I got the Dyson DC7 Full Gear about a week ago, and I LOVE it.
The Dyson is expensive. I paid just under $400.00 for it, but it cleans tile and hard wood floors with ease, in fact better than cleaning it with a broom and dustpan.
It is so easy to clean the dirt out of, just snap off, hold over a trashcan, push a button, snap it shut and done. Other vacuum cleaners I have owned that do not have bags required you to twist the dirt container off ending up with a good majority of it on your clothing.
I did finish cleaning my carpets with the Green Machine and it is a massive improvement. I can clearly see that it wasn’t the shampoo I was using. It wasn’t that the stains were so deep that they weren’t coming up. It was my carpet machine that was preventing me from getting them clean.
The only PITA con to the Green Machine is that filling it up has to be done in the bathtub and even that is tricky. I paid roughly $130.00 for the Green Machine but a few uses and I have paid for it when you compare the cost of renting one.
I have made a decision that once carpet in this house is in need of replacing I will be going to tile or hardwood floors.