Name stealing??


New Member
I've seen a couple girls with my oldest daughters name and one with my youngest daughters name (and she has a very odd name). I have not met many people with my name when I was growing up, but more and more people are using that name now.


Back in the saddle
I was reading another forum that is mainly a women's/parenting forum. Anyway my attention was directed towards a post from a woman who is due in August who was complaining because someone who frequents the same forum 'stole' her babies name.

I mean we are talking about complete strangers from all over the world here not her sister or something. It made me :killingme Pregnancy hormones I guess.

When my mom sent out my baby shower invites she put baby's name on them, Samantha Lynn. My cousin comes and low and behold she was prego as well. She said Samantha was the name they had picked if it was going to be a girl. I said GREAT! Us it if you want, I will not be mad in the least. I told her when we are together we will just have to call the by their first and middle names.
I don't see what the big deal is myself. I actually though it would be nice for the two little one to share a name.
But they ended up going with a different name.


New Member
I am a baby of the 70's same name as jaybeeztoo, halfangel and calvertnewbie. mine is spelled the same way as jaybeeztoo though.

Another Jennifer to add to the list, born in 1972!

When I was pregnant with my kids, I did try to pick more uncommon names, just so there would not be 3 kids with the same name in one class like I had. When my daughter was born, the receptionist at my chiropractor's office in Laurel had a little girl a month before my dd was born and named her daughter the same thing. I was a little annoyed, but got over it. We then moved down here when my son was 3 months old and at my new chiro's office the receptionist had a little boy and named him with my son's name! It didn't bother me that time, though. I was actually kinda flattered. Gotta watch out for those girls in chiropractor's offices, though! :lmao: