Now more than ever...


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
That could be. I've seen a couple of female reporters and every single one of them was crying and upset while trying to do their interview. But not Shep Smith or Geraldo! Both of them are shameless in their zeal to rustle up refugees and ask them how they feel.
:lmao: I saw Geraldo crying the night before the big rescue. He seemed overly dramatic even if he was crying. I wonder if he joined the gay pride parade today.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...the federal response was NOT slow. The first people on the scene were from the dept of homeland security. Not City, not state, the FEDS. It was not disorganized. The state and city were.

Would you throw out the Bush Administration's talking points for more than two seconds Larry. Representative Charles Boustany (R-Louisiana) said this:

I started making calls and trying to impress upon the White House and others that something needed to be done. The state resources were being overwhelmed, and we needed direct federal assistance, command and control, and security -- all three of which are lacking.

From MSNBC...

Up to now, the Bush administration has not hesitated to sweep aside the opinions of lawyers on such matters as prisoners' rights. But after Katrina, a strange paralysis set in. For days, Bush's top advisers argued over legal niceties about who was in charge, according to three White House officials who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the negotiations. Beginning early in the week, Justice Department lawyers presented arguments for federalizing the Guard, but Defense Department lawyers fretted about untrained 19-year-olds trying to enforce local laws, according to a senior law-enforcement official who requested anonymity citing the delicate nature of the discussions.

From the New Orleans Times-Picayne:

Bienville built New Orleans where he built it for one main reason: It's accessible. The city between the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain was easy to reach in 1718.

How much easier it is to access in 2005 now that there are interstates and bridges, airports and helipads, cruise ships, barges, buses and diesel-powered trucks.

Despite the city's multiple points of entry, our nation's bureaucrats spent days after last week's hurricane wringing their hands, lamenting the fact that they could neither rescue the city's stranded victims nor bring them food, water and medical supplies.

Wal-Mart could get trucks in the city, but for some reason the federal government didn't send a single truck of relief into the city for two days. Ridiculous.

Furthermore, on ABC, federal authorities, including President Bush, said that they thought that the levies were not going to break. The day before that, however, they were briefed by FEMA employees that there was a strong possibility for it to happen.

Now, I am not saying that Governor Blanco and the mayor are not free from criticism on this one, but we cannot move on and say this is all because "some dumbasses didn't leave when they were warned" or because "well, Rick, you can't stop hurricanes." Those are bullshit reasons, pure and simple. We need to see what the hell happened and why the government was so utterly unable to create relief efforts more quickly or why we were so unprepared for levies to break. We need to know so we can prepare for a similar disaster in the future. We need to know so that we don't have an administration that has to wonder who has legal authority. Come on, people, open your eyes and think. Don't just hop in line.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Okay, but how can you go somewhere that hungry children will be and not bring them something to eat? To hell with the adults - they should have evacuated or at least salvaged some provisions. But little kids are completely innocent in this.
Retards like Sheppard Smith are too busy trying to provoke policemen.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Raley, isn't it true that Congress has to authorize funding for relief efforts? Or can Bush just say, "Hey, we're taking this money"?

That's a real question, not a jab.


New Member
rraley said:
Would you throw out the Bush Administration's talking points for more than two seconds Larry. Representative Charles Boustany (R-Louisiana) said this:

From MSNBC...

From the New Orleans Times-Picayne:

Wal-Mart could get trucks in the city, but for some reason the federal government didn't send a single truck of relief into the city for two days. Ridiculous.

Furthermore, on ABC, federal authorities, including President Bush, said that they thought that the levies were not going to break. The day before that, however, they were briefed by FEMA employees that there was a strong possibility for it to happen.

Now, I am not saying that Governor Blanco and the mayor are not free from criticism on this one, but we cannot move on and say this is all because "some dumbasses didn't leave when they were warned" or because "well, Rick, you can't stop hurricanes." Those are bullshit reasons, pure and simple. We need to see what the hell happened and why the government was so utterly unable to create relief efforts more quickly or why we were so unprepared for levies to break. We need to know so we can prepare for a similar disaster in the future. We need to know so that we don't have an administration that has to wonder who has legal authority. Come on, people, open your eyes and think. Don't just hop in line.
Cat three levies cannot stop a cat four hurricane.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Raley, isn't it true that Congress has to authorize funding for relief efforts? Or can Bush just say, "Hey, we're taking this money"?

That's a real question, not a jab.

Yes, but there is discretionary spending that can be immediately tapped right after a hurricane. That is short-term. For longer-term funding, Congress has to authorize it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I started making calls and trying to impress upon the White House and others that something needed to be done. The state resources were being overwhelmed, and we needed direct federal assistance, command and control, and security -- all three of which are lacking.
Maybe the Representative needs to understand that what he has indicated as lacking would be a Federal excursion into a sovereign state's arena and as such there must be direct and explicit Congressional authorization. So what are the Honorable Charles Boustany's direct actions since last Tuesday to give the government the authority to act?
Bienville built New Orleans where he built it for one main reason: It's accessible. The city between the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain was easy to reach in 1718.

How much easier it is to access in 2005 now that there are interstates and bridges, airports and helipads, cruise ships, barges, buses and diesel-powered trucks.

Despite the city's multiple points of entry, our nation's bureaucrats spent days after last week's hurricane wringing their hands, lamenting the fact that they could neither rescue the city's stranded victims nor bring them food, water and medical supplies.
Easy to reach? How, by boat or horse and maybe they need to check what was closed like the airport, the harbor, and almost every road into the area. So tell me how would get them in once you get them into the general area? And how would you contact those knowing how to get in with the communications disrupted as they are?

I am sure the government had to scout about to find a means of getting what has gotten in thus far along with assisting in direct rescue operations using helicopters. It isn't like someone in DC could say "Take I-10 to I-55 and head south", these roads were damaged and impassable.

Considering the size, the needs, and the nature of the event I say that the response has been better then should be expected.


Football season!
Larry Gude said:
...the federal response was NOT slow.
I think the whole commission stuff is BS, but Bush came out before anyone else (at the federal level) and said the federal response was slow and not adequate


This Space for Rent
See, that is what pissed me off about Bush. He should never had stated the help was not what it should be. The dems smelled blood in the water the moment he said that, and now they won't let go. They will try to paint it all on him. He should have praised the workers getting there, and their attempts to get into the city amid the turmoil. These people need the support of the nation behind them just as much as soldiers in Iraq. They are dealing with a very emotional situation and I am sure it destroys their morale to see stories constantly about how they aren't doing their jobs. I even saw the media picking apart the Red Cross response to the disaster last night.

Its inflamed by morons like Landrieu who only want to cry "need more, gimme, gimme" and get themselves in the spotlight, but who have done little themselves for New Orleans over the years. I listened to that wench complain about the levee getting fixed as they flew over a lone Caterpillar shovel scooping dirt to fill in the breach. She complained about what a sad sight that response was, and that there should be more equipment down there... neglecting the fact that the one piece of equipment was taking up the one and only dry spot there to work from! On top of that, that breach was already half fixed from that one shovel. This is how Lousiana politicians make it look like they are doing good for their people. Same as they have always done. ##### and moan about what others aren't doing for their state while they do nothing themselves to improve it except defraud and steal from the taxpayers.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Double R... is easy thinking like a child. You don't have to be objective. You don't have to think in terms of management, responsibility or even reality. You just have to blame, react.

If St. Hillary had been in charge it would have taken as long, maybe longer and that's no knock on her. This is a titanic catastrophe and when it's all said and done it will be said that it was a miracle things turned out so well.

I'll wait for your apology.

Should be about, oh, 15 years, maybe longer at the rate you are regressing.


This Space for Rent
SmallTown said:
I think the whole commission stuff is BS, but Bush came out before anyone else (at the federal level) and said the federal response was slow and not adequate

No, he wasn't first. A few lower Dems started screaming it first.


This Space for Rent
SmallTown said:
which lower dems?

Landrieu for one.

Oh and for those wondering about how involved the fed has been allowed to be so far...

Blanco has refused to sign over control of the National Guard to the federal government and has turned to a Clinton administration official, former Federal Emergency Management Agency chief James Lee Witt, to help run relief efforts


New Member
Utterly ridiculous...look at the scene, consider how long it took to get relief in the city (even though private groups were able to get into the city), consider how the government completely failed to consider scenarios. Listen to the pleas of the mayor and the governor. The federal government messed this up. It has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat...this has to do with common sense. I am not apologizing for any of my statements. If you look at this and say everything is just fine, then Jesus Christ, you have some of the lowest standards possible.

Don't think about the leaders involved, or their partisan identification...Look at the facts and consider the plight of our fellow man in New Orleans. Show some friggin empathy, have emotion. And think that next time this happens,the government won't be so utterly unprepared.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Utterly ridiculous...look at the scene, consider how long it took to get relief in the city (even though private groups were able to get into the city), consider how the government completely failed to consider scenarios. Listen to the pleas of the mayor and the governor. The federal government messed this up. It has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat...this has to do with common sense. I am not apologizing for any of my statements. If you look at this and say everything is just fine, then Jesus Christ, you have some of the lowest standards possible.

Don't think about the leaders involved, or their partisan identification...Look at the facts and consider the plight of our fellow man in New Orleans. Show some friggin empathy, have emotion. And think that next time this happens,the government won't be so utterly unprepared.
Jeez oh flip Rraley, do you think that the government should have had a scenario for what happens when New Orleans gets hit by a category 4 hurricane? Should we have one for what happens when the level 8 earthquake hits San Francisco? What about the lately popular meteor collision, should we have a plan for that too?

What programs should we cut or eliminate to pay for the necessary pre-staging of stockpiles and equipment? Not to mention the on call personnel that we will need should we have to activate the plans. What should be done when the Governor or Congress fails to provide exactly what they need to the US Government? Does Bush (or whomever the President might be) just cut them a blank check and say go for it with no accountability?

I've seen the scene, we all have and what we see is a tremendous task that is getting done the best it can. Anyone can sit back in the comfort of their home and second-guess every decision that has been made, but do any of us know all the many bureaucratic obstacles that states demanded to have from interference from the Federal Government?