More brass than the Pentagon

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Thank you Ken...

Texas Parks and Wildlife spokesman Tom Harvey would not provide specifics on the information gathered. He says hunting parties aren't required to report accidents.

Mr. Web can now commence freaking out that the law doesn't match his expectations.

Bet they don't require you to report ladder accidents either.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
But from what i understand, Cheney didn't talk to the authorities until the next morning.
Okay, that was my misunderstanding - I thought the Sheriff actually spoke to Cheney on the phone.

7:50 p.m.: The head of the Secret Service office in McAllen, Texas, calls the Kenedy County sheriff to report the accident. The sheriff asks to speak to Cheney, and they schedule an interview for 9 a.m. Sunday.

However the accident was reported to local police, who then scheduled a time to take Cheney's statement. If there were no reason to suspect criminal intent (and the Sheriff would have no reason to mistrust the account of Secret Service), then it was handled appropriately.

The furor is about the time lag in notifying the press, not in notifying the police. I, personally, applaud Cheney for not bringing down the vultures until they could get Mr. Whittington to the hospital and notify his family. The Dems are going to have to come up with a different angle - the only people who give a crap about the press are the hardcore Bush-haters.


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
I'm not painting you as anything. The man who was shot is a goddamn lawyer and if he feels abused or that malice was invloved or he was wronged in ANY way, I rely on him to deal with it.

The desire to get into this private matter is fascinating; there MUST be something going on!

Like what? And why is it of any concern?

If we play the fantsy version of this, Dick was drunk and therefore wanted to avoid the cops for awhile. Well guess what; he was on private prop-erty. His friends were probably drunk to. And if they were not and he was, they can sue or we can condemn them for being stupid enough to hunt with a drunk.

Can someone tell me how this is a public matter?

If this was Bill clinton or al gore you would be calling for their heads. You know that jsut that fact that he is the VP makes it a public incident. I didn't have any problem with him holding off on talking to the press.
And eventough they may not have been compelled to report a hunting accident, i am sure that texas has reporting laws for gunshot wounds and the hospital staff would have hed to report it, and there would have been an investigation anyway.
As far as private property is concerned, it doesn't really make that big of a difference. Lets say you are driving crunk on your own property- perfectly legal. Then lets say you accidentally run someone over while doing so- one of your friends. The police may not be able to arrest you for DUI since you were not on the public roads, but they can get you for reckless endangerment and a host of other related charges.
If being on private property meant you could not be guilty of a crime then all the people who beat their wives, and the wives don't want to press charges, haven't commited any crime b/c they were on private property, right?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
Anyone find this statement interesting.
I do. Why wouldn't a hunting party be required to report a firearm accident where someone was injured? You're required to call the cops when someone in your home is injured by a firearm - why would hunting parties be exempt? :confused:

But, again, the press isn't having a fit because they police weren't notified - they're having a fit because THEY weren't notified. And given Cheney's dislike of the press - which the media just solidified and validated - it's no wonder. There's no law that says he has to alert the media. And calling for his resignation (which some Dems are doing) is just ridiculous and proves what a vapid bunch of kooks they've become.


Super Genius
Midnightrider said:
If this was Bill clinton or al gore you would be calling for their heads.
I don't know about Larry, but I wouldn't. Sure, I'd joke, but I also joke about Cheney. Accidents are accidents. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
And eventough they may not have been compelled to report a hunting accident, i am sure that texas has reporting laws for gunshot wounds and the hospital staff would have hed to report it, and there would have been an investigation anyway.
But it WAS reported - read the AP timeline.

If being on private property meant you could not be guilty of a crime
Dick Cheney isn't guilty of a crime. The only people who think he is are Leftwing wackadoodles.

If this was Bill clinton or al gore you would be calling for their heads.
If I could even picture Bill or Al hunting without going into a laughing seizure... :lol: But, no, I for one wouldn't be calling for their heads. I'd make fun of them, but I wouldn't call for yet another "investigation" to try and pin something - anything - on them the way the Left does with Bush and every other Republican.


Well-Known Member
ylexot said:
I don't know about Larry, but I wouldn't. Sure, I'd joke, but I also joke about Cheney. Accidents are accidents. :shrug:
it doesn't matter to me who it is either, an accident is and accident. The problem i have is when people of privilage get special treatment.

Lets pose this one- how long between the report and the interview (with the police) if the shooter was a black kid from texas who had hit his friend and not the VP?


Lem Putt
Midnightrider said:
it doesn't matter to me who it is either, an accident is and accident. The problem i have is when people of privilage get special treatment.

Lets pose this one- how long between the report and the interview (with the police) if the shooter was a black kid from texas who had hit his friend and not the VP?
Make it the same situation. Witnessed by sworn law officers, and a senior law enforcement officer calls the sheriff. Same outcome.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I do. Why wouldn't a hunting party be required to report a firearm accident where someone was injured? You're required to call the cops when someone in your home is injured by a firearm - why would hunting parties be exempt? :confused:
Maybe because they already expect shootings of this nature due to it is an activity where they are firing weapons in a legal manner. If it's a fatality it madates an investigation. This is Texas and this was just a "winging". :biggrin:

But, again, the press isn't having a fit because they police weren't notified - they're having a fit because THEY weren't notified. And given Cheney's dislike of the press - which the media just solidified and validated - it's no wonder. There's no law that says he has to alert the media. And calling for his resignation (which some Dems are doing) is just ridiculous and proves what a vapid bunch of kooks they've become.
If one simply looks at what has happened since the press found out it becomes obvious why no one would want to tell them either. :doh:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
it doesn't matter to me who it is either, an accident is and accident. The problem i have is when people of privilage get special treatment.

Lets pose this one- how long between the report and the interview (with the police) if the shooter was a black kid from texas who had hit his friend and not the VP?
That's a dumb question - here's another - how many black kids got whacked LAST NIGHT in DC? Anyone? Ferris? Anyone?

The VP shooting someone is news - the other is not. It's a man bites dog kind of thing.


Well-Known Member
SamSpade said:
That's a dumb question - here's another - how many black kids got whacked LAST NIGHT in DC? Anyone? Ferris? Anyone?

The VP shooting someone is news - the other is not. It's a man bites dog kind of thing.
not too surprising that you would completely miss the point.

MMdad atleast understood where i was going with it, even if he didn't agree.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
not too surprising that you would completely miss the point..
Gimme a break. You don't know me from the man in the moon.

MMdad atleast understood where i was going with it, even if he didn't agree.
Then enliighten me. I don't see the difference except a vivid imagination, because privilege didn't have a lot of bearing in this. Hunting accidents happen often enough without them turning into "crimes". Black kids shooting each other in urban centers in gang-related violence is so common it isn't even NEWS. Non-fatal accidents between old rich guys doesn't exactly follow the pattern of violent crime.

If somehow you're trying to shed light on the fact that *society* is quick to presume that a black inner city youth who shoots someone probably did it on purpose - well, that ain't Cheney's fault. If I lie to you a hundred times, and tell an outrageous truth ONCE - you have to go with what makes sense.

I *would* be inclined to believe otherwise if it was a gunshot from two middle-aged black men - and the shooter called the police and an ambulance.


Midnightrider said:
Ok, First you should look at the post times before you go being an azz.

Next, so it was 15 hours instead of 18 and he headed off the request by scheduling an appointment to talk to them. You or i would not have been given that option.

anbd i guess reading isn't your strong point if you didn't get that i am a republican- but hey, its hard to look at things objectively if you are blindly following the leader

Again, you're overlooking the point that the shooting occured in front of plenty of federal law enforcement officers. You or I would immediately notify the police when we requested an ambulance, but in this case police are already on the scene. Why would the Sheriff be compelled to talk to Cheney immediately... unless he had some reason for thinking the federal cops were lying, which he apparently didn't. Looking at the timeline, it appears that the Feds got the situation under control, stabilized and transported the patient, and made a courtesy call to the local yocals. The Sheriff probably has a requirement to file a report, so he arranged a time to have the statement taken.

So unless you're alledging that all of those agents are a bunch of liars, you're conspiracy theory doesn't hold much water.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
The Sheriff probably has a requirement to file a report, so he arranged a time to have the statement taken.
Actually, according to another post (I read it on the Internet so it must be true) there is no requirement in Texas to report a hunting accident unless it is fatal.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

If this was Bill clinton or al gore you would be calling for their heads.

Oh yeah, like trashing Billy Dales life over the travel office or selling missile technology to China or pardoning Marc Rich or raping jaunita Broderick or pilaging S&L's with the McDougals or dealing with Lippo and on and on and on and on is SO just like a hunting accident.

That's just BRILLIANT analysis. What's next? "I know you are but what am I?"
Nany nany boo boo? If you friends all jumped off a bridge?

Then lets say you accidentally run someone over while doing so

No, I got it! Let's say that they were, uh...printing up fake money AND playing quarters AND planning to drill for oil in Yosemite and, let's see, let's SAY they were banging whores and didn't pay them and, uh, let's see, how about selling nuclear secrets to Iran and, uh, plotting to burn down some black churches, maybe blow up an orphanage and, uh, let's just SAY they were also wearing stockings and makeup and having 'cowboy' sex out on the range and, let's SAY they were shooting snail darters and, I GOT IT! Lets's SAY they were blowing American Eagles out of the sky and then pizzing on them!

How about let's say they were hitting a crack pipe, pulling girls hair, tearing labels off of mattresses and wearing 'Dixie Chicks Rock' T shirts...

No, no, let's say...let's just say whatever you WANT or NEED it to be and if that's not enough we'll just add more until you're happy?

Whaddya say?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Midnightrider said:
Lets pose this one- how long between the report and the interview (with the police) if the shooter was a black kid from texas who had hit his friend and not the VP?

Do you know how many black kids murder people every year? Do you know how many EVER pay for it?

DC solves somewhere between 40-60% of murders in a given year.

Guns charges go out the window. Witness intimidation is the norm. Lenient judges might send a kid off for a few years. The average time served in this country, black, white or purple, is 7 years.

So now, Dick Cheney is a race issue. Brilliant. Just brilliant. Not talking to David Gregory in X amount of time is 'privilege' for the rich and powerful.

Great stuff there.

Just for the hell of it, how many hours should have elapsed before David Gregory was personally notified? 30 seconds? 1 hour? 3 hours and 9 seconds?

How long?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I know! I know!

Let's say that Dick Cheney had all of Saddams weapons of mass destruction and was hiding them INSIDE of quails and he had to hide everything before...uh...Hans Blix showed up?

No, about Dick Cheney is ACTUALLY a black kid and wanted to build some street cred by shooting someone and he had to get his white face back on, no.....uh.....

No. They were shooting up heroin, sent over from a secret Afghan stash which was the REAL reason for

Damn it. What the flying hell was Dick Cheney up to!!?!?!!?!?!?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
Timeline of events following Cheney's hunting accident
By The Associated Press

A timeline of events following Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident, all times EST:

4 p.m.: Cheney begins an afternoon quail hunt with four other hunters on the private Armstrong Ranch in south Texas. They had been hunting earlier in the day, but took a break for lunch.
6:30 p.m.: Cheney accidentally shoots fellow hunter Harry Whittington while aiming for a bird. Secret Service agents and medical personnel with Cheney tend to wounds on Whittington's face, neck and chest.
7:20 p.m.: An ambulance takes Whittington to a Christus Spohn Hospital Kleburg.
At approximately 1830 hrs on Saturday February 11, 2006, Kenedy County Sheriff Ramon Salinas contacted me, Chief Deputy Gilberto San Miguel Jr. The phone call was in reference to a hunting accident on the Armstrong Ranch.
Look at the timeline and then the police report.

The only issue is media notification. Is it now the administration's duty to do the media's job too?