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The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has proposed new regulations governing Wildlife Control Cooperators which will endanger pets as well as children. New regulations would allow Cooperators (pest control) to set body gripping traps including leg hold and conibear traps. The leg hold trap is designed to close and lock on a leg and hold the animal in place until the trapper returns to check the trap. The trapper is then allowed to use "blunt force trauma" which means beat the animal to death as an accepted form of killing. The conibear trap is a larger trap which is baited with food and when the animal reaches for the food the trap is supposed to snap closed over the neck and instantly kill the animal. The inventor of this trap states that it does not function as designed, rather than instantly kill it causes the animal to slowly suffocate in great pain. None of these traps are safe around pets as they are also attracted to the bait used and if you check the internet you will read many, many horror stories of pets adn humans being caught in these traps on public and private land. In fact, the average person cannot even open the conibear trap once it closes so if you, your pet or your child is caught chances are you would not be able to remove it without help. Additional "acceptable" forms of killing are drowning, breaking the neck, penetrating captive bolt and/or gunshot. If you agree that these are inhumane and dangerous regulations, PLEASE phone Steve Bittner, Associate Director, Fiscal Legislative and Regulations Office at 301-842-3355 as well as your county commissioners, governor and congressmen. You may also call the Department of Natural Resources at 410-260-8367. THANK-YOU!
Why do we have to kill animals? I'm amazed that we are no less barbaric than we were 100 years ago. Why do so many people take pleasure in killing animals or other human beings? This is totally disgusting!