N. Korea warns US troops threaten 'all-out war'


New Member
I like that idea of another civil war.

This time again the white bigots against everyone else, which again would be very similar to our last civil war.

Only this time there will not be any of that Abe Lincoln stuff of "malice toward none, with charity for all" oh no, not doing it that way this next time.


And you call everyone else warmongers, the hypocrisy grows.


My real name.

Will you fight?

I myself am not really a fighter, or at least no physical fighting,

but I can cheer from the sidelines for the side of righteousness against the evil.

And what the heck does "Repair" mean?

To "repair" means to take some thing which is damaged or broken or defective and to make it better or make it functional.

I use it as a heading since it delivers a type of mentality which I promote - as in making the postings better and making the message better.

In the past people have been offended by my headings, even for simple headings like "reply" or "respond", and I really did not want to be seen as offensive to those other persons, and so I changed the heading to this more appropriate and more comfortable term of "repair".



My real name.

And you call everyone else warmongers, the hypocrisy grows.

I do not call everyone as a "warmonger" as I just call your self as one, and the Republican Party is dominated by warmongers, but there are many decent people who are not like your kind.

As such then I say you demonstrate that you really do not know what "hypocrisy" means, or at least you do not know how the word is properly applied, and I say you are just blindly using it as some name-calling to make your self to look mature when you are not.

The point being that when people fight back against the warmongers then that does not make them into hypocrites or turn them into warmongers too - no, because we defend with war against the warmongers and it is just defensive.

The Japanese warmongers attacked the USA in 1941 and then the USA responded to them with our defensive war, and in 1861 the southern rebel traitors attacked the US gov and so then the northern States under President Lincoln responded in defense against those who made the war.

Defending against the warmongers does not make the defenders into warmongers too - certainly not.

Your kind might think you can threaten violence and that decent people will not put your kind rightfully down - and that is an eternal mistake repeated throughout history by the warmongers - because decent people will put your kind down, and rightly so.



New Member
I do not call everyone as a "warmonger" as I just call your self as one, and the Republican Party is dominated by warmongers, but there are many decent people who are not like your kind.

As such then I say you demonstrate that you really do not know what "hypocrisy" means, or at least you do not know how the word is properly applied, and I say you are just blindly using it as some name-calling to make your self to look mature when you are not.

The point being that when people fight back against the warmongers then that does not make them into hypocrites or turn them into warmongers too - no, because we defend with war against the warmongers and it is just defensive.

The Japanese warmongers attacked the USA in 1941 and then the USA responded to them with our defensive war, and in 1861 the southern rebel traitors attacked the US gov and so then the northern States under President Lincoln responded in defense against those who made the war.

Defending against the warmongers does not make the defenders into warmongers too - certainly not.

Your kind might think you can threaten violence and that decent people will not put your kind rightfully down - and that is an eternal mistake repeated throughout history by the warmongers - because decent people will put your kind down, and rightly so.


moron you said you would love to see a civil war, you say you think you are peaceful. Thus you don't do as you say. Hypocrisy. The way you spout it its not a defensive war. And you are nowhere near decent. Notice the things I listed in post 60 which all relate to you. You are the worst kind of human being. I find it hard to even classify you as such.


My real name.

you said you would love to see a civil war, you say you think you are peaceful. Thus you don't do as you say. Hypocrisy.

It is just that you do not understand.

I did not say that I was "peaceful" as you your self falsely injected that adverb into my words, as I said that I promote peace and I work for peace, and one big way of doing that is for decent people to retaliate against the ignorant trashy people like your self and whoop you all down into the ground and then we have a peaceful celebration over top of your expired carcasses.

There is nothing hypocritical for peaceful decent people to make righteous war against your kind of trashy warmongers in order to create peace.

Very much like the brave and honorable north Korean people who defy the American occupation of Korea.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I use it as a heading since it delivers a type of mentality which I promote - as in making the postings better and making the message better.


:killingme:killingme Is there a word that is synonymous with irony but descriptive of more extreme examples?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I work for peace, and one big way of doing that is for decent people to retaliate against the ignorant trashy people like your self and whoop you all down into the ground and then we have a peaceful celebration over top of your expired carcasses.


Raging irony aside, we do that every Saturday afternoon at my place, weather permitting.

You're invited.:buddies:


New Member
It is just that you do not understand.

I did not say that I was "peaceful" as you your self falsely injected that adverb into my words, as I said that I promote peace and I work for peace, and one big way of doing that is for decent people to retaliate against the ignorant trashy people like your self and whoop you all down into the ground and then we have a peaceful celebration over top of your expired carcasses.

There is nothing hypocritical for peaceful decent people to make righteous war against your kind of trashy warmongers in order to create peace.

Very much like the brave and honorable north Korean people who defy the American occupation of Korea.


Sounds like warmongering to me. Guess what JP. Barely anyone shares your views. You are the extreme of the extreme and like with most extremes people do not share in your stance. It's you versus the world on your made up evils in this world.

Again, nothing is honorable or brave about the North Korean government.

Yet again you avoid answering to your wrong doings I listed in post 60. Also, you continue to support a government that could feed its citizens but instead starves them and tortures them so they can develop weapons to inflict harm on their neighbors.

It may be a long shot but in the near future I will be reporting your wish of violence toward our brave soldiers on the 38th parallel, your support for the attacks on our diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt, and your encouragement of a bloody civil war in this country to the proper officials. I can hope you in the least can be rejected your unrightful benefits as a supporter of terrorists though I feel you deserve jail time like any domestic terrorist. Department of homeland security does not take kindly to things like that.
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My real name.

Sounds like warmongering to me.

That is fine with me as you can call me whatever you want.

The big huge significant difference is that when I say it about you then my words are true and accurate, while your words are not.

Guess what JP. Barely anyone shares your views. You are the extreme of the extreme and like with most extremes people do not share in your stance. It's you versus the world on your made up evils in this world.

I am quite capable to stand alone, and my truths are not subject to any majority vote, and I like rightful extremes.

It would be far more troubling if anyone in authority ever shared your ugly opinions.

Again, nothing is honorable or brave about the North Korean government.

They defy their Country's invaders, and they defy the evil empire, and they self sacrifice for their greater cause, and so yes they are brave and honorable.

Yet again you avoid answering to your wrong doings I listed in post 60. Also, you continue to support a government that could feed its citizens but instead starves them and tortures them so they can develop weapons to inflict harm on their neighbors.

You gave your own answers for both me and for your self in that posting, and I see nothing in that post worth my response.

If I thought it had any merit then I would have responded.

It may be a long shot but in the near future I will be reporting your wish of violence toward our brave soldiers on the 38th parallel, your support for the attacks on our diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt, and your encouragement of a bloody civil war in this country to the proper officials. I can hope you in the least can be rejected your unrightful benefits as a supporter of terrorists. Department of homeland security does not take kindly to things like that.

I can only hope that any one of them will tell you to grow-up, as maybe some one else can get through to your baby mentality.

Obviously you want to frighten me into submission, but I just view you as an overly emotional control freak that needs to grow up.



New Member
That is fine with me as you can call me whatever you want.

The big huge significant difference is that when I say it about you then my words are true and accurate, while your words are not.

I am quite capable to stand alone, and my truths are not subject to any majority vote, and I like rightful extremes.

It would be far more troubling if anyone in authority ever shared your ugly opinions.

They defy their Country's invaders, and they defy the evil empire, and they self sacrifice for their greater cause, and so yes they are brave and honorable.

You gave your own answers for both me and for your self in that posting, and I see nothing in that post worth my response.

If I thought it had any merit then I would have responded.

I can only hope that any one of them will tell you to grow-up, as maybe some one else can get through to your baby mentality.

Obviously you want to frighten me into submission, but I just view you as an overly emotional control freak that needs to grow up.


I am not trying to frighten you into submission. I am legitly going to submit this complaint. You support terrorist attacks on US interests in other parts of the world, you support North Korea to take action on our troops in SOUTH Korea, and you support a civil war in this country to kill citizens that don't share your views. It's a legitimate complaint


My real name.

I am not trying to frighten you into submission. I am legitly going to submit this complaint. You support terrorist attacks on US interests in other parts of the world, you support North Korea to take action on our troops in SOUTH Korea, and you support a civil war in this country to kill citizens that don't share your views. It's a legitimate complaint

"I can only hope that any one of them will tell you to grow-up, as maybe some one else can get through to your baby mentality.

... I just view you as an overly emotional control freak that needs to grow up."



New Member
"I can only hope that any one of them will tell you to grow-up, as maybe some one else can get through to your baby mentality.

... I just view you as an overly emotional control freak that needs to grow up."


Again say what you want. You are encouraging violence against US citizens and US soldiers, that is not something taken lgihtly. Its one thing to have political views, its another to encourage violence against soldiers and citizens of the US. I don't care that you have your twisted political views. Where the line is drawn is your encouragement of American deaths to achieve your political wants.


My real name.

Again say what you want. You are encouraging violence against US citizens and US soldiers, that is not something taken lightly. Its one thing to have political views, its another to encourage violence against soldiers and citizens of the US. I don't care that you have your twisted political views. Where the line is drawn is your encouragement of American deaths to achieve your political wants.

Your twisted interpretation of my words are only inside your own nasty mentality, and it is not real.

I am not encouraging any action of any kind against anybody, and especially no violence.

The problem is that your own vision is interpreted by your own character, and your garbage has nothing to do with me.

So please do go ahead and report me to anyone or to everyone - and maybe you could even tell them about my infamous "historic" truck too.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I am not encouraging any action of any kind against anybody, and especially no violence.

yeah..we noticed.

I work for peace, and one big way of doing that is for decent people to retaliate against the ignorant trashy people like your self and whoop you all down into the ground and then we have a peaceful celebration over top of your expired carcasses.


New Member
people to retaliate against the ignorant trashy people like your self and whoop you all down into the ground and then we have a peaceful celebration over top of your expired carcasses.

What was that about not wishing violence. When i have mroe time later I will collect more quotes.