"Nobody knows what the Democrats stand for!"


Well-Known Member
I think she's presuming you would prefer they not do anything at all.
Which means, leaving that stuff alone.
It's painful that you had to explain that.
What is painful is that she 'presumed' it AT ALL after reading literally anything I have posted on this thread. Its more like "HE DISAGREE WITH TRUMP... HE BAAADDDD!!" Please point to anything I posted in this thread that even suggests that they "do nothing at all."
I want accountability and transparency. Using it to "pay down the debt?" Show me a plan and let me see how its going. Planning to use that money to save taxpayers money? Show me a plan and let me see how its going.
Do I need to simplify it more?

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
That was Michael Steele on MSDNC.
...yep, while the other panelists sat there nodding their heads in approval, exposing their Sh*t Eating Grins on their faces!

Steele saying "let us do government".. well if He was so Fn"ing good "doing government", why isn't he President?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
What is painful is that she 'presumed' it AT ALL after reading literally anything I have posted on this thread. Its more like "HE DISAGREE WITH TRUMP... HE BAAADDDD!!" Please point to anything I posted in this thread that even suggests that they "do nothing at all."
I want accountability and transparency. Using it to "pay down the debt?" Show me a plan and let me see how its going. Planning to use that money to save taxpayers money? Show me a plan and let me see how its going.
Do I need to simplify it more?
I took your original statement to mean that you wanted all this new founds wasteful spending to be spent on things that would help Americans. Meaning we're still spending money we don't have, just on things we like.


Well-Known Member
I took your original statement to mean that you wanted all this new founds wasteful spending to be spent on things that would help Americans. Meaning we're still spending money we don't have, just on things we like.
Hmmm... Ok.... we are talking about "wasteful spending" right? So, if it is deemed 'wasteful' and solutions are being implemented, there are 2.
1) The "wasteful" monies are returned back to the rightful owners. The taxpayers. -OR-
2) That money is to be used in a "non-wasteful" way.

Either of these solutions requires proper accounting and transparency. NOT just a blanket political promise and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
What is painful is that she 'presumed' it AT ALL after reading literally anything I have posted on this thread. Its more like "HE DISAGREE WITH TRUMP... HE BAAADDDD!!" Please point to anything I posted in this thread that even suggests that they "do nothing at all."

I get it all right - but I work all day with die-hard Democrats who don't want to say bad things about the guy who pays their salary - but the argument is identical. As in, "all well and good, but where's the accountablity?". The people who are completely against it use the same argument.

"Oh, I'm not against getting rid of government waste BUT - I don't like the way they're doing it."

And so on. I find I must choose my words carefully or rewrite whole posts, because of ambiguity.

I get it. Tonight my youngest is going to whine about not having Chinese food for dinner. "We're not having that".
"So - we're having nothing?".

Or "I wanna go to the movies" "I'm not paying for that" "So you're saying I can't go?" "No, I'm saying use your own money".


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Steele saying "let us do government".. well if He was so Fn"ing good "doing government", why isn't he President?

Or even a MD Senator. Steele was so bad that freaking *Ben Cardin* whipped his ass for him. He failed so hard at being RNC chair that now all he is is a mouthbot on *snicker* MSNBC.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Or even a MD Senator. Steele was so bad that freaking *Ben Cardin* whipped his ass for him. He failed so hard at being RNC chair that now all he is is a mouthbot on *snicker* MSNBC.
And Morning Joe was once the go to person during the whole Gingrich revolution that led the GOP to finally win the House after 40 years.
What happened to him? Besides what's her face?

He became nobody again. Irrelevant. No one was listening to him. He was once as far right as you could be.
But he wasn't on national news anymore. He was just another rightie.

Turns out, if you crave the limelight, and can't get it on one side, just go to the other and get on TV.
If you're a Democrat turning Republican, you'll get on FOX, but if you're Republican turning Democrat, there's every other network and talk show.

Oh they will love you to shill for them, say stuff about the Republicans that they want you to say.
But like Arlen Specter learned - they don't want you RUNNING for office in their party. They need your mouth, but they don't want YOU.
Hence the endless line of persons like Liz Cheney and Michael Steele who went over to the dark side - but - they're never going to win a Democratic office.


Well-Known Member
Awful PRESUMPTION without proof. Who said I approve of that? A large leap from demanding financial accountability to transgender surgeries idnit?

It appears I have struck a nerve....
So which is it? The demand for financial accountability to back up the promises made -OR- that I am questioning ANYTHING that Trump says.
If Biden and the demonrats made promises, let them keep them. Leave the rest of us alone.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Perhaps you should watch this video on youtube.
That would be my biggest concern with the left as a whole.

Thank you. But I already know the differences. The left does demonstrate many a tendency to reflect that of each of those in the video. If they can't get their way it's mob rule, dictator mindsets, and chaos.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Oh yeah. @vraiblonde Here's an example of a 1st world "democracy" in action. And, wait for it .... They have all the requirements you listed earlier defining a democracy;

a. : government by the people. especially : rule of the majority.
b. : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
