N. Korea warns US troops threaten 'all-out war'


I do not hate my Country - no, as I just hate what trashy people have done to my Country.

It makes more sense to me that the hateful warmongers and bigots in our USA are the ones who need to be put down.

I would not want the American warmongers and bigots to move out of my USA because nobody else and no other Country would deserve to have our trash dumped onto them.

For me to leave my USA and go to Africa or to Britain then that would be like me abandoning my ship instead of me staying here and me helping to save our America from the warmongers and bigots that do infest our population here.

If you believe that you and your own nasty kind are the owners or the rightful representatives of this USA then you are mistaken, and you need to be given a more proper taste of your rightful and determined opposition.


And this is the frightening thing about the progressives mindset, JPC and his like-minded ilk that are in charge of the country at the moment, if given the leeway would commit genecide within our own borders to get rid of those people who do not share the same sick liberal ideas that they possess.

You would be laughable JPC, if you didn't mean every word you said. Because of people like you, there WILL be a civil war in this country again.


New Member
Our own warmongers say such as that, but it was the fact that Hitler rejected the appeasement which is the reason why the allies demanded an unconditional surrender and Nazi Germany was completely crushed accordingly.

Hitler was the warmonger who rejected any appeasement and he rightly paid heavy for his stubborn stance.

When America rejects any appeasements then we set ourselves up for our own ultimate failure - and rightly so.

Today it is our own USA who has become the evil empire to the world.

We the USA are the aggressor in Korea.

We the USA are the ones with our nuclear weapons in their homeland.

The North Korean Republic is not against the South, as the North is only against us the foreign invaders.

I do regret that you would feel this way about me, but you really are not better than I.

It is only your self who has to take personal shots at me in your vain attempt to make your self as righteous, but I know better than that.


A lot of false statements again. Where do I start? The allies tried to appease Hitler in the stages before the War, we let him take territories without any response and let them fortify their positions and feed more materials into their war machine. It wasn't until the allies realized that letting them have what they wanted didn't work and then we went in. There are governments you just can't be diplomatic with and North Korea is one of those governments. Peace is always the first option but should never be the only option. A concept I know you just can't comprehend. Broaden your mind.

The US stays on the south side of the 38th Parallel, we are not being aggressive there. We are holding a defensive border. Again, if the North never attacked back in the 50's, the US would not be there in the first place. The US initially wanted nothing to do with Korea and saw Japan as the buffer zone.

To say the North is not against the south is complete and utter nonsense. The North continuously blasts the south government and people on their state run television. More often than not they don't even mention the US. Also, when the North was being extremely aggressive last year they sunk a south Korean Navy vessel without warning and they also shelled a south Korean island where there is no US presence.

And as with your comment of where the US weapons are pointed, you have no idea where US nuclear weapons are. So stop saying things that have no basis of fact just to make yourself sound like you know what you are talking about.

And to be honest JP, I don't see myself better than many people.Thoguh I do say you are being useless in your life. I am jsut making an obvious observation. If the shoe fits wear it. I pay taxes and contribute my fair share. Even though I work a full time job I still find time to volunteer my time. You sir have no excuse to be as useless as you are.
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wandering aimlessly
The North Korean Republic is not against the South, as the North is only against us the foreign invaders.

Do you live in North Korea? Are you a North Korean Republic government official? How do you know their stance? Please base your on actual personal knowledge gained in North Korea and not some article or propaganda.


My real name.

A lot of false statements again. Where do I start? The allies tried to appease Hitler in the stages before the War, we let him take territories without any response and let them fortify their positions and feed more materials into their war machine. It wasn't until the allies realized that letting them have what they wanted didn't work and then we went in. There are governments you just can't be diplomatic with and North Korea is one of those governments. Peace is always the first option but should never be the only option. A concept I know you just can't comprehend. Broaden your mind.

The US stays on the south side of the 38th Parallel, we are not being aggressive there. We are holding a defensive border. Again, if the North never attacked back in the 50's, the US would not be there in the first place. The US initially wanted nothing to do with Korea and saw Japan as the buffer zone.

To say the North is not against the south is complete and utter nonsense. The North continuously blasts the south government and people on their state run television. More often than not they don't even mention the US. Also, when the North was being extremely aggressive last year they sunk a south Korean Navy vessel without warning and they also shelled a south Korean island where there is no US presence.

And as with your comment of where the US weapons are pointed, you have no idea where US nuclear weapons are. So stop saying things that have no basis of fact just to make yourself sound like you know what you are talking about.

And to be honest JP, I don't see myself better than many people.Thoguh I do say you are being useless in your life. I am jsut making an obvious observation. If the shoe fits wear it. I pay taxes and contribute my fair share. Even though I work a full time job I still find time to volunteer my time. You sir have no excuse to be as useless as you are.

This just goes back to what I already said:

Your kind just have a violent perspective on everything, as your kind will always make wars on top of more wars.

People like myself will seek out and find ways of making peace and at stopping the wars.

You will always be righteous on your own side because you believe in the use of brute force to get your own way against other people.

For me you are the same ugly violent stereo type that never goes away.



New Member
This just goes back to what I already said:

Your kind just have a violent perspective on everything, as your kind will always make wars on top of more wars.

People like myself will seek out and find ways of making peace and at stopping the wars.

You will always be righteous on your own side because you believe in the use of brute force to get your own way against other people.

For me you are the same ugly violent stereo type that never goes away.


To this whole forum you are nothing but the village idiot. You're just upset I made many valid points against your pure nonsense. North Korea is a regime that will not change through diplomacy. We had that food package all ready to go. They agreed to not do anymore testing. Great, there was a new leader in North Korea and might be more reasonable than his father. Then, he broke his promise and went forth with weapons testing. This is what North Korea does, they come out wanting a peace branch, our side goes for it and then they go against their word. You can't negotiate with people like that. I have not once said we go to war with North Korea (even though you try to insert those words in my mouth) but we aren't going to toss gifts their feet or abandon our FRIENDS in the south. The North has no right to request we leave land that does not belong to them. The U.S. leaving would only lead to a war over there. The north dare not attack when we are stationed there.


My real name.

That explains why the North invaded the South in 1950.

It seems odd that you who repeatedly ask for a link to such claims and yet you never give any such link your self.

And no, I am not asking you for any link - TIA.

There really was only one Korea and it was the USA who demanded that their Country be divided by the force of arms into a "north and south".

The northern part of Korea did enter into the southern peninsula in order to reunite their own Country as one Country instead of two.

The USA was wrong to interfere and to forcibly divide their Country with our brute force.

As such we the USA have been wrong ever after - over 60 years now and continuing our ongoing wrong.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
There really was only one Korea and it was the USA who demanded that their Country be divided by the force of arms into a "north and south".

Have you ever been correct about anything in your entire sorry life?

The Korean peninsula was made a protectorate immediately after the war ended, with the US only governing the southern "half" and the Soviet Union the north.

Then this happened:

Though elections were scheduled, the Soviet Union refused to cooperate with United Nations plans to hold general and free elections in the two Koreas, and as a result, a Communist state was permanently established under Soviet auspices in the north

Look as I have, I've completely failed to find any references to any "forcible" US actions related to the permanent division of the Korean peninsula. Quite the opposite is true...of course.


New Member
It seems odd that you who repeatedly ask for a link to such claims and yet you never give any such link your self.

And no, I am not asking you for any link - TIA.

There really was only one Korea and it was the USA who demanded that their Country be divided by the force of arms into a "north and south".

The northern part of Korea did enter into the southern peninsula in order to reunite their own Country as one Country instead of two.

The USA was wrong to interfere and to forcibly divide their Country with our brute force.

As such we the USA have been wrong ever after - over 60 years now and continuing our ongoing wrong.


The North entered the south under false claims that the south entered into their territory and they marched into the south to execute their government. The US intervened after the UN resolution 83 which asked member countries to intervene. The US was not unjust to help and was asked to help not only by the South Korean government but by the UN also.

And I think you meant the North invaded the south. The South did not welcome the North and the north committed plenty of atrocities on their way down to the southern tip of Korea.


My real name.

The Korean peninsula was made a protectorate immediately after the war ended, with the US only governing the southern "half" and the Soviet Union the north.

Korea did not need any protection after Japan moved out.

The USA had no rightful claim to any part of Korea.

But aside from arguing past history which makes no difference because our wrongs are already long standing, so we the USA have no business occupying Korea today and now.

We the USA are the occupiers, we are the threat of continual violence in Korea, we are the aggressor and the warmonger, and we need to move our American military out of Korea.

Nothing in the past justifies the American wrongdoing of today.



New Member
Korea did not need any protection after Japan moved out.

The USA had no rightful claim to any part of Korea.

But aside from arguing past history which makes no difference because our wrongs are already long standing, so we the USA have no business occupying Korea today and now.

We the USA are the occupiers, we are the threat of continual violence in Korea, we are the aggressor and the warmonger, and we need to move our American military out of Korea.

Nothing in the past justifies the American wrongdoing of today.


The U.S. presence in Korea prevents violence, the north wants nothing more thna to attack the south but they can't. The south wants us to be there at the 38th parallel. Why don't you read something instead of listening to those crazy vocies in your head. Or how about you go to korea and listen to what the south korean people are saying. They want us there because they know how crazy the northern government is. If you go to South Korea and still don't beleive what even those people are saying, Go to North Korea. See how horrible the conditions are there because isntead of feeding their people they develop nuclear weapons.

The only wrong doers in Korea today is the government in the north.


My real name.

The U.S. presence in Korea prevents violence, the north wants nothing more thna to attack the south but they can't. The south wants us to be there at the 38th parallel. Why don't you read something instead of listening to those crazy vocies in your head. Or how about you go to korea and listen to what the south korean people are saying. They want us there because they know how crazy the northern government is. If you go to South Korea and still don't beleive what even those people are saying, Go to North Korea. See how horrible the conditions are there because istead of feeding their people they develop nuclear weapons.

The only wrong doers in Korea today is the government in the north.

I am impressed by the courage and the strength of the North as they so openly defy you American warmongers.

America is some ten (10) years fighting against Afghanistan which was one of the smallest and weakest Countries in the world, so I say that you American warmongers better step down from your self righteous pedestal, because we are not so big and invincible as you might want us to be.

Some day the American occupiers will have to leave Korea, and then there will be celebrations all the way north and south.



New Member
I am impressed by the courage and the strength of the North as they so openly defy you American warmongers.

America is some ten (10) years fighting against Afghanistan which was one of the smallest and weakest Countries in the world, so I say that you American warmongers better step down from your self righteous pedestal, because we are not so big and invincible as you might want us to be.

Some day the American occupiers will have to leave Korea, and then there will be celebrations all the way north and south.


There will be a war. Notice it’s only the North that wants us to leave. They want to invade the south, the south does not want to be governed by the north and really don't want its shambled economy.

You call the North brave. What's brave about watching your people starve because you rather develop weapons? What's brave about torturing your own citizens who question why conditions are so bad in the north and so good in the south? The racist JP you defend oppression and tyrants, you are not righteous by any means.


My real name.

... you are not righteous by any means.

:killingme That was really funny. :killingme

And I love the way you put that at the very end.

And of course it was your come-back at me for me calling you as "self righteous" and you saying that I am not.

Really really funny.



New Member
:killingme That was really funny. :killingme

And I love the way you put that at the very end.

And of course it was your come-back at me for me calling you as "self righteous" and you saying that I am not.

Really really funny.


I was responding to your overall false statements and your support of oppressive and tyrannical regimes. I don't deem myself as righteous, I will let that all be sorted out when I die.


New Member
Yeah sure - do the righteousness after you die - because you damn sure missed the boat here and now.


Am I the one supporting the government that starves and tortures its own citizens?
Am I the one who (in which over 80% of the voters agree) is a racist?
Am I the one who refused to support a child I brought into this world?
Am I the one who supports those who hide child sexual abusers?
Am I the one who expects that a women should only sit around and watch after the children?
Am I the one who leeches off society without giving a penny back?
Am I the one who volunteers 0 of my time even though I don't have a job?
Am I the one who commits a crime and expects to not get punished for it?

The answer to all of these are no for me and yes for you.

Because of your lack of comprehension let me put it more directly. I am not going to judge my own righteousness, I will let the Lord sort me out.

I will however point out hypocrisy and ignorance which you are overly abundant in. If those two things were worth anything you would rival Bill gates in wealth.


My real name.

You would be laughable JPC, if you didn't mean every word you said. Because of people like you, there WILL be a civil war in this country again.

I like that idea of another civil war.

This time again the white bigots against everyone else, which again would be very similar to our last civil war.

Only this time there will not be any of that Abe Lincoln stuff of "malice toward none, with charity for all" oh no, not doing it that way this next time.



American Beauty
PREMO Member
I like that idea of another civil war.

This time again the white bigots against everyone else, which again would be very similar to our last civil war.

Only this time there will not be any of that Abe Lincoln stuff of "malice toward none, with charity for all" oh no, not doing it that way this next time.


Will you fight?

And what the heck does "Repair" mean?