More Racial Graffitti in Waldorf


New Member
rdkarob said:
Why do people do this, it isn't helping one bit! If you build it they will come!
Get over it, soon, or move.

It probably said naggers and so, it wasn't racist at all.


Yo Gabba Gabba
rdkarob said:
Why do people do this, it isn't helping one bit! If you build it they will come!
Get over it, soon, or move.
If you build what who will come? WTF does that have to do with grafitti?


I read the story the other was painted on playground equipment at two different schools.


New Member
Have a child at that school...very good school, teachers and nice new principal this year. Even so... if I can get anything out of my house I'm GONE!
Its a shame when you're afraid to take your child to the school playground after hours.
This story should really help the value of my house :mad:


New Member
robbie said:
Have a child at that school...very good school, teachers and nice new principal this year. Even so... if I can get anything out of my house I'm GONE!
Its a shame when you're afraid to take your child to the school playground after hours.
This story should really help the value of my house :mad:

Sorry, I moved out of Waldorf 5 years ago.......I have a daughter.....we may be moving away from LaPlata as well.....they're building it there.....meaning the mall and strip malls for those who don't know what "it" is.


what kind of satisfaction do people get from vandalizing property with racial remarks?


Yo Gabba Gabba
rdkarob said:
Sorry, I moved out of Waldorf 5 years ago.......I have a daughter.....we may be moving away from LaPlata as well.....they're building it there.....meaning the mall and strip malls for those who don't know what "it" is.
Ok. So what does a mall and strip mall have to do with racial grafitti? And who will come?


In My Opinion
nitwhit3286 said:
what kind of satisfaction do people get from vandalizing property with racial remarks?

for those of us that took the full course, we understand the value of these actions by looking no further than the David Duke theories of better living combined with the advertising theories brought forth from JPC.

its really a powerful combination when you think about it.


New Member
robbie said:
Phooey! Was gonna look down by LaPlata way.

There are still nice areas down there. Port Tobacco and down towards Welcome and Nanjemoy, all the old Waldorfians are moving down there so it is taking a turn, also Calvert is really nice.....we were looking there but decided to hang in LaPlata.....put our kid in Private School at Grace Lutheran.
It is expensive to buy in LaPlata but my girlfriend moved to Nanjemoy a year ago and it is so nice down there.


Yo Gabba Gabba
rdkarob said:
The delinquents!!!
For the love of......Please link grafitti at a playground and delinquents at a strip mall. I'd like to see how the two are related.


New Member
Ehesef said:
For the love of......Please link grafitti at a playground and delinquents at a strip mall. I'd like to see how the two are related.

your an idiot.....the more crap you have in the area.....the more crappy people you have..... :smack: