Nancy Pelosi and the dems are idiots


Dancing Up A Storm
Yes, but the Snopes site debunked that crap by citing as their sources as and Dow Jones News Service. You clowns just keep repeating lies YOU don't even believe. :lmao:

But, not implausible? You're saying it couldn't happen? :killingme


New Member
Do you think he is going to raise taxes on the middle class?
on the poor? Why would he do that?

Or is it your so jaded, partisan, and filled with hate
that he will reverse the Bush tax breaks for the rich?
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In My Opinion
Do you think he is going to raise taxes on the middle class?
on the poor? Why would he do that?

Or is it your so jaded, partisan, and filled with hate
that he will reverse the Bush tax breaks for the rich?
raise tax on business and see who pays it.
you think the business owners will take that hit?
do you think the business owners will raise the prices accordingly to pass it on?


New Member
NO NO NO -- The Republicans, Bush and the oil companies are trying to drain every cent from you. Then they try to use scare tactics (not the tv show) to scare you so they can stay in office so they can continue to screw you more. When you get screwed you expect to get a kiss, a peck or wipe. They don't give you any of that. LOL


New Member
Do you think he is going to raise taxes on the middle class?
on the poor? Why would he do that?

Or is it your so jaded, partisan, and filled with hate
that he will reverse the Bush tax breaks for the rich?

Of course he ,or rather the democrats in league with him will raise taxes on the middle class. The Bush tax breaks arent only for the rich , check it out, If the Bush breaks are rescinded we will all pay more taxes.

Any tax on business, oil or anyone else will be passed down to the middle class. What rock have you been living under? The Middle always takes the hit in the long run, If you believe otherwise I have some bad news for you.


New Member
Bush and the republicans are for the rich. They want to lower the taxes and cut out taxes for the rich. Democrats are't for taxing the middle class -- thats the republicans job. They need to tax the excess profits of the oil companies. Exxon made over $11.6 billion in the second quarter -- that means gas doesnt have to be that high period. No matter what bs excuse they make. Bush is for the oil companies thats why he veto the bill for excess profits on the oil copmanies.


Well-Known Member
Yes Obama will increase taxes on people making over 2 million
per year.

Actually, if you do your homework you will learn that he will raise taxes for americans earning in excess of 250K per year. He claims that americans earning between 150-250K will pay the same and those earning less than 150K will actually see a tax break. Middle class americans earn less than 150K which will equate to a tax savings under his plan for most Americans. Of course none of this matters if you don't take what he says at face value. Just stating his official position on taxes.......

His stance is in keeping with the Democatic SOP's. Tax the hell out of the rich and lightly tax the poor so we can all eventually be equal no matter how hard you work and how much money you make. Sound fair? This is socialism hard at work.
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In My Opinion
when does it become not worth my time to try and improve myself anymore?

what is the dollar number that I can stop trying to innovate, or stop trying to help others, or stop trying to build a business that puts thousands of people to work.

whats my incentive to produce?


24/7 Single Dad
Bush and the republicans are for the rich. They want to lower the taxes and cut out taxes for the rich. Democrats are't for taxing the middle class -- thats the republicans job. They need to tax the excess profits of the oil companies. Exxon made over $11.6 billion in the second quarter -- that means gas doesnt have to be that high period. No matter what bs excuse they make. Bush is for the oil companies thats why he veto the bill for excess profits on the oil copmanies.

I live in Maryland.
Tell me who increased the cigarette tax a dollar a pack?
Do only "rich" people have to pay that?
Tell me who increased the sales tax 20%?
Do only "rich" people have to pay that?
Who decided that last year's tax refund is this years income?
Do only "rich" people have to pay that?

Exxon made 11.6 bill. How much did the federal government receive in the same period from Exxon? Did the government participate in any of the process between drilling to pumping gas in you tank?


New Member
If you have a problem with the cigarette tax -- stop smoking then. lol. Everyone who smokes have to pay it. That was done for the children and the poor people. Unlike the cartoon character thats in the white house thats waisting our money on a bogues war which there is no mission. My mistake -- mission is to screw the american people. I got it now.
It was both parties who raised the sales tax a single penny. Wow that penny on a dollar must be breaking you. lol. I will give you some money so you wont be sooo broke over a penny on the dollar.
You sound like the people in VA. They have horrible traffic problems, had a chance to raise the sales tax half a cent on the dollar just for road construction and other transportation but couldnt get to the polls in time to vote on it because they was stuck in traffic. Now thats funny. Complain about tax raising half a cent on the dollar but they waisted more than than in gas -- just sitting there waiting in traffic. LOL.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Windfall Tax on Retirement IncomeAdding a tax to your retirement is simply another way of saying to the American people, you're so darn stupid that we're going to keep doing this until we drain every cent from you. That's what the Speaker of the House is saying. Read below...............

Nancy Pelosi wants a Windfall Tax on Retirement Income. In other words tax what you have made by investing toward your retirement.

This woman is a nut case! You aren't going to believe this.

Madam speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits (including Retirement fund, 401K and Mutual Funds!

Alas , it is true - all to help the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants and other unemployed Minorities!

This woman is frightening.
She quotes...' We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income, (didn't Marx say something like this), in our country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest.' ( I am not rich, are you)

When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied:
'We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities.

For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities.
Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as 'Americans'.'

Hi I'm Moonbat Pelosi and I support this message!!!


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In My Opinion
If you have a problem with the cigarette tax -- stop smoking then. lol. Everyone who smokes have to pay it. That was done for the children and the poor people. Unlike the cartoon character thats in the white house thats waisting our money on a bogues war which there is no mission. My mistake -- mission is to screw the american people. I got it now.
It was both parties who raised the sales tax a single penny. Wow that penny on a dollar must be breaking you. lol. I will give you some money so you wont be sooo broke over a penny on the dollar.
You sound like the people in VA. They have horrible traffic problems, had a chance to raise the sales tax half a cent on the dollar just for road construction and other transportation but couldnt get to the polls in time to vote on it because they was stuck in traffic. Now thats funny. Complain about tax raising half a cent on the dollar but they waisted more than than in gas -- just sitting there waiting in traffic. LOL.
I dont think that the dollar a pack, or the penny sales tax increase is the biggest problem on Maryland.
what the problem is, is that the dumbocrats have on one hand said they want everyone to stop smoking, and at the same time they created programs that are dependent on the cig tax. not too bright.
then, you look at the way the took money from the counties to give to their pets in baltimore city and PG county, and how that caused the not pet inhabited counties to have to raise their property tax, well thats the problem.
the programs that were in need of funding where not for the good of the whole state, but instead, the funding was only designed to make the democrats pets more loyal.


Obama destroyed America
If you have a problem with the cigarette tax -- stop smoking then. lol. Everyone who smokes have to pay it. That was done for the children and the poor people. Unlike the cartoon character thats in the white house thats waisting our money on a bogues war which there is no mission. My mistake -- mission is to screw the american people. I got it now.
It was both parties who raised the sales tax a single penny. Wow that penny on a dollar must be breaking you. lol. I will give you some money so you wont be sooo broke over a penny on the dollar.
You sound like the people in VA. They have horrible traffic problems, had a chance to raise the sales tax half a cent on the dollar just for road construction and other transportation but couldnt get to the polls in time to vote on it because they was stuck in traffic. Now thats funny. Complain about tax raising half a cent on the dollar but they waisted more than than in gas -- just sitting there waiting in traffic. LOL.
You're called iceman because your brain is frozen right? :lmao:


NOT Politically Correct!!
I dont think that the dollar a pack, or the penny sales tax increase is the biggest problem on Maryland.
what the problem is, is that the dumbocrats have on one hand said they want everyone to stop smoking, and at the same time they created programs that are dependent on the cig tax. not too bright.
then, you look at the way the took money from the counties to give to their pets in baltimore city and PG county, and how that caused the not pet inhabited counties to have to raise their property tax, well thats the problem.
the programs that were in need of funding where not for the good of the whole state, but instead, the funding was only designed to make the democrats pets more loyal.

I don't think all the DemoRats want to do away with smoking...:whistle:


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R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
"For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities.
Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as 'Americans'. "

Right Nancy! Look dipstick, they don't HAVE a standard of living! That's why they came to this country - illegally - in the first place!!

This woman needs a frontal lobotomy performed on her, desperately and quick, too!

I think she has already had this done!!


New Member
Thats an old pic of him when he did smoked. Wait till I get my pic of bush using and holing coke. LOL. I'm not talking about the soda either.