Nikki Haley


Well-Known Member
No, you're putting words in my mouth, Joe's character flaws are worse than Trumps. He literally cannot tell the truth, so I could never trust him to stand by his policies.
So, when he says MSM is fake News and the Dems are pushing Socialism, he's lying to America...
And so are my own eyes & ears, I guess...

And yet...even though Trump actually fulfilled many campaign promises and stood by his policies, you could never trust him to stand by his Policies?

The only other President to make & keep as many Campaign promises as Trump was....Obama
Which is why we got Trump...


Well-Known Member
No worries:) I don't really think she thinks she has a shot at prez.
I agree with Jack.. except the part of her ever being embarrassed.

Jack Posobiec: "Neocon Nikki, Boeing board member, is going to go down in flames worse than Kabul Airport. How's all that BLM support gonna work out in the primary? Congrats on being the first to step up to get embarrassed."


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
So, when he says MSM is fake News and the Dems are pushing Socialism, he's lying to America...
And so are my own eyes & ears, I guess...

And yet...even though Trump actually fulfilled many campaign promises and stood by his policies, you could never trust him to stand by his Policies?

The only other President to make & keep as many Campaign promises as Trump was....Obama
Which is why we got Trump...
I think you're reading my response wrong, I'm saying that Joe is the serial liar not Trump.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
And yet, none of those are as bad as Biden's...which, BTW, you didn't list ANY of those as character flaws...

I wasn't asked for Biden's character flaws, just Trumps.


Well-Known Member
No worries:) I don't really think she thinks she has a shot at prez.
Read this wrong. You may be right. I do know she and the rest like her think highly of themselves. So, I dunno. I just want all of them to disappear. I know some people do not like Trump...but he's the only one I trust. He's earned it.


Well-Known Member
For the good of the country the democratic party should have to Rename to Democratic Socialists OR Boot the Left part of the existing party to the curb.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

Here’s the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President​

Did you read that list? They're blaming her for getting into Afghanistan, not needlessly fighting with tech giants and then for the frosting on the cake unsubstantiated allegations of being a slut.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps because, as someone who has owned many businesses over the last 45 years, I understand bankruptcy law, types, and process. Given the total number of business ventures Trump has been in to, the number of bankruptcy actions is amazingly small.

I could give less than a crap about his "affairs".
If people cared about "affairs" Slick Willy would have been shot 50 times over!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Exactly. Would you like me to run for president?

Talk the talk, then walk the walk. You're not running for Vrai's bestie, you're running to head up our government and I done been around enuf to know that Mr. Hail Fellow Well Met *chortlechortle* doesn't necessarily make a good leader. I give you Bill Clinton as just one example. Voters should look past the gladhanding and speechifying when choosing a President. Too bad they don't.