NY: Homosexuals Win but Society Loses


In My Opinion

I give you credit for hanging in there and refusing, no matter what, to admit you get it.

Right there it is; miscegenation was against the law because people thought it was WRONG. A sin, a bad idea genetically (biologically), so on and so forth. And, to some extent, there are biological problems.

However, we've all moved on now so that miscegenation, specifically black and white mixing, doesn't bother us on RIGHT and WRONG grounds.

Just think; you see gay now like black and white was seen a generation ago! Ah, progress!



nope, I dont see anything that makes the two equal.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
nope, I dont see anything that makes the two equal.

That is the beauty of time. Plenty of people before us went on to their dying day absolutely sure that miscegenation was not only against their own views but, a net evil to the community as a whole.


New Member
The evidence is subjective at best. Certainly not proof.

My proof that it is a choice is directly linked to your inability to prove it is not. No different than your argument on the existence of God, or a God.

I am learning my condescending style by watching you and those like you.

It isn't subjective. It isn't 100% proven yet which is what makes it evidence not proof but that is different from subjective.

Subjective Evidence:

I heard a noise upstairs and nobody is there, it was a ghost.

Objective Evidence:

A large portion of gay people share a genetic trait. That trait could be one explanation of homosexuality.


In My Opinion
Gay people are biologically different.

"Defect" implies sub-functional.

when it comes to the actual purpose of the parts in question, gay people are sub-functional.
Unless they make a choice to have sex with someone of the opposite gender,, but who would choose to do something that nasty?


In My Opinion
Which is how homophobes see gay people. :shrug:

How to win an argument from the liberal handbook.
Call someone a name even if it really does not fit, They will agree to whatever they have to agree to just so they wont be misclassified.

I fear you dont actually know what the phobe means on the end of a word.


New Member
when it comes to the actual purpose of the parts in question, gay people are sub-functional.
Unless they make a choice to have sex with someone of the opposite gender,, but who would choose to do something that nasty?

Is someone who is 7 feet tall a birth defect?

They are a) genetically coded to be that way, b) different from the average human and c) the world is not built to accommodate them.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
when it comes to the actual purpose of the parts in question, gay people are sub-functional.
Unless they make a choice to have sex with someone of the opposite gender,, but who would choose to do something that nasty?

Gays can't poop and pee via their organs???????? Had I only known!!! :lol:

You are the AlGore of homophobia in that you say this stuff like you really, really mean it, no matter how absurd it sounds but, I have a strong suspicion that both you and Al know you're just kidding. :drummer:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How to win an argument from the liberal handbook.
Call someone a name even if it really does not fit, They will agree to whatever they have to agree to just so they wont be misclassified.

I fear you dont actually know what the phobe means on the end of a word.

Do so. Got it right here;

Urban Dictionary: homphobe
Urban Dictionary: homphobe - CachedSimilar - B

A person who hates Gays but listens to Elton John.


New Member
How to win an argument from the liberal handbook.
Call someone a name even if it really does not fit, They will agree to whatever they have to agree to just so they wont be misclassified.

I fear you dont actually know what the phobe means on the end of a word.

unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality.

an·tip·a·thy   .
a natural, basic, or habitual repugnance; aversion.
an instinctive contrariety or opposition in feeling.


In My Opinion
Gays can't poop and pee via their organs???????? Had I only known!!! :lol:

You are the AlGore of homophobia in that you say this stuff like you really, really mean it, no matter how absurd it sounds but, I have a strong suspicion that both you and Al know you're just kidding. :drummer:

seriously? with your posts on the majority of subjects, and your foolish attempts at discrediting what others say (look at the gays cant poop and pee comment) you really are comparing me to your hero gore???

now thats just funny.

getting called a liberal as an insult, buy a closet liberal. :killingme


Federalist Live Forever
It isn't subjective. It isn't 100% proven yet which is what makes it evidence not proof but that is different from subjective.

Subjective Evidence:

I heard a noise upstairs and nobody is there, it was a ghost.

Objective Evidence:

A large portion of gay people share a genetic trait. That trait could be one explanation of homosexuality.

So gay people are a birth defect?


In My Opinion
unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality.

an·tip·a·thy   .
a natural, basic, or habitual repugnance; aversion.
an instinctive contrariety or opposition in feeling.

list of phobias and what they are.

funny, but homophobia is not listed,, hmm, must be a made up word to try and make people agree with homosexual lifestyles from the fear of being called a homophobe.
Kinda goes along with, if you are against it, you are most likely one of them type argument.

silly homos, always good for a laugh.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

list of phobias and what they are.

funny, but homophobia is not listed,, hmm, must be a made up word to try and make people agree with homosexual lifestyles from the fear of being called a homophobe.
Kinda goes along with, if you are against it, you are most likely one of them type argument.

silly homos, always good for a laugh.

I don't agree with the gay lifestyle. My freaking brother is gone for the next six weeks to the South of France to eat, drink and be merry. I don't agree with that crap at all. Freaking' homo's.

The LAST place I want to be for six weeks is ANYWHERE in France.