N. Korea warns US troops threaten 'all-out war'


24/7 Single Dad
That is about it - plain and simple.

We had no right or business going into Korea in the first place, and we have no right or business to be there ever after.

It is an American military occupation of an innocent and harmless Country who we have divided and abused for far to long.

North Korea who openly defies the American bully is the true noble character there.


It's called a commitment. You might have heard of actually doing something they promised to do. We told the Korean government we'd help them out if the Chinese invaded.
The Chinese invaded and we honored our commitment.
I know words like honor and commitment my seem strange to someone who abandoned their children but most folks understand the concept.
After we and a lot of other countries fought the invaders to a standstill, the U.N. negotiated a peace that divided the country.
We are there at the request of the legitimate government of Korea to help deter another invasion from the north.

... and you're an idiot


Well-Known Member
Please help the Mentally Ill in SoMD

We are there at the request of the legitimate government of Korea to help deter another invasion from the north.

... and you're an idiot

Jimmy can't handle the truth, and here's why:

I have concluded that Jimmy is severely challenged by logical thought. This could be due to any number of psychological/mental issues of his age group.

As evidence I call attention to his physical appearance in his avatar. Note the blank expression on his face and the vacant staring eyes. The lights are on but obviously there is no one home. Quite frankly I am amazed he is able to post at all.

So in summary, arguing with Jimmy is an excercise in futility. I think I'll just talk to an empty chair instead, the result will be the same.


Ubi bene ibi patria
"We told the Korean government we'd help them out if the Chinese invaded. The Chinese invaded and we honored our commitment."

It's still funny! :killingme


My real name.

It's called a commitment. You might have heard of actually doing something they promised to do. We told the Korean government we'd help them out if the Chinese invaded.
The Chinese invaded and we honored our commitment.

After we and a lot of other countries fought the invaders to a standstill, the U.N. negotiated a peace that divided the country.

Not only is it NOT a "commitment" but that is not accurate history either.

We the USA were the invaders into Korea, and it was China who THEN came in to repel our invasion and it was China who maintained their "commitment" to the Korean people, and it was China who fought the American invaders to a standstill.

The UN negotiated "peace" is entirely based on the ugly reality that the powerful American invaders refuse to leave that neutral Country of Korea.

We are there at the request of the legitimate government of Korea to help deter another invasion from the north.

The gov imposed onto the Southern part of Korea is an American puppet regime which exist at the point of American military threats.

The larger and stronger southern part does not need any protection from the smaller and weaker northern part, but the American puppet gov needs the protection or else that puppet would fall - and rightly so.



New Member
Not only is it NOT a "commitment" but that is not accurate history either.

We the USA were the invaders into Korea, and it was China who THEN came in to repel our invasion and it was China who maintained their "commitment" to the Korean people, and it was China who fought the American invaders to a standstill.

The UN negotiated "peace" is entirely based on the ugly reality that the powerful American invaders refuse to leave that neutral Country of Korea.

The gov imposed onto the Southern part of Korea is an American puppet regime which exist at the point of American military threats.

The larger and stronger southern part does not need any protection from the smaller and weaker northern part, but the American puppet gov needs the protection or else that puppet would fall - and rightly so.


First off you are beyond stupid. Second if you did any research your would see that North Korea has 10 million troops while the south only has 8.5 million.
Lastly, you need to educate yourself even further into why Korea was divided in North and south. We freed Korea from the grasp of the Japanese military at the end of WWII.

As agreed with the Soviet Union the 38th Parrallel was formed, The soviets put a communist government in the North. It is also well accepted that the North attacked the south. And you also fail to mention the UN agreed to intervene in the first place asking UN members to provide military assistance to the south with resolution 83. This wasn't a US only operation.

If you look at polls taken in the south, The msot hated man in the south was Kim-jung Il. The people in the south have no love for the government of the North.

So in general things I have learned about you, the racist JP:
1. You are a big racist
2. You have a largely outdated view of women
3. You are lazy and have only been a drain on society
4. You are hypocritical
5. You sympathize with North Korea which is known to starve their people to death


My real name.

You sympathize with North Korea which is known to starve their people to death

The USA has orchestrated a food embargo against the north part of Korea, and we the USA deny food from those Korean people, and our American gov uses the food as a weapon demanding that the Korean people surrender to the American invaders if they want us to allow the food into Korea.

The USA has a food embargo against Korea, along with many other embargoes against the Korean people.

Link = Sixty Years of Failed North Korea Sanctions by Christine Ahn -- Antiwar.com



New Member
The USA has orchestrated a food embargo against the north part of Korea, and we the USA deny food from those Korean people, and our American gov uses the food as a weapon demanding that the Korean people surrender to the American invaders if they want us to allow the food into Korea.

The USA has a food embargo against Korea, along with many other embargoes against the Korean people.

Link = Sixty Years of Failed North Korea Sanctions by Christine Ahn -- Antiwar.com


We were completely willing to give North Korea a very large aid package earlier in the year. Though we told them they could not do a missile test in which they are developing intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. At the same time they are also making weapons grade atomic material. We don't need a country which is constantly making threats and even performing unprovoked attacks, to have nuclear weapons capabilities.

Also, is it the US's fault that North Korea spends its money to develop nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them instead of spending money to help and feed it's own people. I know you think it’s the US's job to give out handouts (because that's how you live your life), but we can expect simple things from the North if we are going to give them aid, especially stop their acts of aggression.


My real name.

We were completely willing to give North Korea a very large aid package earlier in the year. Though we told them they could not do a missile test in which they are developing intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. At the same time they are also making weapons grade atomic material. We don't need a country which is constantly making threats and even performing unprovoked attacks, to have nuclear weapons capabilities.

Also, is it the US's fault that North Korea spends its money to develop nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them instead of spending money to help and feed it's own people. I know you think it’s the US's job to give out handouts (because that's how you live your life), but we can expect simple things from the North if we are going to give them aid, especially stop their acts of aggression.

It is people like me who make peace.

It is people like your self who make wars.



New Member
It is people like me who make peace.

It is people like your self who make wars.


It's people like you who appease people like Hitler. How would it sound that the whole world is telling North Korea to stop developing their Nuclear weapons and then we go ahead and give them food aid after they do their tests? That's not going to stop their shenanigans. If anything it will embolden them. I'm sorry you can't wrap your narrow mind around concepts like this. The only way North Korea is going to stop being an aggressive regime is if the people of North Korea expel the little dictator.

People like you don't do anything because just as it sounds you don't do anything. You don't work, you don't get out and make it count, you just sit around being useless.
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wandering aimlessly
we have our American arsenal of weapons pointed at both the North and at the South, so yes the South likes us at the point of a gun.

You have no idea where our American arsenal of weapons are pointed. You have neither the security clearance nor need to know where our American arsenal of weapons are pointed. In fact, I'm relatively certain you are among those that would be the very last to know. :coffee:


New Member
we have our American arsenal of weapons pointed at both the North and at the South, so yes the South likes us at the point of a gun.
You have no idea where our American arsenal of weapons are pointed. You have neither the security clearance nor need to know where our American arsenal of weapons are pointed. In fact, I'm relatively certain you are among those that would be the very last to know. :coffee:

He likes to think he knows things. The voices inside his head tells him what to say.


My real name.

It's people like you who appease people like Hitler.

Our own warmongers say such as that, but it was the fact that Hitler rejected the appeasement which is the reason why the allies demanded an unconditional surrender and Nazi Germany was completely crushed accordingly.

Hitler was the warmonger who rejected any appeasement and he rightly paid heavy for his stubborn stance.

When America rejects any appeasements then we set ourselves up for our own ultimate failure - and rightly so.

Today it is our own USA who has become the evil empire to the world.

How would it sound that the whole world is telling North Korea to stop developing their Nuclear weapons and then we go ahead and give them food aid after they do their tests? That's not going to stop their shenanigans. If anything it will embolden them. I'm sorry you can't wrap your narrow mind around concepts like this. The only way North Korea is going to stop being an aggressive regime is if the people of North Korea expel the little dictator.

We the USA are the aggressor in Korea.

We the USA are the ones with our nuclear weapons in their homeland.

The North Korean Republic is not against the South, as the North is only against us the foreign invaders.

People like you don't do anything because just as it sounds you don't do anything. You don't work, you don't get out and make it count, you just sit around being useless.

I do regret that you would feel this way about me, but you really are not better than I.

It is only your self who has to take personal shots at me in your vain attempt to make your self as righteous, but I know better than that.
