New Member
Congratulations! My mom became a grandmother at 33 (not because of me...)... My mother-in-law is the WIC coordinator for So.MD. I'll ask her tonight if she has other suggestions not listed here.
not sure what county you are in but this is how it is done in St.Marys...
She can go to social services on Mon, Wed, and Friday from 8-11am and apply for state insurance. I would advise getting there at 7:45 and wait at the door or else she will be there all day. She will need b/c, ss card, last 4 paystubs, (my mind went blank on what else she might need, check the website). Sounds like she probably qualifies. This insurance includes medical, dental and prescription at no cost with no deductible or copays.
She can also go to the health dept. any day or time and apply for the insurance. In the end it is the same insurance. The health dept. will also set up a wic appt. if she wants it.
state insurances don't do the pre-existing thing.
Good luck and no matter what give your daughter your support. My mother did not and it was very tough on me.
Best of luck to you all. Now we expect to see baby pics in August, ya hear me!!![/QUOTE
I understand that you discussed options with your daughter but said the final decision was hers since she is thoughts are, 18 or not, I think I would do my best to persuade her not to have it and to choose another option. Mainly because life is hard enough as it is, let alone being a mommy at 18.
Don't take this the wrong way, but that's what I would do taking into consideration her age. Now if she was maybe 23 or something, then yes, I probably wouln't try to change her mind but at 18, yes indeed I would do everything in my power to change her mind.
Before I start this is JMO.. I'm 17 and IF I was pregnant I would never abort. It would not be an option. I am pro-choice but I only believe in abortion for people who are raped and whatnot. If a person thinks they are mature enough to have intercourse then they had to deal with the consequences no matter the age. Aborting like others have said can be mental and physical health concerns. could you imagine aborting a baby at 18 and then when someone asks you if you have kids you say no and can't stop thinking about how you could have and you pretty much killed someone cause you didn't want the responsiblity and you were selfish and just wanted to have the fun it involved.It would kill me everyday if it was me. That's JMO
In other thoughts, presiousness, I'm glad your daughter chose life and I hope she has a beautiful, healthy baby and that they have a wonderful, success life together!
Congratulations! My mom became a grandmother at 33 (not because of me...)... My mother-in-law is the WIC coordinator for So.MD. I'll ask her tonight if she has other suggestions not listed here.
I do see the possibility though. My BFF is high school is 31 now and has a 15 year old daughter. It's definitely possible but eff that.
The pregnancy care center past gate 2 can help out with a direction. My sister went there when she was 17 and had a baby) good luck with everything!
That's exactly what I was going to suggest. The administrator belongs to my church and is a great lady. Let me know if you need any help. Congratulations!
IMO having a child is never easy, 18, 28, 38 whatever. It is a personal choice. Start a new thread if you want to discuss abortion opinions. She asked about isurance.
That is all.
Before I start this is JMO.. I'm 17 and IF I was pregnant I would never abort. It would not be an option. I am pro-choice but I only believe in abortion for people who are raped and whatnot. If a person thinks they are mature enough to have intercourse then they had to deal with the consequences no matter the age. Aborting like others have said can be mental and physical health concerns. could you imagine aborting a baby at 18 and then when someone asks you if you have kids you say no and can't stop thinking about how you could have and you pretty much killed someone cause you didn't want the responsiblity and you were selfish and just wanted to have the fun it involved.It would kill me everyday if it was me. That's JMO
In other thoughts, presiousness, I'm glad your daughter chose life and I hope she has a beautiful, healthy baby and that they have a wonderful, success life together!
You sound like a very smart 17 year old. Thank you for your well wishes.
Yes start with Social Services or the Health Dept and they will tell her where she needs to go for WIC, MD Medical assistance, Section 8 and the MD Intependence card (or whatever it's called now). The important thing is to start now so she's in the "system" before the baby comes.
Also, she may be eligable for some kind of tuition assistance. Tell her to look into that as well. It doesn't hurt to ask because I know a couple of women that the county paid for their schooling and the state paid for their college.
There is also "van pools" (not sure what they call it) but it will pick her up and bring her to her Dr appts if she doesn't have a car.
Good luck and keep in mind that it's ok to make a mistake...its not like it's the end of the world.... It's how you handle it and move on from there that matters.
I was in that same situation many MANY years ago and having my daughter gave me a stronger spine to get out/off welfare and do something big.
And I did...
It'll be ok![]()
Just defending myself. I'm not here to argue - truce. By the way, my sister's daughter decided not to have her baby which was the best decision she could have made. Had she kept it, she would have been on food stamps, living who knows where and not knowing how to be a mom at 18. Right choice.
Strikes me funny, how "off track" everyone can get. My daughter IS having her baby, with all the love & moral support her family can give her. Her boyfried IS in the picture and they are looking for a place to rent, so they can be together during this memorable time. It's unfortunate that they are so young, but I know that they will be fine and the baby will be very loved & well taken care of. No abortion, No adoption!! End of subject, PLEASE !!!
I asked for advice on where to go for her to receive assistance, and I received what I was looking for.
I think those wanting to talk about choices should start a new thread. Her decision has been made, since day 1.
Strikes me funny, how "off track" everyone can get. My daughter IS having her baby, with all the love & moral support her family can give her. Her boyfried IS in the picture and they are looking for a place to rent, so they can be together during this memorable time. It's unfortunate that they are so young, but I know that they will be fine and the baby will be very loved & well taken care of. No abortion, No adoption!! End of subject, PLEASE !!!
I asked for advice on where to go for her to receive assistance, and I received what I was looking for.
I think those wanting to talk about choices should start a new thread. Her decision has been made, since day 1.
Don't forget to check out Carenet...they also have support groups for new young mothers as well as young fathers....they are free and a great way for your daughter and the baby's father to make friends with other young couples that are also learning to be new teen parents as well....
and I'm the one that irked you I suppose. we are all entitled to our opinions and to be clear, no, I do not think abortion is birth control....I have a problem with that too. So, I guess you disagree on abortion if a women is raped?, sorry but I disagree. Also, medical issues?, I have a family member with epilespy and she had to have one or it would have taken her life and the babies it's not okay then either? See, all situations are different and like I said, I'm not here to agrue with you personally, I'm just stating my opinions also.
Ok, this quote REALLY bothers me. A baby is a baby and doesnt get asked to be born into this world. The whole problem I have is you saying a baby with medical conditions. That makes it sound like its ok to use as "birth control". I had a son with a serious medical condition. Do you think I should have aborted him? Not once has that ever crossed my mind and I dont believe in abortion. I would rather fight my hardest battle to make his life as good as possible instead of saying "Oh well maybe the next one will be normal". Anyone who has a baby has to understand things happen for a reason and I was given my son with his medical condition for a reason. I was 19 when I had him flown out 6 hours later to have open heart surgery. He is now 10 years old and everyday I thank God for him and I wouldnt take back what we've been through. When you become a parent its not about you anymore its now about the child growing inside you.