Now more than ever...


New Member
FromTexas said:
And now that the blame Bush game hasn't worked for others, the Governor has turned on the Mayor. I wonder if Bush capitalized on Landrieu's and others screams for an investigation and pre-empted with the call for an oversight committee because he really knew which side would be hung in the end (the State Democrats and their Senator). Nah! He is that non-super genius evil super genius. :lmao:

Yeah, only Landrieu and not Senator David Vitter. He is free from all criticism because he's such a kick ass senator.



This Space for Rent
rraley said:
Yeah, only Landrieu and not Senator David Vitter. He is free from all criticism because he's such a kick ass senator.


99% of Lousiana politicians are scum. I only leave 1% for the chance there is an honest one I don't know of. It was Landreiu and the state Democrats spouting off every time the cameras came near, and hence, the focus of my message. If an oversight investigation finds the state response inadequate it will fall under the governor and mayor, for the most part. It will also make Landrieu look bad because she was screaming her head off about the fed. Thus, my statement is true.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Yeah, only Landrieu and not Senator David Vitter. He is free from all criticism because he's such a kick ass senator.
No - he is free from criticism because he's not out there making an ass out of himself, trying to cover up his ineptitude by blaming George Bush for something that was THEIR responsibility.

You are becoming pathetic - just thought I'd make you aware that I've noticed. No matter what ugly, nasty, reprehensible thing some Democrat does, you find a way to excuse it and turn it around so that somehow it's George Bush or some other Republican's fault.

Why don't you have some integrity and quit being a sock puppet for the Democrats? You should be embarrassed for being such a brainwashed fool.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
No - he is free from criticism because he's not out there making an ass out of himself, trying to cover up his ineptitude by blaming George Bush for something that was THEIR responsibility.

You are becoming pathetic - just thought I'd make you aware that I've noticed. No matter what ugly, nasty, reprehensible thing some Democrat does, you find a way to excuse it and turn it around so that somehow it's George Bush or some other Republican's fault.

Why don't you have some integrity and quit being a sock puppet for the Democrats? You should be embarrassed for being such a brainwashed fool.

Look past the goddamn labels for two seconds...if this was Clinton you would be riding his ass for as much as it was worth. What I am saying here is that FEMA was overwhelmed, didn't understand the scope of the disaster, and that the federal government didn't treat this storm like it had awful destructive power. Dear God, how does that turn into "being a brainwashed fool." Vrai, you excuse EVERYTHING this administration does and what your party does. When you disagree with the GOP (like on abortion and gay marriage and immigration), you do so as a way of attacking Democrats even more. I have never, ever done that for Democrats. Lately, however, I have seen an administration that has looked incompetent in how to deal with a natural disaster. Who knows what the state and local governments did...I would like to know, but from what I have seen from an array of sources (ranging from The Washington Times and The Wall Street Journal and George Will to The Washington Post, the New York Times, and David Brooks), the federal government royally screwed this up.

You, my friend, are nothing but a part of the Bush/Rove noise machine on this. You are helping to pass the buck down to lower Democrats and completely forgiving the Administration. There is ZERO fairness in your view on this, period. I am open to the state and local government failing, but from what I have seen, this is not the case. You, on the other hand, still view Bush has being completely free from criticism because "those dumbasses didn't evacuate" or because "you can't stop a natural disaster" or some other form of messed up logic that doesn't pass the smell test.

Objectivity, vrai and the others. Our government from top to bottom messed this up; let's find out what actually happened. Let's not pass the buck or throw down people for political gain. I want some damn answers, no matter what they are and no matter who they implicate. Do you think that I care if this makes Kathleen Blanco look like an idiot? Do you think that I care if this makes Mary Landrieu look like an idiot? Hell no, I just want our government to be prepared for this next time.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
rraley said:
if this was Clinton you would be riding his ass for as much as it was worth.
That is completely untrue and I have at least a dozen forum members who will attest to that.

Vrai, you excuse EVERYTHING this administration does and what your party does. When you disagree with the GOP (like on abortion and gay marriage and immigration), you do so as a way of attacking Democrats even more.
And THAT, sir, is a damned lie. Not everyone is you.

You, my friend, are nothing but a part of the Bush/Rove noise machine on this.
And there you have it - bringing Rove into something that he has absolutely nothing to do with. So predictable.

FACT: George Bush did not cause this hurricane.

FACT: George Bush is not responsible for disaster prevention on a state level.

FACT: The people who ARE responsible are the Mayor of that city and the Governor of that state.

FACT: This particular Mayor and Governor are Democrats.

FACT: This DEMOCRAT Mayor wouldn't deploy buses that could have transported people to safety.

FACT: This DEMOCRAT Governor didn't ask for federal help until it was too late because she thought it was being taken care of on a state level.

FACT: This situation is being politicized BY THE DEMOCRATS and turned into a racial issue.

So don't you dare try to pretend that this is the fault of some Republican, let alone George Bush. This fiasco is completely and totally the fault of the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana - BOTH OF WHOM ARE DEMOCRATS.

Now. Don't you have a rally to run off to?


This Space for Rent
rraley said:
Look past the goddamn labels for two seconds...if this was Clinton you would be riding his ass for as much as it was worth.

Bulls***. I call Bulls***. There were plenty of natural disasters in Clinton's term, and the Republicans didn't grill him on his responses. In fact, Hurricane Andrew, a CAT 5 that hit Florida in 92 during Bush Sr's time, didnt see federal troops troops arrive till day fourand there was minor looting in that, over 100,000 were homeless, and the state stood on its own for four days from all other federal support... and there was not cries of ineptitude. The response functioned the way it should.. state asks for help and fed gathers it up and sends it.

So, don't throw a tantrum like we would act the same as the Dems. The Dems didn't even used to ask this way. This is what your party has become!

In fact, Republican's praised Clinton's efforts during several natural disasters!

And, one last thing that needs to be repeated it seems... the federal government is not the first responder!


Football addict
FromTexas said:
and there was not cries of ineptitude.
Actually, Andrew was criticized for a slow response as well but nothing like NO. That is beside the point, I don't expect full support for any city within a few days.


BuddyLee said:
Don't you just love these type of debates? Too bad the presidential ones aren't like this.

I find them funny because these can different levels... :lol:


This Space for Rent
BuddyLee said:
Actually, Andrew was criticized for a slow response as well but nothing like NO. That is beside the point, I don't expect full support for any city within a few days.

My point was they did not blame the President of the United States. I may not have made that clear. They did state it was a sloppy and disorganized, but at the level of those responders and it was hardly the bellowing we hear now.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
I thought you were going to be a sensible democrat...... guess they really don't exist. :duh:
They definitely don't exist because anyone with a shred of integrity or common friggin' sense abandoned the screaming Leftists a long time ago. Now that whole party is made up of Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi clones who, like the programmed robots they are, do nothing more than spew, "George Bush is an idiot...zzzt zzzt...George Bush was selected, not elected...zzzt zzzt...Karl Rove is the anti-christ...zzzt zzzt...George Bush is satan...zzzt zzzt..."

And I just want you all to know that my grandfather, the ultimate yellow dog, will be changing his voting registration guessed it...Republican.


And we can thank Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi and for it. Keep up the good work, fellas. :yay:


vraiblonde said:
They definitely don't exist because anyone with a shred of integrity or common friggin' sense abandoned the screaming Leftists a long time ago. Now that whole party is made up of Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi clones who, like the programmed robots they are, do nothing more than spew, "George Bush is an idiot...zzzt zzzt...George Bush was selected, not elected...zzzt zzzt...Karl Rove is the anti-christ...zzzt zzzt...George Bush is satan...zzzt zzzt..."

And I just want you all to know that my grandfather, the ultimate yellow dog, will be changing his voting registration guessed it...Republican.


And we can thank Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi and for it. Keep up the good work, fellas. :yay:



vraiblonde said:
"George Bush is an idiot...zzzt zzzt...George Bush was selected, not elected...zzzt zzzt...Karl Rove is the anti-christ...zzzt zzzt...George Bush is satan...zzzt zzzt..."

:killingme: Where do ya' get this stuff zzzt ? :killingme: zzztt...



Football addict
FromTexas said:
My point was they did not blame the President of the United States. I may not have made that clear. They did state it was a sloppy and disorganized, but at the level of those responders and it was hardly the bellowing we hear now.
Agreed. I'm less worried about the relief as I am about what we could have done to prevent it. FEMA's list of the top three worst things that could ever happen to America were; 1) An attack on NYC,:ohwell: 2) An earthquake in San Fran, and 3) NO getting hit by a hurricane and being flooded. So if we knew why didn't the local government do something? Why didn't the state do something? If FEMA knew, why didn't they do something? Why was FEMA's budget cut, was it because of it being thrown into the Dept. of Homeland Security? Why was more than a $100 million shaved to a mere 30 for NO's protection, protection of the people, protection of the ports, of the town and history? People have been saying that NO has needed this for years. How can a country pass a $300 billion highway bill which includes; encouraging kids to ride bicycles ($612 million) or building a bridge in Alaska to nowhere for a mere fifty people. There are 6,371 projects in this bill and yet we couldn't beef up these levies and walls? Something is seriously slanted, who decides this?

I think double R has at least one fine point here. We should investigate this for it was a tragedy.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
And I just want you all to know that my grandfather, the ultimate yellow dog, will be changing his voting registration guessed it...Republican.
Another indication that old dogs can learn new tricks. Way to go Grampa vrai. :clap: