Moving a 12 yr old from public to private school


Active Member
InsanelyBusy said:
Having so many issues with Calvert county school, middle school to be exact.
Our child is average. No learning disabilities, nor bad attitude, and has good ability to succeed. My issues are mostly with the lack of communication, with every avenue I try , with this middle school. I'm not going to name the middle school, I'm trying not to put blame on any certain school curriculum. And I am not able to homeschool.

Am thinking our child may have a better chance at soaking up an education via private school, maybe the one on Solomons.

If you've been in this situation, and would like to comment or offer any positive experience regarding my post, im interested in reading what you have to say here.

I'm looking for postives or any negatives regarding this situation. I'm not looking for jokes, as this isnt a "johnny can't learn" situation. My child is doing ok in school. I just have alot of concerns, and no matter how I try to address them, they get swept under the carpet, so to speak, by the school.

Have your kids done better in a private school setting?
I know kids will be kids, and nothing is guaranteed. However, I really need to do something here. The public school system here and their lack of communication, no matter what my effort ( and it has been a dilligent effort over the whole school year) has taken its toll on my childs education.

Thanks In advance

I may be a little bias since my wife teaches in Calvert County. I can tell you there are a lot of crappy parents out there and they tend to blame everything on the school. Now before you go nuts thinking I am calling you a crappy parent hear me out. I don't know you so I can't make that call.

What I am trying to say is that the schools spend an inordinate amount of time hand holding crappy parents who do nothing but blame teachers and principals for the lack of discipline in their children. I hear it time and time again, the good ones suffer because the school has to accommodate the trouble makers.

With that, be loud, be VERY loud with your concerns. Talk to the principal daily if you can, let him / her know you are serious and are watching closely. Talk to the teacher every day if you can. You will find teachers are willing to spend A LOT more time with a particular student if they know the parents are reinforcing the school work at home. I can't stress this point enough, the teachers WANT to teach, but their time is at a premium, you need to show them your child is worth the extra time.

Do NOT expect the school to raise your child, that's your job, theirs is to educate, not to teach social graces.


New Member
InsanelyBusy said:
Having so many issues with Calvert county school, middle school to be exact.
Our child is average. No learning disabilities, nor bad attitude, and has good ability to succeed. My issues are mostly with the lack of communication, with every avenue I try , with this middle school. I'm not going to name the middle school, I'm trying not to put blame on any certain school curriculum. And I am not able to homeschool.

Thanks In advance

I have to agree with you 100%. I have been to Mill Creek Middle School 7 times this year, met with teachers and guidance and also made phone contact with the Guidance. IT DOESN'T HELP!!! I have asked for specifics to be done by the teachers for a little extra help, nope, no can do. It is ALL THE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES. I am so sick of hearing that crap, if they had offered a little extra help at the beginning of the school year, my child might have passed, but I already told them, I am not passing my child with those grades. I think she is ok with that. Why pass these kids to the next grade if they didn't get it? They want their numbers to look good. I have seen how the private school works, they have taken children to the library and did extra tutoring. If you can afford the private school, I would go for it.


Salt Life
keepsmiling said:
IT DOESN'T HELP!!! I have asked for specifics to be done by the teachers for a little extra help, nope, no can do. It is ALL THE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES. I am so sick of hearing that crap, if they had offered a little extra help at the beginning of the school year, my child might have passed
:killingme Your child failed on his/her own; not because of the school. :poorbaby:


Come Play at BigWoodys
bresamil said:
12 would be 7th grade wouldn't it? :confused:

I was thinking just started Middle school LOL. Reason for the concern is Environment Shock. Middle school is different and some kids take longer to adjusting to the changes. Kids have to stay focused and not concentrate on the hormonal goof ball kids that don't know what respect is. It is really up to parents to be involved and encourage the child and the school to stay proactive.


wandering aimlessly
FastCarsSpeed said:
I was thinking just started Middle school LOL. Reason for the concern is Environment Shock. Middle school is different and some kids take longer to adjusting to the changes. Kids have to stay focused and not concentrate on the hormonal goof ball kids that don't know what respect is. It is really up to parents to be involved and encourage the child and the school to stay proactive.
My son is in Environment Shock going to public high school after 9 years of private school. :lol:
Another consideration is where is the child going to high school? Public or private? Shoving them in private school for 2 years then back out into public school...I wouldn't encourage it. Learn to work with the system, and be LOUD about concerns.


New Member
Thor said:
I may be a little bias since my wife teaches in Calvert County. I can tell you there are a lot of crappy parents out there and they tend to blame everything on the school. Now before you go nuts thinking I am calling you a crappy parent hear me out. I don't know you so I can't make that call.

What I am trying to say is that the schools spend an inordinate amount of time hand holding crappy parents who do nothing but blame teachers and principals for the lack of discipline in their children. I hear it time and time again, the good ones suffer because the school has to accommodate the trouble makers.

With that, be loud, be VERY loud with your concerns. Talk to the principal daily if you can, let him / her know you are serious and are watching closely. Talk to the teacher every day if you can. You will find teachers are willing to spend A LOT more time with a particular student if they know the parents are reinforcing the school work at home. I can't stress this point enough, the teachers WANT to teach, but their time is at a premium, you need to show them your child is worth the extra time.

Do NOT expect the school to raise your child, that's your job, theirs is to educate, not to teach social graces.

I agree with you too 100%. But when you have asked for some extra help and your turned down on several occasions, then what. I have tried. Trust me I have tried. My child is very well behaved, during the meetings one teacher complemented me on how she has excellent manners. But I needed a little "communication" help from the teachers and I didn't get it, and here we are going into March the grades have not gotten better they are worse.


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
:killingme Your child failed on his/her own; not because of the school. :poorbaby:

Why would you say that? Some kids do require extra help, not all kids are perfect. She really tries. That is what's wrong everybody is suppose to be the same, and we are not.


New Member
I forgot to mention, my daughter just turned 11 in December. She doesn't belong in the sixth grade to begin with. The rules have now changed since she was enrolled regarding the age of a child. Thank goodness, because it is harder on a child when they have that "late birthday".


But wait, there's more...
keepsmiling said:
Why would you say that? Some kids do require extra help, not all kids are perfect. She really tries. That is what's wrong everybody is suppose to be the same, and we are not.

Not taking sides here, but if you as the parent can't keep up with the needs of one child, how do you expect a teacher to keep up with the individual needs of 20+? :shrug: Cut the teacher some slack and stop expecting them to be the answer to your prayers. They're teachers; not hand-holders.


Salt Life
keepsmiling said:
Why would you say that? Some kids do require extra help, not all kids are perfect. She really tries. That is what's wrong everybody is suppose to be the same, and we are not.
Why do I say that? Because your child is responsible for her school work, her grades, brushing her teeth, taking a shower, and overall, taking responsibility for herself. The school system is not a babysitter - they are there to teach just as your child is there to learn. Instead of blaming the school system, help your child excel; don't expect someone else to do it.


But wait, there's more...
Chasey_Lane said:
Why do I say that? Because your child is responsible for her school work, her grades, brushing her teeth, taking a shower, and overall, taking responsibility for herself. The school system is not a babysitter - they are there to teach just as your child is there to learn. Instead of blaming the school system, help your child excel; don't expect someone else to do it.

Well-said, my hooka! :high5: I have a lot of teachers in my family, and I hear it from both sides ... as parents, we expect teachers to be miracle workers. Yea, they have it good with the summers off and all, but when school's in session, they're slaves to the system and students. Cut 'em some slack, show them some respect/sympathy, and you might just get a little better response. You attract more bees with honey than :bs:.


I Need a Beer
keepsmiling said:
Why would you say that? Some kids do require extra help, not all kids are perfect. She really tries. That is what's wrong everybody is suppose to be the same, and we are not.

Have you requested that your child be tested for an IEP (individualized education plan)? As a parent you have this right - but it is up to you to initiate the process. Children that have an IEP in place are given the extra help and time to complete lessons, etc.


Come Play at BigWoodys
citysherry said:
Have you requested that your child be tested for an IEP (individualized education plan)? As a parent you have this right - but it is up to you to initiate the process. Children that have an IEP in place are given the extra help and time to complete lessons, etc.


What's it 2 U
I have an older child in public school and a younger in private and I have had an equal number of issues with both schools. Both have required that my DH and I stay on top of things, including making sure our kids are taking personal responsibility for themselves and their work. While there have been a few times I have had to call a teacher to task, there have been an equal amount and then some of times I have had to have a "Come to Jesus" talk with my children. That is why when one of my children come home with the "my teacher is so mean" story, I don't react, because 9 times out of 10 my child has done something or not done something for the teacher to get on them or I am only hearing half the story. The only thing I don't like is that even when I have met with teachers in middle and high school and said if anything goes awry, please notify me immediately, they have not done so. I usually find out when the interim reports come out that the older one is talking too much or not turning in homework. But, I understand the teachers have many students and mine is no more special than the rest. That is why I contact them and almost always they are responsive, appreciative and helpful.


New Member
I've always thought that I would be "crushing" for a child to be held back in middle or high school. My son has had a friend in middle and two in high school held back and all of them the following year (this year) are in the paper today on the principles honors list.
Sometimes it may be an issue with maturity.


I bowl overhand
keepsmiling said:
I agree with you too 100%. But when you have asked for some extra help and your turned down on several occasions, then what. I have tried. Trust me I have tried. My child is very well behaved, during the meetings one teacher complemented me on how she has excellent manners. But I needed a little "communication" help from the teachers and I didn't get it, and here we are going into March the grades have not gotten better they are worse.
How many times have you taken him to Saturday School??

How many times has he stayed after for after school help??