More Racial Graffitti in Waldorf


I am so very blessed
rdkarob said:
your an idiot.....the more crap you have in the area.....the more crappy people you have..... :smack:
You called Eh an idiot? :shrug:

But yet you're the one that's living in Waldorf. :ohwell:



Well-Known Member
Sweet 16 said:
What makes it a hate crime is that they chose to write the words "KKK" and "white power".

Thats stupid. There shouldn't be any such thing as a hate crime. It isn't like people commit crimes against people you like.

It shouldn't matter why you commited a crime. Any crime should carry the same punishment regardless of why you did it.

For example if you beat somone up because they are black and you hate black people. Why should that carry a different punishment than if you beat up a random person just for the fun of beating somone up.
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New Member
bcp said:
why is black power considered a thing of pride and white power racist?
Because of slavery... We're all racist. :rolleyes:

Everything a white person does is racist. If a black person does it, it's because they're black and they deserve to be treated better than everyone else because of slavery and segregation and :blahblah: :blahblah: :rolleyes:


New Member
pingrr said:
Thats stupid. There shouldn't be any such thing as a hate crime. It isn't like people commit crimes against people you like.

It should matter why you commited a crime. Any crime should carry the same punishment regardless of why you did it.

For example if you beat somone up because they are black and you hate black people. Why should that carry a different punishment than if you beat up a random person just for the fun of beating somone up.
A hate crime is another way to lock a white person up for 5 more years if a crime is commited against a black person. :rolleyes:

I hear "hate crime" thrown around too often whenever something happens to a black person. But they don't throw it around for crimes against mexicans, muslims or white people or anyone else.

In other words, if my neighbor, who is black, shoots out my window, he might be charged for that IF I was nearby and in danger. He might also be charged with destruction of property. If I do it to him, I get those charges plus a "hate crime" because he's black and race was the 100% positive definite motive. Why was that the motive, because he's black.


J.F. A sus ordenes!
Sweet 16 said:
The same kind of satisfaction that any immature, bored child/teenager gets from writing any type of graffiti on the walls or vandalizing something that isn't theirs. They also busted a few lightbulbs according to the article. What makes it a hate crime is that they chose to write the words "KKK" and "white power".

Maybe his name was Kacious Kalowicious Kowolski! Maybe the White power was an ad for some new "OXY Clean" type cleaner! It could happen!!! This world is way to uptight!!! Wish I could move to the moon!! I live in Waldorf and things have changes quite a bit. When its time I will move to the sticks and make a happy home somplace else!!!

Richard Cranium

New Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
A hate crime is another way to lock a white person up for 5 more years if a crime is commited against a black person. :rolleyes:

I hear "hate crime" thrown around too often whenever something happens to a black person. But they don't throw it around for crimes against mexicans, muslims or white people or anyone else.

In other words, if my neighbor, who is black, shoots out my window, he might be charged for that IF I was nearby and in danger. He might also be charged with destruction of property. If I do it to him, I get those charges plus a "hate crime" because he's black and race was the 100% positive definite motive. Why was that the motive, because he's black.

Bout time you said something worth a ####.


Should be Huntin
itsbob said:
Sounds like the people in the neighborhood need to take control of their own neighborhood. You can't depend on the cops or someone else to keep a neighborhood nice and decent, it takes neighbors who actually care and will do something about it.

Make the schools/city change the laws pertaining to the use of the playgrounds. Have an age limit of who can use them and who can't, make them off limits after dark.. AND than the neighbors can video, take pictures, and call in miscreants for trespassing.

Police your own neighbohoods, the cops won't and can't!
I was taking control last night :yay: Riding around in Big truck on Patrol blowing Dixie horn every now and then get a hoot and holler from passer bys, then went out in the front yard playing with my new shotguns. Shootin at a ber box :yay: Thats a good way to keep the wrong crowd away :yay: gotta love Welcome


New Member
The grafitti is just the start... It could mean alot of things. It could be kids mad because they got jumped by people from up north, or just a prank that they knew would make headlines. Its also a clue as to whats to come. Just think whats going to happen with MS-13 rolls in down here and marks territory. Sounds like some of the lesser loser wannabe gangs are gonna be run out or destroyed systematically along with the cops, and the only hope of saving sanity in So Md will be arming good citizens and maybe the FBI.

The fact that it goes on is a result of 2 things. I blame the laws, the parents and the police. The law for not allowing citizens to protect themselves and their community. The duty to retreat. The parents for not supervising their kids, waking up when its too late, when the kid is in jail or on drugs. The police for not getting into community affairs. They could be out talking to kids in the evening finding out what goes on in their neighborhood instead of writing traffic tickets! How bad will the communities get before Maryland wakes up and says enough is enough? The PTA? What a failure. HOA's? They are a joke too. The kids who roam the streets in the evening from the time they get off school till late at night, no supervision, how many people have given them something to do? Offered some sort of program. 10 to 1, the kids doing this aren't football players or soccer players, they are the kids that don't do sports, that don't have the grades for sports or school related extra curricular activities, and alls it takes to put an end to this is to get involved in your community. Invited the kids to a fire department rescue squad or boyscouts, girlscouts, explorers, some sort of intervention program that structures their time, channels their energy and makes them a better citizen of society, doing something that their parents never will.. Invite them to channel their anger, do a neigborhood martial arts program or something. I don't know. Letting them roam free and allowing random crackdealers from DC and PG to get them hooked is not the answer. You decide the results southern maryland. And when you say "Oh its not my problem", well it is, because their kids will grow up to kill your kids. This is why it takes a village to raise a kid, and you must do somethign to make an attempt to intervene at some point. If no one else will step up to the plate, someone has to.

Be sure to call the CCSO up and ask them why their gang task force hasn't made any arrests in this county lately, and why they've been writing speeding tickets instead.. lol.


New Member
BadGirl said:
You called Eh an idiot? :shrug:

But yet you're the one that's living in Waldorf. :ohwell:


Apparently you did not read the entire thread.....LaPlata...moved from Waldorf 4 years ago. :wench:


New Member
Magnum said:
I was taking control last night :yay: Riding around in Big truck on Patrol blowing Dixie horn every now and then get a hoot and holler from passer bys, then went out in the front yard playing with my new shotguns. Shootin at a ber box :yay: Thats a good way to keep the wrong crowd away :yay: gotta love Welcome

Gunston Road baby


As I was downloading at the WAWA on Berry Rd this morning, I couldn't help but notice as I was leaving the message scratched into the metal of the stall......

"h8 whites" and a swastika laden "I hate N's"

There's hate from both sides and there always will be.


New Member
a couple years back there was racist graffiti at another Waldorf school. When they caught them they were black. Do you think sometimes both black and white kids write that stuff just to get in the news and get crap stirred up?? Pretty bad when you are starved for attention so bad that you would write stuff about your own race.


Harley Rider
protectmd said:
The grafitti is just the start...the only hope of saving sanity in So Md will be arming good citizens and maybe the FBI.

I blame the laws, the parents and the police. The law for not allowing citizens to protect themselves and their community. The parents for not supervising their kids, waking up when its too late, when the kid is in jail or on drugs. The police for not getting into community affairs...The PTA? What a failure. HOA's? They are a joke too. The kids who roam the streets in the evening from the time they get off school till late at night, no supervision, how many people have given them something to do? You decide the results southern maryland. And when you say "Oh its not my problem", well it is, because their kids will grow up to kill your kids.
Be sure to call the CCSO up and ask them why their gang task force hasn't made any arrests in this county lately, and why they've been writing speeding tickets instead.. lol.

I have screamed for years about this. I've met with the commissioners, was president of crime watch and the HOA in my "hood", and I finally said: enough! I couldn't get the HOA, the cops or the commissioners to do anything! THEY ALL SUCK! I run a teen club in Waldorf. We try to give them something to do and to guide them into adulthood before they mess their lives up and the cops get them. We have a high success rate with them but we have been unable to reach a few. My biggest complaints were the parents and schools. The parents "buy" their kids love. My kids will NOT have all the "tech toys' offered today. No "MY SPACE" and limited computer & TV time. Stay in your kid's lives! Talk, read and do activities with them. Show them love & affirm their self worth. Money is not required. Time is free. Your kids are better off with time & attention from you than they are with all the money & toys in life. Next, I blame the schools for not teaching patriotism anymore. Every school should show patriotic movies once a week. I am damn sick and tired of this politically correct crap! If our flag offends you, BYE BYE, beat it! The only reason you can say "it offends me" is because of the freedom that our troops won for us. You'd be shot in any other country for saying that. Finally (whew!) the justice system SUCKS! There is nothing to deter criminals in southern Maryland. Do the crime, do the time, get out and do it again. OOOOHHH I'm scared they say. When Maryland wises up and allows the right to carry again, we'll see a dramatic decrease in crime here, but not until. These laws are for criminals. The liberals think we might offend someone or hurt them emotionally if we make them uncomfortable in our jails. What's the use! Oh well, it felt good to unload. :banghead: God help us!


Im On 1.
Chainsaw Slayer said:
If you build a KFC black people will come.

couldn't even get to page 3 without ignorance was just a matter of time......

If I want to hear anyone complain about Waldorf I definetly know where to look

Chainsaw Slayer

New Member
Qurious said:
couldn't even get to page 3 without ignorance was just a matter of time......

If I want to hear anyone complain about Waldorf I definetly know where to look

Am I wrong. Are you trying to say that black people don't like KFC.


New Member
Chainsaw Slayer said:
Am I wrong. Are you trying to say that black people don't like KFC.

Go to the one in Waldorf, you are not wrong but I like it myself, I just prefer Popeyes....