New Girl Here!


Bow wow
Chain729 said:
So Trix, you posted your welcome in "dating and marriage" forum and even added "New Girl" to the thread's title; have you gotten the PM's you were looking for from FDdog and HS yet?
:confused: So why would i pm her? :ohwell:


I Rocked The Goose!
likitysplit said:

tell us about yourself..........I'm a recent addition here as well...........


i am 22, origionally from california. grew up near death valley, then moved to san diego where i rode horses for a living. gotta love the so cal life style!

i have been in southern md for about two years. i work as an office administrator (staff manager) for a new real estate company in the area...

what else...


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Cat' border=0></a>


Bow wow
virgovictoria said:
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Cat' border=0></a>
I've seen your pic and your a cutie.. :kiss:


nomoney said:
:yikes: who got stuck with that guys pic????

Why the :yikes: He looks a damn fine hottie from his picture on the forum peeps picture thing :confused:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
trixieracer98 said:
who said i was preppy?

You haven't read your profile or your posts, have you? They speak for themselves. From what I've read, you're either an average (read: clueless) prep or just a complete flake with a slight attitude- take your pick. You haven't been around long enough for me to be 100% certain, though I doubt the future will prove me wrong.


I Rocked The Goose!
Chain729 said:
You haven't read your profile or your posts, have you? They speak for themselves. From what I've read, you're either an average (read: clueless) prep or just a complete flake with a slight attitude- take your pick. You haven't been around long enough for me to be 100% certain, though I doubt the future will prove me wrong.

those are some seriously rude things to say in response to all of what 4 posts and one line of text in a profile. it takes a mighty small mind to sum a person up based on that alone.

try having a conversation with me before you just assume you know all about my personality.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
trixieracer98 said:
those are some seriously rude things to say in response to all of what 4 posts and one line of text in a profile. it takes a mighty small mind to sum a person up based on that alone.

try having a conversation with me before you just assume you know all about my personality.

First off, anyone that says they don't have first impressions is a liar.

Second, I never said I knew all about you and I also mentioned the possibility that I could be wrong- try re-reading my post. Thanks for chalking more up on the list toward me being right.

Third, you need to learn to pay attention to those around you. If you look at some of my posts, you'll find I'm one of the most calculating people you'll ever meet. Most people actually find me too aloof, logical, and consequently cold-hearted. I'm a think-tank, that's what I do best. Try asking google what an INTJ is, and after reading what you find, try telling me I have a small mind.

Fourth, I read more than one line in your profile, and you had made eight posts, not four, that I had read. Its not just about what you say, but when you say it, how phrase it, etc. Very basic psychology- which also happens to be a hobby/interest of mine.

Fifth, the best way to change my mind would've been to let it go or laugh it off. Arguing with me, especially with emotion and not fact, will get you no-where fast.

Thanks, try again.

I'm very easy to deal with, once you learn the rules. You've already broken a few of them, but since you're new, I'll cut you a break. Welcome to the forums. :cheers:
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New Member
trixieracer98 said:
those are some seriously rude things to say in response to all of what 4 posts and one line of text in a profile. it takes a mighty small mind to sum a person up based on that alone.

try having a conversation with me before you just assume you know all about my personality.
^5 trix you tell em gurl :getdown: :boxing:

fishn guy

trixieracer98 said:
apparently no one here has ever simply agreed to disagree.

not that hard of a concept.
I missed something uncalled for?