The Press' Panic Over 'Twitter Files' Reveals How They Manipulated the System
What stands out initially is that seeing the internal communications that showed the Democratic Party leadership had a direct line with Twitter brass to call for the silencing of accounts and trends, we get the stark projection that took place the past couple of months. Many journalists decried that under Musk, Twitter would be a public square of misinformation that would taint the electoral process. Now, we see that the Democrats worked to enforce that very type of corruption.
In reaction to this last detail, many a member of the media class emerged to heap condemnation on this document release. It speaks volumes that journalists would have a sharply negative reaction to information coming out. Matt Taibbi was the primary source to deliver this initial cache of documents (Elon promises more are on the way), and it is telling that Taibbi would become a focus of scorn from other journalists. This ‘How DARE he!’ response echoes what we saw when NBC’s Dasha Burns dared report what she experienced when meeting with then-Pennsylvania Democrat gubernatorial candidate John Fetterman.
Deflection is a key trait in exposing these reporters’ hesitation to seek out facts. There may be no better source to typify the press position on this matter than NBC’s Ben Collins. He is the self-described misinformation guru at the news division, and yet when possibly the biggest collection of documents concerning that very topic emerges from a social media platform, Ben instead recoils like it is a pile of rotten brie discovered in the trunk of a car parked at the airport for two months.