More brass than the Pentagon


Lem Putt
Kerad said:
You're all a bunch of whack-jobs!!!


Good comeback! If you can't argue something intelligently, use the left wing tactic of the personal attack. Billary would be proud of the way you can't think for yourself!


New Member
MMDad said:
Good comeback! If you can't argue something intelligently, use the left wing tactic of the personal attack. Billary would be proud of the way you can't think for yourself!

You sure feel the need to read into things.

My point was...and is..that you're all a bunch of whack-jobs.

Nothing to argue. Just an observation.

When I feel the need to provide an opposing view, I do a very good job of providing credentials.




Lem Putt
Kerad said:
You sure feel the need to read into things.

My point was...and is..that you're all a bunch of whack-jobs.

Nothing to argue. Just an observation.

When I feel the need to provide an opposing view, I do a very good job of providing credentials.



Since you are resorting to personal attacks: Idiot freak.


Dancing Up A Storm
:killingme Last paragraph in the article:
"Cheney is a terrorist. He terrorizes our enemies abroad and innocent citizens here at home indiscriminately. Who ever thought Harry Whittington would be the answer to America's prayers. Finally, someone who might get that lying, thieving Cheney into a courtroom to answer some direct questions."

:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kerad said:
My point was...and is..that you're all a bunch of whack-jobs.
And, coming from you, that just verifies that we're all normal, rational people.

When the crazies call you crazy...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I know!

Kerad said:
You're all a bunch of whack-jobs!!!


They're all sticking their heads in the sand, again, and ignoring the obvious!

This man SHOT an innocent man. That's no accident. I'll bet Whittington has the goods on these people, from everything from energy policy to the REAL reason we're in Iraq. This was, OBVIOUSLY, a warning.

I didn't hear this anywhere, yet, but what if 'ol Whit used to do some work for Halliburton and knows the REAL story behind that company and AID's, huh? Tuskegee, baby. Cheney worked there, you know. That's a fact even if he tries to cover it up.

Also, let's not forget that ol' Whitt is a LAWYER which was conveniently covered up for what, 18 hours, before we were told the TRUTH.

And also, I think I can claim this as an almost fact; Cheney has LEAD in his shotgun assault weapon shells. Lead. Do you know what that means? He tried to POISON a lawyer! Plus, the poor birds; he tries to poison them to. Obviously, the gun, like Cheneys heart, doesn't work very well or Whitt would be dead, so, there's Cheney, leaving 1/2 shot up birds laying around, dying slowly of lead poisoning...

Whack jobs, all of them.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
... But what does give me a little heartburn is that the VP didn't talk to the police for 18 hours after the incident. ...
Its' an undocumented Constitutional Right.

The Kennedy Clause.