Larry Gude
Strung Out
Let me make this PERFECTLY clear...
When an adult, fully functioning human being, some 100,000 of them, know the FACTS, know the danger and then are TOLD in no uncertain terms in plenty of time of the danger they are in, when they CHOOSE to live in a city that is BELOW EFFING SEA LEVEL AND THE BIGGEST HURRICANE IN HISTORY IS PREDICTED, ALMOST GUARANTEED to DESTROY their homes and likely KILL THEM AND THEY CHOOSE TO STAY ANWAY then they get what they get, including DEATH.
There is no way in hell in a free country that we can or should EVER plan to run a police state and FORCE people to eat right, get enough sleep or leave their homes in an emergency.
It has been one week. 7 damn days, and things are in pretty good shape, especially when compared to past disasters, including Andrew and the four hurricanes that hit Florida last fall.
What do you think this is? A universal Emergency 7-11, a catastrophe convenience store? My cousins lost there freaking roof and just got it fixed about 10 months after it got ripped off. 10 months of blue tarp. 10 months.
So, in RR's world we, from now on, have at least 100,000 helicopters and crews ON CALL, standing by, every time the wind blows.
And water. And food and shelter. And medics. And boats and all the people it takes to make it all go. And a place for them. And then all that goes with that. We set up entire seperate lives for everyone who MIGHT get caught in a bad scrape. Hell, we give them MY house.
What if it was a cat 5 and we needed 200,000 helo's? 300,000? What the hell is YOUR standard for catastrophe rescue? 5 minutes? 1 day? 10 seconds?
What about all the other people who didn't make it on CNN''s camera and into your heart? What about the man who refused to be rescued, even now, saying he made it this far he'll make it all the way?
You have no business minimizing the magnitude of this thing and insulting every single person responsible, from the people too stupid to leave, to the mayor, the guv, the President because they all failed you and your expectations of absolute safety for any and all, always.
So, what did you want to see happen?
When an adult, fully functioning human being, some 100,000 of them, know the FACTS, know the danger and then are TOLD in no uncertain terms in plenty of time of the danger they are in, when they CHOOSE to live in a city that is BELOW EFFING SEA LEVEL AND THE BIGGEST HURRICANE IN HISTORY IS PREDICTED, ALMOST GUARANTEED to DESTROY their homes and likely KILL THEM AND THEY CHOOSE TO STAY ANWAY then they get what they get, including DEATH.
There is no way in hell in a free country that we can or should EVER plan to run a police state and FORCE people to eat right, get enough sleep or leave their homes in an emergency.
It has been one week. 7 damn days, and things are in pretty good shape, especially when compared to past disasters, including Andrew and the four hurricanes that hit Florida last fall.
What do you think this is? A universal Emergency 7-11, a catastrophe convenience store? My cousins lost there freaking roof and just got it fixed about 10 months after it got ripped off. 10 months of blue tarp. 10 months.
So, in RR's world we, from now on, have at least 100,000 helicopters and crews ON CALL, standing by, every time the wind blows.
And water. And food and shelter. And medics. And boats and all the people it takes to make it all go. And a place for them. And then all that goes with that. We set up entire seperate lives for everyone who MIGHT get caught in a bad scrape. Hell, we give them MY house.
What if it was a cat 5 and we needed 200,000 helo's? 300,000? What the hell is YOUR standard for catastrophe rescue? 5 minutes? 1 day? 10 seconds?
What about all the other people who didn't make it on CNN''s camera and into your heart? What about the man who refused to be rescued, even now, saying he made it this far he'll make it all the way?
You have no business minimizing the magnitude of this thing and insulting every single person responsible, from the people too stupid to leave, to the mayor, the guv, the President because they all failed you and your expectations of absolute safety for any and all, always.
So, what did you want to see happen?