More brass than the Pentagon


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Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
Me either. But I think Mid is a DU frequenter.
unless its Ducks Unlimited, i don't know what that is....

BTW, conservative here, voted for bush/cheney twice and bush/quail (sp) twice.

I had just heard the theory, and find it a VERY REASONABLE explination of the accident and the 18 hours that follow.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
I had just heard the theory, and find it a VERY REASONABLE explination of the accident and the 18 hours that follow.
Some guy on the Fox News roundtable batted that around last night and about got laughed out of the studio - by the libs and cons alike. :lol:

I'm not sure what the protocol is for a hunting accident in Texas. I would guess that the first thing they'd do is call an ambulance and tend to the victim. At some point all witnesses, including the shooter, would have to give a statement.

If Cheney were drunk, I don't think the rest of his hunting party would keep silent about that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Explain yourself...

Midnightrider said:
I didn't alledge anything, but the theory has been batted around by quite a few, and not all of them libs. It sure would explain why he didn't want to talk to the police until the next day.

Anyway, it sure is convienent for cheney that we will never know for sure.
My point is, if it had been you 2a, or any of us, we would have had to talk to the police right away or lawyer up. And you can garuntee that if we offered that we had had a beer we would have been tested.

...I accept that this adminstration could be helping little old ladies across the street and you'd find something evil about it, as is your God given right as an American, but why would you or me or anyone else report a hunting accident to the police?

Would you call them if you let go of the ladder and your friend fell off the roof while working on Christmas lights?

Would you call the cops if you were working on the car and there was an accident and you friend had to go to the hospital?

What, exactly, are the circumstances where you would call the cops after hurting your friend in an accident?

What accidents do not require law enforcement in your book?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And somehow...

Midnightrider said:
unless its Ducks Unlimited, i don't know what that is....

BTW, conservative here, voted for bush/cheney twice and bush/quail (sp) twice.

I had just heard the theory, and find it a VERY REASONABLE explination of the accident and the 18 hours that follow.

...the explanation given by Cheney last night is NOT very reasonable?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kerad said:

If the Democrats can con some guy into typing up a Word document and trying to pass it off as George Bush's National Guard records, then I'm sure they could get a ranch hand to say that Dick Cheney was drunk.



New Member
vraiblonde said:

If the Democrats can con some guy into typing up a Word document and trying to pass it off as George Bush's National Guard records, then I'm sure they could get a ranch hand to say that Dick Cheney was drunk.


Really, Vrai..I KNOW you're as HARDCORE Bushie as they come. But really. He was hunting with political buddies at a Republican lobbyist's ranch. And you put it out that if he was drunk, they'd turn him in. PLEASE. If I pulled that crap for a Dem you'd slash me in a second. And I would expect it.

The Bushies spent the 18 hours getting their stories straight. The Secret Service turned the police away that reschedule the next day. Please explain to me why...other than getting alcohol out of your bloodstream and getting your excuses straight....why would you delay the process?

Dickey says it's because it's "complicated".'s not complicated at all. You were hunting...and you accidently shot someone. His current condition does not have to be stabilized to explain that.

"The VP was hunting...accidently hit a hunting buddy with some birdshot...and his current medical conditon can be addressed by his doctors."

Easy enough.

Unless you need to coordinate stories...and get alcohol out of your system. And VP Dickey has plenty of experience with alcohol....


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
Kerad Posts: 540

That's pretty official. :razz:

Well... if Bushies (and their fan clubbers) are rating me as a BS-er..than I know I am solid in my facts.



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Kerad said:

Well... if Bushies (and their fan clubbers) are rating me as a BS-er..than I know I am solid in my facts.

I'd say you are up to your neck in :bs: because you are still breathing. You might want to stop soon.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Kerad said:

Well... if Bushies (and their fan clubbers) are rating me as a BS-er..than I know I am solid in my facts.

Completely illogical and utterly irrational.

But not unexpected.


Iron City
Larry Gude said:
...but why would you or me or anyone else report a hunting accident to the police?

Would you call them if you let go of the ladder and your friend fell off the roof while working on Christmas lights?

Would you call the cops if you were working on the car and there was an accident and you friend had to go to the hospital?

What, exactly, are the circumstances where you would call the cops after hurting your friend in an accident?

What accidents do not require law enforcement in your book?
At what point is it determined that someone being shot was an accident? Just because the shooter said so?

"Oh oopsie, I just shot my "friend" but don't tell anyone, no need to because I really didn't mean to do it."

In my opinion, this is a bit different than falling off a ladder.

Or how about "Oh oopsie, I was drinking before I ran over the pedestrian in the road, I didn't mean to hit him and I really didn't drink to much, just a beer or two, it was just an accident, no need to call the police."

I ask you to answer your own question, where do you draw the line?

The last time I checked, there were laws addressing one person shooting another, accidental or not, or are Texas law codes different. It's up to the local AG to make that determination, based on an investigation, hopfully unbiased. Based on the facts, the AG then makes the decision whether or not formal charges are brought against the shooter. Yes, in this case it was accidental and charges against the VP are not warranted. I believe that determination was made by the local officials, not the VP.


Kerad said:
VP Dicky has 2 documented DUI's on his record. My BS record is less official.

Why is it so flippin' hard for some people to tell the whole truth, rather than try to spin some small part of the story to emphasize their point? Yes, Cheney does have two DUIs, but they were from back in the 1950s and 1960s. That's 50-60 years ago... much longer than many of us have even been alive! They were also long before Cheney underwent multiple heart bypass surgeries, which the recipients of are told to limit or eliminate consumption of alcohol. So it seems awfully reasonable to me that Cheney would have had just one beer with friends for commraderie's sake, and very unlikely that he would have been drunk.

Also, I keep hearing conflicting reports about when Cheney talked to the Sheriff. That word Sheriff is pretty critical. You can talk to deputies all day long, but you're not actually talking to the Sheriff. I'm guessing that some deputy was talked to immediately, but the actual Sheriff didn't make an effort to talk to anyone until the next day. Lastly, remember that Cheney's standing right in the middle of an army of federal law enforcement officers... I doubt that I would be immediately concerned with contacting some smalltown Sheriff's Office either. Who needs Barney Fife swaggering around trying to look all-important to the Feds.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
mrweb said:

In my opinion, this is a bit different than falling off a ladder.

And what says you didn't give the ladder a push while your "friend" was on it?

There were witnesses. Lots of them. Now either everyone one of them is lying or you and the rest of the liberals are up in arms over much of nothing.