More Racial Graffitti in Waldorf


New Member
rdkarob said:
Spiderman, Wonderwoman, All Comic Heros.....

Hey I have a great idea to make money. We could do comic books with different races....or are there already some. I am frickin brilliant :elaine:


New Member
Finally (whew!) the justice system SUCKS! There is nothing to deter criminals in southern Maryland. Do the crime, do the time, get out and do it again. OOOOHHH I'm scared they say. When Maryland wises up and allows the right to carry again, we'll see a dramatic decrease in crime here, but not until. These laws are for criminals. The liberals think we might offend someone or hurt them emotionally if we make them uncomfortable in our jails. What's the use! Oh well, it felt good to unload. God help us!

I agree with Itallian Scallion.

Im all for starting up some sort of group in southern Maryland that will gain the interest of people in the area and work to support legislation to fix the criminal/social problems in this state and county region.

Call me a believer in the system but I think that the way to get change in this region and state is to fight for it. The Citizens have to band together. we need to start up a group called the "Citizens for a safer Southern Maryland." or "Maryland Citizens Defense League" What this organization would do is we would get together probably once a month find a place to have meetings and it would be free to whoever wants to show. This group would come up with ways to deal with the problems down here whether it was lobbying representatives, writing articles in the county paper and the washington post, harassing annapolis to listen to the citizens that care and push for change to the senseless laws and push for common sense laws like the "castle doctrine" or CCW reform. The more people that join the better. Police, lawyers, parents, elderly, you name it. Change will come. Look at groups like the VCDL in Va. and some of these other grassroots organizations, they make progress and are recognized across the tri state region.

People do care you will find out if something like this was to start up. People would show up for meetings, see what they can do to make life better in So. Md and not just here but in Maryland in general through our voices and forcing policy in Annapolis to change. Right now its just 1 or 2 citizens making a phone call voicing concern. Right now its just the little guy. The groups primary concern would be pushing for laws and policy that deters criminals across the region, enables citizens to defend themselves and their families and live free and happy to go about the area not feeling entrapped, defenseless, victimized, targeted, etc. The goals and objectives would not be primarily to deal with the 2nd amendment, but more or less all of the constitution, the right to self defense, the right to be heard, and make a government that worked for the people, not for someones agenda.

Give me liberty or give me death.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Chainsaw Slayer said:
The green lantern is chinese. Bruce Lee played him in a movie a long time ago.
That was the Green Hornet, Bruce Lee played his sidekick Kato.
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