Negros and menthol cigarettes


They don’t have a political agenda. Their agenda is keeping people safe and healthy.

Hot coffee out the nose and sprayed right into my keyboard....

The governments loves us. They would never lie.

J Jonah Jameson Laughing GIF

While I agree that menthol cigarettes are clearly targetted at the demographic that is their cash-cow, the above statement is unbelievably, incredibly, tragically and hilariously naive.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Maverick menthol 100s smoker here. If it weren't for menthol, I wouldn't smoke at all. Now if someone came up with a vape to replicate a real cigarette, I'd jump in a heartbeat. I went from 20/day to 10/day with a vaping supplement before a very stressful summer. Now I'm back to 20/day again. I've got 2 boxes of patches at home just waiting for "the" time.


PREMO Member
Tobacco companies routinely targeted BIPOC communities with aggressive advertising

What you are saying is racist and bigoted .... Blacks are too stupid to ignore advertising

The Bigotry of low expectations

I bet you think Black are too clueless to obtain ID to Vote


Well-Known Member
What you are saying is racist and bigoted .... Blacks are too stupid to ignore advertising

The Bigotry of low expectations

I bet you think Black are too clueless to obtain ID to Vote
African-Americans are less likely to have government issued ID. There’s no need to ask for identification to vote. They ask a series of questions to confirm one’s identity.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
What you are saying is racist and bigoted .... Blacks are too stupid to ignore advertising

The Bigotry of low expectations

I bet you think Black are too clueless to obtain ID to Vote
Maybe Salmon is speaking from experience.


Well-Known Member
African-Americans are less likely to have government issued ID. There’s no need to ask for identification to vote. They ask a series of questions to confirm one’s identity.
So how in the bell do black people get their cell phones if they have no ID? I have never seen a black person that wasn’t walking around with a cell phone to their ear.


Well-Known Member
African-Americans are less likely to have government issued ID. There’s no need to ask for identification to vote. They ask a series of questions to confirm one’s identity.
Black people hate that statement from democrats, that’s just as bad as the N word to them.