Netflix (or Amazon Prime) and chill


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I'm still waiting on the next season of Mindhunter and Altered Carbon.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I'm still waiting on the next season of Mindhunter and Altered Carbon.
Love both of those. I read Mindhunter Season 2 will be released in August of this year. They weren't expecting a second season for AC and didn't start filming until February of this year so don't expect to see it released until late this year or early next year.


happy to be living

About to finish The Umbrella Academy. It's pretty good.

Just got HBO Now to finish GoT but found the new show Chernobyl to be good (in the 2 episodes out anyway).

We started watching Chernobyl...very dark and disturbing but it fascinates me. And makes me appreciate that we do not live in a communist or socialist country.


Well-Known Member
Watched a bit of that the other night. It is, and should be disturbing, because it actually happened that way, showing how unadvanced the USSR was, and communism and socialism was, is, and will continue to be.

Still looking for Trump comparison in the story, even though Steven King says so:

Trump would have never built such a shoddy product. He's way to smart and business savvy for that.


Well-Known Member
Anyone with Amazon Prime (it can be found on YouTube also), there's a good movie called "Little Pink House" and it's about eminent domain and the landmark SCOTUS case Kelo v. New London.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Have you started Black Mirror yet? I finally got to see Ep. 1 last night.
Yes, I decided to watch those 3 episodes before I finished The Umbrella Academy and rainy Sunday was perfect. The first one was good, the second better, and I could have done without the third. Miley Cyrus just grates on my nerves and the story was pretty lame, although the last action part was pretty good.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Watched 'Murder Mystery' starring Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler last night. Very funny movie! I am not a big Sandler fan but the interactions between him and Aniston were hilarious. Campy fun!

I also watched a sci-fi thriller called 'I Am Mother' that made you think and pay attention. 'Mother' is a robot whose purpose is to repopulate the human race after it is decimated and is raising 'Daughter' in an underground environment cut off from the outside world. But their life together is interrupted when a stranger arrives with disturbing news. Lots of plot twists and clues to what is really going on and who this stranger is. Hilary Swank is outstanding!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Watched 'Murder Mystery' starring Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler last night. Very funny movie! I am not a big Sandler fan but the interactions between him and Aniston were hilarious. Campy fun!

Watched that to and from work Wednesday. :yay:

Loved the chase sequence with the Ferrari. :lmao:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Finished watching 'The Umbrella Academy' and thought it was very good. Spectacular finale! And it has been renewed for season 2.

Also binge watched 'Dead To Me' and loved this very dark comedy. Christina Applegate was excellent and good supporting cast. Also has been renewed for a second season.

Next on the binge list will be season two of 'Stranger Things' which comes out Thursday. :yahoo: