MissMissy said:
To everyone that thinks my MIL is a perfect little angel. I just got a call from my husband. MIL is mad b/c I moved things around when she moved them yesterday. Shes manipulative. Now hes mad b/c she was so upset. WTF!!!!!
Ok, the war has begun.

You should get a hotel for a couple of nights, that hissy fit will straighten shiat out. Trust!!!
Oh, and I am with you on not liking what makes you uncomfortable. If it does, it does.
My cousin was staying with me for a while and to help out he would take my son's or my clothes out the dryer and fold them in neat piles. I have NO dressers, just a lingerie chest and all of my clothes are hung on hangers or folded in stacks on the closet shelves. Much of my son's are on hangers too.
I didnt like it but It motivated me to handle them as soon as they dried or at least put the stuff in baskets and then in my room until I could get to them. In his defense he left my unmentionables in the netted bags.