Nikki Haley


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That Trump has some severe character flaws and people still vote for him.

Such as?

My opinion is that treason and greed and corruption and malice are character flaws, but I'd like to hear what you think Trump's character flaws are.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
That Trump has some severe character flaws and people still vote for him.
Flaws or could it be that you do not understand his character at all? He seems to respond/react in the same manner as one treats him. You want a fight, you got it. You want to work together, he will.

To me his greatest attribute is that even if you have been confrontational towards him in the past he doesn't let that stop him from dealing/working with you.


Well-Known Member
I don't have to go past policy for Joe, but generally yes it's mostly about policy. Look at all the people who vote for Trump in spite of his character.
And look at all of us who voted for Trump BECAUSE of his Character...many of us call it virtuous...
Others with less virtuous character are unable to recognize it as such...


Well-Known Member
That Trump has some severe character flaws and people still vote for him.
And still haven't named any....
Strong Work ethic?
Self Discipline?
Good parenting?
Finding good things to say about those who literally HATE him?
Willing to fight the corruption in DC?

Putting too much faith & trust in those that want to destroy him?....yeah, this is definitely a flaw...I'll look past it for now...

But you'd vote for Joe if his policies mostly aligned with yours...because that's how you mostly vote...
But Trump has severe character flaws...


Well-Known Member
Democrats loved him when he supported their causes and ignored his flaws. They knew who he was. Then he ran against them and now they hate him.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Such as?

My opinion is that treason and greed and corruption and malice are character flaws, but I'd like to hear what you think Trump's character flaws are.
We've been over this road a few times, multiple affairs, multiple failure to pay bills, multiple bankruptcies. I consider these serious character flaws. I know bankruptcy is a legal out for a bad investment, but I believe that you take on a debt, you pay the debt.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
And still haven't named any....
Strong Work ethic?
Self Discipline?
Good parenting?
Finding good things to say about those who literally HATE him?
Willing to fight the corruption in DC?

Putting too much faith & trust in those that want to destroy him?....yeah, this is definitely a flaw...I'll look past it for now...

But you'd vote for Joe if his policies mostly aligned with yours...because that's how you mostly vote...
But Trump has severe character flaws...
No, you're putting words in my mouth, Joe's character flaws are worse than Trumps. He literally cannot tell the truth, so I could never trust him to stand by his policies.