Need a Man for Date for Company Christmas Party on Saturday


But wait, there's more...
Magnum said:
I know how you feel,happens to me all the time. Did you ever see my other pics i put on here? Maybe those would help
No, I sure haven't ... would you mind PMing me a link please? :whistle:

and that, ladies, is how it's done. :wink:


aka Mrs. Giant
Magnum said:
You know I always hear Im too young or I'm too old, I'd figure at some point in life I have to hit just right, for a little while anyways
:love: I wouldn't be ashamed to be seen in public with ya, young'un or not.
Actually, if I wasn't already off the market, I'd be all over ya like mud on chrome. :wink:


Should be Huntin
migtig said:
:love: I wouldn't be ashamed to be seen in public with ya, young'un or not.
Actually, if I wasn't already off the market, I'd be all over ya like mud on chrome. :wink:

AWW you talk so sweet, but I'm taken also.


You're all F'in Mad...
migtig said:
Actually, if I wasn't already off the market, I'd be all over ya like mud on chrome. :wink:

If you drink enough wine, that doesn't even hurt... :cheers: