If this was Bill clinton or al gore you would be calling for their heads.
Oh yeah, like trashing Billy Dales life over the travel office or selling missile technology to China or pardoning Marc Rich or raping jaunita Broderick or pilaging S&L's with the McDougals or dealing with Lippo and on and on and on and on is SO
just like a hunting accident.
That's just BRILLIANT analysis. What's next? "I know you are but what am I?"
Nany nany boo boo? If you friends all jumped off a bridge?
Then lets say you accidentally run someone over while doing so
No, I got it! Let's
say that they were, uh...printing up fake money AND playing quarters AND planning to drill for oil in Yosemite and, let's see, let's SAY they were banging whores and didn't pay them and, uh, let's see, how about selling nuclear secrets to Iran and, uh, plotting to burn down some black churches, maybe blow up an orphanage and, uh, let's just SAY they were also wearing stockings and makeup and having 'cowboy' sex out on the range and, let's SAY they were shooting snail darters and, I GOT IT! Lets's SAY they were blowing American Eagles out of the sky and then pizzing on them!
How about let's say they were hitting a crack pipe, pulling girls hair, tearing labels off of mattresses and wearing 'Dixie Chicks Rock' T shirts...
No, no, let's say...let's just say whatever you WANT or NEED it to be and if that's not enough we'll just add more until you're happy?
Whaddya say?