I will have you know that I have now gone FOUR week long visits with my mother, the remote controller, without having a single cross word with her. I think if I can do that, you can certainly behave with your MIL for a few days.
Of course, I made merciless fun of her and had several belly laughs at her expense, but I didn't get mad or even irritable. She was pretty pissed, but I was calm and serene.
I do not like her doing my laundry, not because I'm worried about her seeing my undiepants but because she doesn't sort. My Dad has more pink t-shirts than anyone you've ever seen. So when she told me to go get my things so she could wash them, I just told her no, I'll do them when I get home. She insisted, I said no, I'm ticky about my laundry. She started getting bent, I asked her if she was seriously going to have a fit because I wouldn't let her wash my clothes. She proceeded to have a fit and I said, well, I guess that answers my question.
My dad was howling
At one point she wanted to drive my rental car for whatever reason. I told her no, it's a rental and she wasn't on the insurance. This was right after she told me her car was in the shop because - ready? - she'd driven it into a concrete wall.
She huffed and said, "You act like I'm retarded." I replied, "No, YOU act like you're retarded." This made my dad and I both crack up laughing, and she pouted until we'd recovered, then all was well.
But I did not get cross or feel frustrated in any way. And I think if I can deal with that crazy person, you can deal with someone who's actually trying to be nice. Just tell her you're ticky about your laundry - make it your problem and not hers.
That is what I'll be doing in the future. The last visit was the first time she touched my laundry so from now on it will either be done BEFORE they arrive or it will be well hidden.
I dunno, it's just really hard because I KNOW she is just trying to be helpful but it ends up making extra work for me after they leave trying to straighten out her help. I think she knows I don't like her doing chores around my house so she tries to sneak them when I'm not looking. It ends up with me having to play treasure hunt all over my kitchen to figure out where she put this, that or the other thing. Or the time I opened up a cupboard and had coffee cups fall out on my head because she tried stacking them on a high shelf.
I wish we had had this conversation, because honestly that is how she makes me feelLike a bad wife and a bad mother.
Again, she's a wonderful woman and I know that isn't her intent and regardless of how much rationalizing I try to do to myself I still feel butthurt about it.
Oh wow! I agree she should just sit around smoking in your home, leaving dirty dishes scattered around. Throw her dirty clothes down to you and ask you to take care of them. She should not ever ever make a meal for you to eat after you come home from a long day at work. How dare she!
You are lucky that you have someone to come and visit you and try to help out with the baby. It is not a permanent situation. Get a grip!
Then TELL her that that's how she's making you feel.
And women wonder why men think that all their talking is meaningless yapping.
But the baby in their room while you are there - that's unusual to me. I don't get that and I would have a problem with it, especially if she insists on it.
Wow. Obviously, your mom has an issue with grandkids, but it begs the question: did she also do irrational/irresponsible/reckless things with her own children? If so, double Wow.Consider yourself lucky that your MIL cares as much as she does. She could be like mine. When kids were little, she would do things that would put their lives in danger because she wouldn't think first. Things like not buckling kids with seat belts, giving 9 month old jello with walnuts in it, placing 1 year old who was not steady on his feet in chest deep water and walking away. Now that the kids are older, she makes every excuse to not see them. Will purposedly avoid Maryland all together when driving from GA to NY. If you say anything about what the kids are up to over the phone, she will quicky change the subject off of them.
Be happy with what you got. It could be worse.
Wow. Obviously, your mom has an issue with grandkids, but it begs the question: did she also do irrational/irresponsible/reckless things with her own children? If so, double Wow.
Try being grateful for a MIL that cares enough to want to be a part of your childs life, I'm sure from what you have written here that your MIL is only trying to be helpful to all of you, no one is perfect, but calm respectful communication seems to resolve most of the issues for all concerned........I never had a grandparent and always longed for one, I saw so many great loving relationships between a grandparent and child over the years, we never know when we may need help in life and it would be great to know that there is someone to care for our child in our absence, should the need arise, who will genuinely love and care for them. You can't imagine the love you can have for a grandchild, until you become a grandparent............it is one of the greatest joys in my life.......I feel so blessed to have my 2 granddaughters, and am so grateful........relax and let the best evolve.
And here I've always assumed that the rants you make on your MIL were/are part of your schtick. I never realized that you really disliked her that much.All very nice, but I can tell you without any doubt or reservations, should something have happened that required my daughter to no longer live with us, I would prefer her to have gone to become a ward of the state before going to my MIL.
I say this as seriously as I can.