Now more than ever...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
If FEMA knew, why didn't they do something?
What did you want them to do? Form a human chain in hopes of deterring the hurricane? Goosestep everyone out of New Orleans at gunpoint?

Seriously - what could they have done to prevent this disaster?


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
What did you want them to do? Form a human chain in hopes of deterring the hurricane? Goosestep everyone out of New Orleans at gunpoint?

Seriously - what could they have done to prevent this disaster?
Larger walls, stronger levies, this was known for a long long time so I'm sure something no matter how minute could have been done.


This Space for Rent
BuddyLee said:
Larger walls, stronger levies, this was known for a long long time so I'm sure something no matter how minute could have been done.

Lousiana receives approx. $1.50 of federal money for every dollar of federal money put in from their state. How much more did you want them to have? If you give them more money in another area (levees and such), where are you going to take from? Which Senator is going to give up money for their constituents to send even more of the federal pie (of which Lousiana is getting a surplus to their commitment) to Louisiana? It is a zero sum game.

If you balance it with Lousiana, you are going to need to reduce social services... their largest amount used. As a representative of the state, which social services are you going to reduce (which will be noticed) against a future event that may not happen (and without it having happened, people there don't care.... until now it does happen)?

How about the Highway Bill you talk about? They got a 30 percent increase there. Why didn't they say, "No, of the portion we are alloted, we want some money to go to levees instead!"

Its not so simple.


BuddyLee said:
Larger walls, stronger levies, this was known for a long long time so I'm sure something no matter how minute could have been done.

I heard on the news yesterday that they asked for the money for the levees just recently and were told by Bush that they needed to allocate the money for Iraq and Homeland security instead :shrug: don't kill the messenger on this - I'm just saying this is what was on the news. :shrug: Its things like this that makes folks upset and think it could have been preventable. Then again on NPR news this morning they said Brown's highest credential was (and none of it was for anything emergency related) was that he was appointed to the International Arabian Horse Committee to investigate whether a particular horse was getting liposuction on its rump, and even doing that he was asked to step down... its all that stuff that we hear that folks find discerning :shrug: I don't like all the blame game stuff either, I personally think a great deal of this money should be spent on trailors for the evacuees as in other dissasters.... and they should be hired to rebuild their city if they are still wanting to stay there... there are plenty of roads to be built, houses to finish tearing down, forms to be processed, bridges to be built, etc... With this - they will have both housing and a job :shrug:


This Space for Rent
dems4me said:
I heard on the news yesterday that they asked for the money for the levees just recently and were told by Bush that they needed to allocate the money for Iraq and Homeland security instead :shrug: don't kill the messenger on this - I'm just saying this is what was on the news. :shrug: Its things like this that makes folks upset and think it could have been preventable. Then again on NPR news this morning they said Brown's highest credential was (and none of it was for anything emergency related) was that he was appointed to the International Arabian Horse Committee to investigate whether a particular horse was getting liposuction on its rump, and even doing that he was asked to step down... its all that stuff that we hear that folks find discerning :shrug: I don't like all the blame game stuff either, I personally think a great deal of this money should be spent on trailors for the evacuees as in other dissasters.... and they should be hired to rebuild their city of they are still wanting to stay there... there are plenty of roads to be built, houses to finish tearing down, forms to be processed, bridges to be built, etc... With this - they will have both housing and a job :shrug:

They didn't get the money they asked for? See my post to Buddylee. They asked for and got a 30% increase in the Highway Bill from last time. If it was so important, why didn't they use some of that? How about some of the rest of that $1.50 for every $1 they pay? There was money. The money just was not determined to be important for that purpose first and foremost. I don't really blame the state politicians on that front. You pay for what people know is helping them now, and not for the chance. After all, they are elected and want to be known for something. They knew people would be driving on those highways, they didn't know for sure people would be sinking in a toxic mass during their term. They are a product of the people they represent.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
I heard on the news yesterday that they asked for the money for the levees just recently and were told by Bush that they needed to allocate the money for Iraq and Homeland security instead
Okay, so if they just asked for the money recently, if Bush had given it to them it wouldn't have done them any good in this instance anyway.

Takes time to build levees, they don't just go up overnight. So this whole "Bush denied them money" nonsense is a moot point.


Football addict
vraiblonde said:
Okay, so if they just asked for the money recently, if Bush had given it to them it wouldn't have done them any good in this instance anyway.

Takes time to build levees, they don't just go up overnight. So this whole "Bush denied them money" nonsense is a moot point.
That's what I thought, too little too late. BTW, thanks a ton for the information and link FT.:yay: Sometimes you have to take chances and the State and local government will bite the bullet this time for not taking that chance.


Its because things in politics like better roads, better emergency preparedness, and better orginizational structure do not win elections, do not hold anyones attention, and nobody gives a #### about them until its needed and then its too late.


vraiblonde said:
Okay, so if they just asked for the money recently, if Bush had given it to them it wouldn't have done them any good in this instance anyway.

Takes time to build levees, they don't just go up overnight. So this whole "Bush denied them money" nonsense is a moot point.

Good point. :huggy: