Would you throw out the Bush Administration's talking points for more than two seconds Larry. Representative Charles Boustany (R-Louisiana) said this:
From MSNBC...
From the New Orleans Times-Picayne:
Wal-Mart could get trucks in the city, but for some reason the federal government didn't send a single truck of relief into the city for two days. Ridiculous.
Furthermore, on ABC, federal authorities, including President Bush, said that they thought that the levies were not going to break. The day before that, however, they were briefed by FEMA employees that there was a strong possibility for it to happen.
Now, I am not saying that Governor Blanco and the mayor are not free from criticism on this one, but we cannot move on and say this is all because "some dumbasses didn't leave when they were warned" or because "well, Rick, you can't stop hurricanes." Those are bullshit reasons, pure and simple. We need to see what the hell happened and why the government was so utterly unable to create relief efforts more quickly or why we were so unprepared for levies to break. We need to know so we can prepare for a similar disaster in the future. We need to know so that we don't have an administration that has to wonder who has legal authority. Come on, people, open your eyes and think. Don't just hop in line.