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Could we at least get good chains??!?!? Trader Joes, Whole Foods, & Wegmans...I can go on![]()
Apparently, the "people" are getting EXACTLY what they want.
Look in the parking lots of the chains that are here. 'Nuff said!
Could we at least get good chains??!?!? Trader Joes, Whole Foods, & Wegmans...I can go on![]()
Apparently, the "people" are getting EXACTLY what they want.
Look in the parking lots of the chains that are here. 'Nuff said!
I know I know its crazy. I havent stepped foot in a $ store or general in at least 7 years. Unless I get a gift card I dont go to most of the chains we have (Olive Garden, Texas Roadhouse, Outback, etc.)
I'm not getting what I want:
I think if one of the three places I listed opened up and people got a taste of those type of business we'd get more of those types.
Could we at least get good chains??!?!? Trader Joes, Whole Foods, & Wegmans...I can go on![]()
Apparently, the "people" are getting EXACTLY what they want.
Look in the parking lots of the chains that are here. 'Nuff said!
Could we at least get good chains??!?!? Trader Joes, Whole Foods, & Wegmans...I can go on![]()
Rumor ,supposedly a "Whole Foods" going into Waldorf at the site of the old Stardust on South bound 301 , the hold up tends to be selling wine and beer and a light at the intersection ,it could be years !![]()
correct, we need more liquor stores and mini-marts. What we need is a complete pharmacy, maybe even a 24 hour one? You know, people do get sick evenings and weekends.
Oh, I forgot cell phone store. It seems no retail place is complete without a liquor store and a cell phone store. Look at the old Blockbuster, it's going to be a fast food place AND a cell phone store - wahoo
That whole area where the Stardust was had big plans a few years back and was owned by the Peterson group the ones that are building National Harbor. They had plans for several high end resturant's (Cheesecake Factory) and some others that my old brain has forgotten. When everything crashed in the real estate world he sold off that property I do believe. Last time I was through there, I thought it still had for sale sign.
Dollar General opens every ~15 miles so they spread their business with a plan. They have the same "good" stuff that chain grocery stores have for half the price. Why NOT shop there for some stuff?You guys are forgetting a Dollar Store/Dollar General.
I hate to say it but everyone down here, in every business survey done, says that more of these businesses are needed. And that's what you get. Whenever a non-chain opens up one of two things happens: either people don't patronize it because they don't "trust" it because it isn't part of a bigger organization or the owners are dumbasses who don't know the square root of #### about running a business. In North Beach it's usually the latter.
Could we at least get good chains??!?!? Trader Joes, Whole Foods, & Wegmans...I can go on![]()
All of the cellphone stores prove one thing, people pay way too much for cell phones, otherwise there wouldn't be so damn many stores.
I counted 12 cell phone stores/kiosks in a mall that I was at over Christmas, sadly the arcade that I spent so much time in as a kid during the 80's is gone.
Dollar General opens every ~15 miles so they spread their business with a plan. They have the same "good" stuff that chain grocery stores have for half the price. Why NOT shop there for some stuff?
Hello Disney aka.Shasho Our hood, Charlotte Hall will be getting our new Advance Auto probably opening next week. Any other things planned. Now that McKays is dead and buried with their plans for a new place, a Aldi or CVS would be great on that site. Lots throw in a BB&T also. (my bank)Since I retired 3 1/2 years ago Im not running to Upper Marlboro 5 days a week. Had to open another acct. at M&T. Seems CVS's are popping on alot corner lots. With only one chain pharmacy in the area, I am surprised that another one hasn't shown interest. CVS is who I have my prescription insurance with and now they have come down on me on a couple of my meds that I have filled at RiteAid and said unless I switch them to CVS, I'll have to pay full price for them. So now I have to run up to St. Charles Pky and Rt5. to get them filled.
On another note, I see you have your SOLD sign on a piece of property at Billingsley and Piney Church Rds, tell me its not another Dash or has Burch bought it for another Birch Mart. I have heard for years that the corner lot at Gallant Green and Rt. 5 is going to one day have a Birch Mart there. They have owned the land for years. With CSM campus moving to Hughesville, I can see a few places popping up but not too many because those folks down there want to Preserve Hughesville. Not really much to preserve. They should tear everything down and start over from the new SMECO campus on the old road on the right side to the intersection of Burnt Store Rd. Same thing on the left side everything after Harley to Prince Frederick Rd. I know Don of Harley owns just about everything that pops up for sale through old Hughesville, also to include the big corner lot with the house on the hill next to Board of Realtors and the firehouse.
Sorry folks, when people get old and on painkillers they start to ramble on and on. lol Had no idea that this reply was as long as it was till I entered it.
An acquaintance in the Charles County government said it seems to be back on again but with the delays mentioned .![]()
I guess it is the people I hang out with and judging from alot of the forum postings, alot of people on these boards that Trader Joe's, Wegmans, and Whole Foods are "needed" down here vs. a Aldi's (ugh), another Popeye's, and a cell phone place (plus the running joke of underground go-cart track). Myself included, but I know people who will make a day of going to Annapolis, Columbia, or wherever else a Trader Joe's, Wegmans, or Whole Foods and it is not just two people (if you include me and the friend I go with). Granted alot of people like to get out of the tri-county area and are willing and able to make the trip just to do something different. But if people are willing to make a day trip for the mentioned stores, why not keep the money down here?
I figure if we have a "high end" store like Pier One, how come we can't have at least a Trader Joe's.
They sometimes have unrealistic requirements that are very hard to accommodate. They look at data and not actual rooftops and traffic patterns. I believe Whole foods said they would have to have a new distribution center for the area in order to build other stores here so they didnt want to put the money into it.Oh how I would love to have a high end grocery store down here like whole foods! The quality at Giant and Safeway have gone completely downhill in recent years. I went to Giant this past weekend and their produce, seafood and meat sections were a joke in terms of quality.
They sometimes have unrealistic requirements that are very hard to accommodate. They look at data and not actual rooftops and traffic patterns. I believe Whole foods said they would have to have a new distribution center for the area in order to build other stores here so they didnt want to put the money into it.
Southern Maryland is a great place. It has its flaws like everywhere else but its not a crap place to live. If it was people wouldn't flock to live here for a better life for their children.
Not to knock SoMd it has a certain charm but it's the red-headed step-child of the DC area. Just look where the Metro subway map is a pretty good indication where the Council of Government and area planners believe future growth potential will occur. Shady Grove, Greenbelt, Reston ...want to hop on from SoMd? .... go to Branch Ave, two miles from DC.