if Stern says something (much less offensive as the F word) he’s getting fined? Just because “Ryan” is a statement to those who may have sacrificed in WWII it shouldn’t cloud the issue of what should be accepted or not on network TV.

Overall network TV isn't too far away from the cable shows. There may be more cussing on cable, but if you want to watch sex, stay home one day and tune into the soaps....


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...all you and smalltown and new guy have to do is play a simple exercise in 'what if'.

What if the public airwaves were your responsibility?

I think it's clear you know ABC crossed the line but you are unsure what to do about it as evidenced by the excuses of other programming you cite.

This isn't for real or binding, gents. I think you have a nagging feeling that something should be done, that there should be SOME standards and some rules.

Ryan has warnings; extreme violence and naughty launguage.

Should the NFL have labels; "Warning; you just can't tell what we'll pull next!"?

It's E-Z to be a spectator and shrug your shoulders. Play along! What would you do?

I’ll play your game. I would return to the standards of the past on the major networks. IE no cussing, nudity or other crap you see on the major networks these days. I would leave the pay channels alone. Pretty simple solution if you ask me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
mojorisin said:
I would return to the standards of the past on the major networks. IE no cussing, nudity or other crap you see on the major networks these days. I would leave the pay channels alone. Pretty simple solution if you ask me.
SOLD! I don't watch network TV but I might if it wasn't a bunch of stupid garbage.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
mojorisin said:
I’ll play your game. I would return to the standards of the past on the major networks. IE no cussing, nudity or other crap you see on the major networks these days. I would leave the pay channels alone. Pretty simple solution if you ask me.
By no cussing are you referring to the original "7 words" only? And what is other crap?

I think as long as there is a form of warning for parents to decide if they should allow their children to view the program I don't have much of a problem with what gets shown. Something along the lines of "This show contains graphic violence (or whatever)" at the beginning and prior to returning from station breaks.


Football season!
I'm just glad many of you don't go to the VT football games. I'm sure some of you would have a heart attack when you saw what our band does when we are in the redzone.
"Stick it in, stick it in, stick it in!" :cool:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
If you get sexually aroused while watching "Saving Private Ryan", you have issues.

You miss the point, dear, not me. Venus De Milo, with her naked breasts, isn't pornography. Playboy magazine is. Fat naked chicks in a Rubens painting is not porn. Fat naked chicks in "Love Chunks" is.

I'm not saying Nicolette Sheridan doffing her duds and jumping on Terrell is porn, but it WAS done for sexual gratification, which means it's not "art", but smut.

Those are my airwaves, too - I pay for them just as much as you do. And I have a right to watch TV with my kids without unexpected smut. Now the NFL is two for two and it's officially off the family viewing list in my house.

You still don’t get it do you? I never said watching Saving Private Ryan would arouse anyone. The point is, showing that movie unedited on a major network is more offensive than that commercial to some. Is it ok, in your opinion, to show those types of movies unedited on a major network? Is it ok to show sex scenes on soaps? Is to ok to show all these retarded reality shows with sex scenes in them?


New Member
Ken King said:
I think as long as there is a form of warning for parents to decide if they should allow their children to view the program I don't have much of a problem with what gets shown. Something along the lines of "This show contains graphic violence (or whatever)" at the beginning and prior to returning from station breaks.

That would be cool with me.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
I think as long as there is a form of warning for parents to decide if they should allow their children to view the program I don't have much of a problem with what gets shown.
That's because you don't have kids at home. What's nice is to be able to let your kids watch TV without having to sit right there and babysit them while they do it. The middle daughter is 15 and not easily influenced by pop culture, so she can watch whatever she wants. The baby is 13 and very much influenced, so she pretty much doesn't get to watch TV.

ST, what part of "public airwaves" do you not understand? Make the stuff that's accessible to everyone PG at the very most. If you want more, you can get cable and pay for it.

This is part of that whole liberal bullshit argument - "Well, I shouldn't HAVE to pay to see naked women! I shouldn't HAVE to pay to see sex on TV! What if I can't afford it????"


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
That's because you don't have kids at home. What's nice is to be able to let your kids watch TV without having to sit right there and babysit them while they do it. The middle daughter is 15 and not easily influenced by pop culture, so she can watch whatever she wants. The baby is 13 and very much influenced, so she pretty much doesn't get to watch TV.

ST, what part of "public airwaves" do you not understand? Make the stuff that's accessible to everyone PG at the very most. If you want more, you can get cable and pay for it.

This is part of that whole liberal bullshit argument - "Well, I shouldn't HAVE to pay to see naked women! I shouldn't HAVE to pay to see sex on TV! What if I can't afford it????"

You are right, I don't have the kids there anymore, but I spend lots of time with my grandbabies and I don't think I need more then just a simple warning to know if a show might not be the best thing for them to see.

As far as I am concerned all sporting events should carry such warnings because of verbage used by players, coaches, and fans (or in some cases the non-verbal language).


New Member
Ken King said:
By no cussing are you referring to the original "7 words" only? And what is other crap?

That would have to be investigated/voted on, by the panel that works for Michael Powell.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
mojorisin said:
Is it ok, in your opinion, to show those types of movies unedited on a major network? Is it ok to show sex scenes on soaps? Is to ok to show all these retarded reality shows with sex scenes in them?
Soaps are iffy. Most of the kids who would be influenced by that sort of thing are in school and wouldn't watch something like that even on their in-service days. Soaps only tend to rot the brains of bored housewives between loads of laundry.

"Saving Private Ryan" has strong language but, again, it's not something kids are going to be interested in. Saying the F word isn't enough to keep teens' attention - they want sex and nudity.

Reality shows are a big hit with the pre-teen set, if my daughter's classmates are any indication. Guess why?

Nobody ever died or ruined their life by not seeing sex on TV. I don't see what the problem is.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
As far as I am concerned all sporting events should carry such warnings because of verbage used by players, coaches, and fans (or in some cases the non-verbal language).
Well, they should NOW, but it didn't used to be that way. I'm curious if televised sports is starting to lose it's audience and that's why they have to be flashing boobs and having naked women jump on the players now?

Are we really a nation of sex-crazed idiots?


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Soaps are iffy. Most of the kids who would be influenced by that sort of thing are in school and wouldn't watch something like that even on their in-service days. Soaps only tend to rot the brains of bored housewives between loads of laundry.

"Saving Private Ryan" has strong language but, again, it's not something kids are going to be interested in. Saying the F word isn't enough to keep teens' attention - they want sex and nudity.

Reality shows are a big hit with the pre-teen set, if my daughter's classmates are any indication. Guess why?

Nobody ever died or ruined their life by not seeing sex on TV. I don't see what the problem is.

You are being inconsistent! This is my point. You either censor the major networks or you don’t.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Well, they should NOW, but it didn't used to be that way. I'm curious if televised sports is starting to lose it's audience and that's why they have to be flashing boobs and having naked women jump on the players now?

Are we really a nation of sex-crazed idiots?
Ah, come on. It's been happening for years where they catch a coach or player calling someone a SOB (or worse) via the sideline pickup microphones or when you have fans chanting in unison a colorful phrase. It had mostly been ignored and accepted as a part of the game. Just make them post a warning too that the show is live, unfiltered, and might contain graphic language.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
mojorisin said:
You are being inconsistent! This is my point. You either censor the major networks or you don’t.
I'm just trying to compromise. If it were up to me, all network television would be wholesome family entertainment. Adults can get pay channels if they want to watch graphic content.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
It's been happening for years where they catch a coach or player calling someone a SOB (or worse) via the sideline pickup microphones or when you have fans chanting in unison a colorful phrase.
Okay, but it's not unusual to hear that sort of thing IRL. It IS unusual, however, to be sitting on a park bench and see some woman whip out a boob or strip and jump on some guy.

You're going to hear your parents say various swear words. What you're NOT going to have is Mom taking her clothes off and having sex with your Dad right there in front of you.


New Member
Ken King said:
Ah, come on. It's been happening for years where they catch a coach or player calling someone a SOB (or worse) via the sideline pickup microphones or when you have fans chanting in unison a colorful phrase. It had mostly been ignored and accepted as a part of the game. Just make them post a warning too that the show is live, unfiltered, and might contain graphic language.

Yep, you see it in most sports. I’ve seen Tiger hit a bad shot on a couple of occasions and he dropped the “F” bomb. BTW, there was no fine. I think most networks are going to have to go to a 5-minute delay eventually.