Suddenly, the federal government is very interested in Section 230 reform. The message to Elon Musk is simple: do what we say, or we will regulate, destroy, or take over your company if we have to, and make the purchase of Twitter the biggest waste of your entire life.
All of the worst people in the world are on board with hating Elon Musk, too. It’s virtually identical to the hate mobs that spawned on command for Donald Trump. Hilariously, Elon Musk hasn’t really even done anything yet, and in general does work that leftists would normally love. But now they suddenly hate “billionaires” and “oligarchy” again when it is commanded of them. The


people live by the friend/enemy distinction. All it took was for him to even suggest that “wokism” has gone too far (which is obvious to literally everyone), and their Schmittian sensors activated.
Indeed, Elon Musk has not done anything yet. The big hurdle is not actually the purchase of Twitter. Elon Musk sponsors Twitter now - so what? Now, he must actually
control it, which means forcing the personnel employed at Twitter to execute his bidding. Lots of capital and big purchases alone do not unseat the managers - usurping their role as decision-makers does.
All of my readers will know that free speech as a concept doesn’t make any sense at all. The conservative right and rightists with mental disabilities other than conservatism are laser-focused on Musk’s intentions regarding free speech, but this is boring and un-insightful. What will be really interesting is when (if) Musk actually asserts control over Twitter, which he can only do by becoming personally involved and responsible for the decisions made at the company - which does appear to be the way he elects to manage Tesla and SpaceX, and I presume, The Boring Company. If Musk actually uses power at Twitter, ruthlessly if necessary, then it will be a small reversal of the managerial revolution, with the capitalist class actually striking a blow against the managers. In this sense, Musk would thereby be a dissenting elite by virtue of being outside of the ruling class (the managers). This type of elite is exactly what is needed to defeat the current governing elite – it is when the elites are in contention with one another that their abuses of us are tempered, and even better, the possibility of the ruling elite being replaced entirely can emerge. Musk could be the one-off, or he could be the start of something very interesting.
Meandering thoughts of the meaning of Twitter.