Monday Night Football Opening


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Concerned? Yes. Having everything be staight laced PG? Hardly. Networks put out shows that people want to watch. They do this because the more people who watch, the more money they get from advertisers. It is simple math. If it was shown that viewership is dropping as fast as Vrai would like it to, then they would change to meet the current market.
Here's what I think:

I don't think networks put out what they think people want to watch. I think they put out what THEY want people to watch. People will sit in front of the idiot box regardless what's on it. And if they hype a show enough, they'll get viewers. Advertising is very influential in the marketplace, otherwise McDonalds wouldn't be your kind of place and choosy mothers wouldn't choose Jif.

So the networks put out all these weird shows, and people sit in front of their TV with their finger in their nose. Pretty soon, whatever's being shown on TV starts getting reflected in society. Do you think teen girls started wearing belly shirts all across the country because they had a Vulcan mind-meld? Do you honestly think national fads just crop up at random, with no provocation or influence?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
All my children?
AMC is American Movie Classics - lots of John Wayne movies and newer PG-13 type of stuff.

What about lifetime for women channel
I would rather gnaw my arm off than watch touchy-feely "women's" programming.

, or biography, animal or any history channels
Re-read my post, please.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
Here's what I think:

I don't think networks put out what they think people want to watch. I think they put out what THEY want people to watch. People will sit in front of the idiot box regardless what's on it. And if they hype a show enough, they'll get viewers. Advertising is very influential in the marketplace, otherwise McDonalds wouldn't be your kind of place and choosy mothers wouldn't choose Jif.

So the networks put out all these weird shows, and people sit in front of their TV with their finger in their nose. Pretty soon, whatever's being shown on TV starts getting reflected in society. Do you think teen girls started wearing belly shirts all across the country because they had a Vulcan mind-meld? Do you honestly think national fads just crop up at random, with no provocation or influence?
I wouldn't give the networks that much credit. They're in a business, after all. They might have their own agendas (like CBS News or Fox News) but above all they want to make money. Plus, any fad or trend usually springs up in the urban areas where the networks are based, and it's easy for them to delude themselves into thinking that NY or LA represents the entire nation's tastes. Networks want to appeal to young viewers and their spending dollars, so they jump on new fads so they don't look old and stodgy. There's nothing conspiratorial about it, as I see it.

My explanation for the MNF opening? The Suits probably said, "Hey, most football fans are men, and most men are obsessed with sex, so let's promote a sexy show in the opening of the broadcast."


Football season!
vraiblonde said:
Do you think teen girls started wearing belly shirts all across the country because they had a Vulcan mind-meld? Do you honestly think national fads just crop up at random, with no provocation or influence?
Most say if you learn about a fad on TV, you've already missed it :ohwell: