New Home Construction


New Member
The liberty home incident, she is driving around in her car with it, she does not have a sign on property that is in a subdvision that is still owned by the developer, which happens to be Jim Weaver of Jim's Custom Homes, two totally different situations, but thanks for the imput.


Be about it
Originally posted by Makavide
We had a new home built two years ago, the builder was great. Fixed all the minor problems, which were few. He has even came back to help fix things that occur due to the house settling, as well as offering advice on improvements I am making. He also stopped by this week to check, with all the houses in the neighbor hood that he built, to ensure all the rain we are having is not causing any problems.

That's super!! We have Weems Custom Homes in Prince Frederick and I just love them!! They've been great with what they're doing, and offered us advice on things we're going to do. :biggrin:


I don't know guys..... The builder probably has a good point. For Crap sake think of all the rain/snow we have had lately! She's itching about a driveway. Mabe Jim should sue her! :biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
I don't know guys..... The builder probably has a good point. For Crap sake think of all the rain/snow we have had lately! She's itching about a driveway. Mabe Jim should sue her! :biggrin:


Be about it
Originally posted by Kain99
I don't know guys..... The builder probably has a good point. For Crap sake think of all the rain/snow we have had lately! She's itching about a driveway. Mabe Jim should sue her! :biggrin:

I'm not saying they don't have a good point at all, I LOVE my builder even though the house is taking damn near forever, lol. But they can't control the weather, and I understand that.


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Since the weather's so crappy maybe Jim can find the time to return a few calls. :popcorn:


New Member
Kain99, thank you, someone with brains. Just remember everyone every builder is different. Jim is a custom home builder, if you don't like your house, sell it and move on. I'm sure no one cares, there are tons of people looking for a house. I'll buy it.


Football season!
Originally posted by getalife2
Jim is a custom home builder

Exactly. Custom to what you ask for. If you don't get that, you complain. If these were those manufactured homes, then sure, not much you can do. But a custom builder, of all people, should be able to get the job done correctly, and if need be do needed repairs afterwards.


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Originally posted by getalife2
They just need to move back to Ohio.
Again, nice attitude.

If it's too populated maybe Jim should go somewhere else and build homes. :rolleyes:


New Member
If you don't like why I have to say switch to a different forum, I'm not saying anything different then anyone else.


I don't know poor Jim, but I work with a very sexy builder over at Rainbow construction all the time. You wouldn't believe the B.S. these poor guys have to put up with! People are stupid! Hopefully, anyone reading this thread will realize that there are always two sides to a story. :wink:


* * * * * * * * *
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Switch to a different forum?

Never! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I like it here just fine. I still don't agree with you but's that's ok, it's what forums are all about...swapping information.


New Member
Originally posted by PoliticalAnlyst
1. You have to be an interested party, i.e. you can't sue the guy that beat up your neighbor because it has nothing to do with you directly.

As a matter of fact, it does!

2. His site is a parody and protected as free speech. Since he has many people writing him and saying that his statements are true, he could submit that to support his case.
I have documentation his "statements" are fictional!



New Member
PoliticalAnalyst, just because you got screwed by your builder does not mean that everyone does. Your negative attitude is what starts problems like this. The original writer of this thread was writing about the yard and driveway, in case you live in a box or a hole in the ground...IT HAS BEEN RAINING OR SNOWING WITH LITTLE TO NOOOOOOOOO SUNSHINE FOR THE PAST 4 MONTHS. Where are you...mexico? Some of the people on this website have reconfirmed my theory that homebuyers should have to take a course.

Rule 1: Don't #### off the builder
Rule 2: Stay off the site with out the builder or representative
Rule 3: If you don't know what you are talking about SHUT UP!!


New Member
To Cariblue,

Jim is not a loser. But I do have a few choice words for you that I am not allowed to post on this website. Don't judge someone you don't know. He may not know a lot of people but I do. So let me know your real name and I'll show you a loser.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by pwf
Rule 1: Don't #### off the builder
Rule 2: Stay off the site with out the builder or representative
Rule 3: If you don't know what you are talking about SHUT UP!!
Now wait just a darn minute here! Who's paying WHO here? I was under the impression the customer is paying the builder to do a job, not that the builder is doing the customer some favor.