You guys are ####ing unbelievable. You bitch and bitch and bitch about there not being any local businesses, especially restaurants, opening up and everything being corporate and what happens? All you do is have orgasms over chains.
And even if a local would open up you wouldn't go because it's not a chain.
I was thinking the same thing. People complain about chains but that's only because it's not the chain they want at whatever location it is. Nobody has said anything about the new mom & pop that opened in Laurel Grove, because (sadly) nobody cares about local restaurants. And I'm surprised with how many people are clamoring for a Walmart in Charlotte Hall! Don't they realize all the traffic it'll add to that stretch of road that's already overcrowded?
Charlotte Hall/Mechanicsville area has 4 Walmarts within 30 minutes of them. 4!!!! California, PF, Waldorf, and La Plata. And most of the people who live in Mechville/CH probably drive right past one of them twice a day on their commute. So is it really a necessary store for the area? There are so many other things I could think of adding before a Walmart.