Nancy Pelosi and the dems are idiots


Dancing Up A Storm
let me add this.
I dont think that its "time" for a woman, or a black or an old wrinkled white guy.
I just think its time we put someone in office that might actually do something for a change. Not since Regan have we had a good president.
its time for that.

Condi just happens to be someone that fits what I want to see, she just happens to be a black woman.

Ok, I stated it in that manor, because I think that there are many, many folks who would like to see a woman in the White House. At this point in time, I cannot mentally visualise anyone more qualified than she is.

Years ago, we had a UN Ambassador, by the name of Jean Kirkpatrick; I also thought she had the tact, the intelligence, experience, was well known, world wide, and yet I believe she shunned the idea of being selected as a VP, for one of our conservative presidents.

Maybe she felt it wasn't her time? I don't know. But, I wish she had other thoughts.