What love is all about
These are key issues for me as well.
Abortion- I am against it. Can you believe there are people who are against the death penalty and want to save all the trees and whales but don't have a problem killing unborn babies?
Gay rights- They have the right to be gay but they can't get married. That's just crazy. Plus, they keep Subaru in business. Why is it that Ford gives so much to the gay rights stuff and not Subaru? Did you know Ford offers health benefits to its employees who wish to have a sex change operation? How bizarre is that? Be Happy, Be Gay! But don't try to normalize it. It's a sexual perversion just like pedophelia, necrophelia, etc. It's just more acceptable because it involves two consenting adults.
Environment-I don't recycle anymore and I own two SUVs. Shoot me!
Iraq War-It's a mess but things are better now than they were a year ago. The media just doesn't report the good stuff. I would like to see us out of there but we can't just leave now. What's the answer? Hillary?I don't think so. Looks like NH doesn't think so either.
Oh, btw, JPC is an idiot!

Finally someone who makes sense about abortion....
They want to save all this #### but not babies who did not ask to be concevied only to turn around and be killed before they are able to enter to world. What I like is that the reason abortion should be legal is because it's the woman's body and she should be able to do with it as she wishes.
Well how about drugs? They are illegal you can't do them although it is your BODY.
Prostitution? It's illegal although it is your BODY.
Just because it is your body does not make something legal.
I agree with your other points as well but the thing that I am most admant about is abortion. With all the people in this world that can't have babies and want them we have people just killing them because they themselves dont want them. Stop being selfish.
Oh by the way come on karma because I am sure this will get me red.