"My kids are my life."


New Member
Some people do.

That's their choice.

I'm quite the opposite - becoming a mother has made me a better person, and more in touch with my own identity and purpose. But that was my way - and it doesn't work for everyone I know that.


New Member
That is not at all what I mean. My life revolving around my kids means to me that they are always forefront in my mind over anything and any and all plans I make for myself are fit in around their needs first. Mine are older now so I very often spend time away from them and they from me. But I would cancel or change my plans if I felt my kids needed me during that timeframe.

I can sum it up by saying, in general, I would do without before I would let my kids do without.

I can see what you're saying. Maybe it just sounded weird hearing women say, "My kids are my life." Like being a mother is the ONLY thing going in their life.

I wholeheartedly agree.

What is the everything that you're referring to anyway?? Becoming a parent is the most special thing in the whole world a woman can ever do -

Says you. Women can do much more than give birth.

Some people do.

Exactly. I guess that's my question. I mean, can't you still be a great mom but want to keep some sense of identity?


Free to Fly
I have to agree that my kids/grandkids mean the world to me and I can't imagine my life without any of them. I have many other identities too: wife, sister, aunt, friend, boss, teacher - and I'm sure there are more, but I feel they combine to make me who I am and not that they have overtaken me.


Active Member
I hear women say this all the time. To me, it sounds like they give up everything for their kids. No more hobbies, no more friends, etc. Their whole entire life revolves around their children.

Do you think someone would be a bad mother if she said, "I love my kids, but I am still a person, not just a mom." If she went out and made time for herself, and didn't let her entire world revolve around being a mother.

Is it possible to have a life and be a mother? At least when the child is young?

My kids are my life. However, i go out with my frineds when I can. I ususally get up 30/45 minutes before anyone for "ME" time because once they are up unitl they go to bed all you do is things with the kids, for the kids, and by the kids. piroritizing is the key.


Starting Over
I take time for myself every 2 weeks, block out 2.5 hrs on my Friday off for myself to get the hands and feet done. But I have my kids 24/7 and I deserve it :razz:

I do feel bad afterwards and pick them up to have lunch together...


Everything i do revolves around my kids. I put them first, then my Hubby them me. I have always been that way. I always put myself last. I have to make sure others are taken care of first. I still have ME time. When they take a nap or when i go grocery shopping. I just make sure i schedule it in. Thats just how i do things.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Does that mean a woman should give up everything for her kids? Never take time for herself? I can understand that kids mean the world to them, but to say they have nothing outside of their kids?
Hey, if you want to be a selfish bad Mom, nobody is stopping you. How can your child be your best friend if you don't spend time with them?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That's not saying that you lose your sense of self, your identity - it's just saying that you change who you are, what your priorities are.

Exactly. Instead of (whatever your first name is) you become So-and-So's Mommy. Just like when you get married, you become So-and-So's Wife. After awhile you get so used it it you start signing your checks that way. Then you know you're a TRUE woman. :yay:


New Member
Hey, if you want to be a selfish bad Mom, nobody is stopping you. How can your child be your best friend if you don't spend time with them?

:rolleyes: I'm not sure it's healthy for parents to be their kids' best friends.

And if you want to get snippy, I can bring up the point that you said before you smoked while pregnant. That sounds like you put the child first. :rolleyes:


I feel very lucky that i able to be home with my kids. I got/get to see all their first. My Hubby doesn't. I wouldn't pass that up for anything!


:rolleyes: I'm not sure it's healthy for parents to be their kids' best friends.

And if you want to get snippy, I can bring up the point that you said before you smoked while pregnant. That sounds like you put the child first. :rolleyes:

I want to make sure my kids can come to me with any problem they have. I was never able to talk to my parents about anything. I think that is unhealthy. You just have to make sure they still know who is in charge.