What do the people do when the people they have hired, and entrusted the security of a nation and sanctity of our laws thwart those laws and put all of us at risk; all for their own selfish goals? And worse, we are unable to hold them accountable because so much power has been handed over to these very corrupt people for the very purpose of protecting them. And even worse than that… there are citizens, voters that continue to support – in fact encourage – this corruption. The people almost seem pleased with the corruption.
As SecState she made deals with national leaders in exchange for donations to her foundation; and no one cared. Her servers were hacked by the Chinese, and now we KNOW top secret information was on it; and no one cared. People are DEAD because of this woman’s ineptitude; and no one cared. Did you get that? PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE OF THIS WOMAN! And she’s running for the highest position in this country; and people support her? I’m really beginning to wonder who are the corrupt people here – our government or the people that complacently put these very corrupt and dangerous people in these positions of huge responsibility and power.
:swoon: Spot on post.