NY: Homosexuals Win but Society Loses


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Wirelessly posted

Larry Gude said:
Urban Dictionary: heterophobia

Heterophobia 113 up, 61 down

Gays who are afraid of heterosexuals usually due to their own inner heterosexual feelings or leanings.
Don't be afraid gay you're probably just straight.
buy heterophobia mugs & shirts
by xjx Dec 10, 2003 share this add a video
2. heterophobia 103 up, 54 down

To hate heterosexuals out of some bizarre,unrational or innate fear of them.Probably due to your own repressed heterosexual feelings.

Further proof that gays are just as ####ed up as heteros. :lol:

It's like OJ proving a black many can get away with murder just like any white man provided he, like the white man, has enough dough.

And Obama proving that being a poor potus isn't just a white mans game anymore! :lol:

If Jesse Helms had stood up in the Senate 20 years ago and said "I think gays should be able to marry!" that would have been the end of it; gays would want nothing to do with it! Of course, now it's too late. If Helms did it today, he'd just freak people out and get shot as a zombie.


:killingme :killingme :killingme


New Member
nope, I dont see anything that makes the two equal.

you must lead a blissful life (considering what they say about ignorance)

again, you are touting the exact same bigotry that was used towards interracial marriage in the past but refuse to see the connection. :bigwhoop:


Well-Known Member
Wirelessly posted

Again, that's a whole lot of stupid.

I got to marry someone I love. In fact, throughout the ceremony the preist spoke vividly about the gift of love and how love was the foundation of marriage.
Now, you're speaking of the religious concept of marriage, not the legal one, right?

You know there's a difference, right?
Gay people can't marry who they love. That is discriminatory.
Are you speaking religiously, or legally? There is a difference.

They certainly can marry someone they love in whatever ceremony they choose. What they can not do is have that "marriage" recognized as marriage by the state. Because, that marriage (just like multiple partnered marriage, marrying someone too young, marrying someone too closely related.....) does not fit the criteria for the recognition and all that comes with it.

It's really so easy a concept to understand, I would think even you would have that mental capacity.

And, you realize that homosexuals can marry someone of the opposite sex just as much as heterosexuals can not marry someone of the same sex. This is not a sexual orientation issue.

You speak of love, though. Do you know of a state that requires "be in love" to be a criteria for marriage? I'll bet as many states require that as have sexual orientation clauses :lol:
In certain states the laws already reflect this truth; gays can marry- the criteria has been changed if you will. Its exactly like interracial marriage
It's nothing like interracial marriage. Unless, of course, there's a state that requires a certain sexual orientation for a marriage license. In that (non-existent) state, it's just like interracial marriage.


Well-Known Member
Its not exactly like interracial marriage. Interracial marriage was illegal because originally blacks were not considered equal to humans/whites.
interracial marriage is no different that same race marriage.
Homosexual marriage is different, much different.
Actually, that is not even true. The constitution said to count for representation, non-free persons were to count as 3/5. Free blacks were counted equally to free whites/hispanics/chinese/etc.

Note, Indians were not counted because they were not taxed. If we used that same criteria today, around half the country wouldn't count :lol:


Well-Known Member
Wirelessly posted

Yeah I know, it's different because you think their marriage is unequal instead :bigwhoop:

Prove that concept wrong: show the study that shows same-sex marriage, where it has been legalized and therefore "normalized", has given equal benefit to society.


Well-Known Member
Wirelessly posted

Marriage has nothing to do with civil rights at all! But since the govt seems to think it their job to provide benefits for it; the need to so it equally.

Just like we equally provide benefits to Walmart and Good Will!

Oh, wait, that's the OPPOSITE of your point (but reality), isn't it? :roflmao:


Well-Known Member
Wirelessly posted

Because they ARE equal! They deserve equality! Why do you say they deserve less? Because YOU find it immoral?! A lot of things can be considered immoral, I bet YOU even do immoral things! :shocked: but notice I'M not trying to cure you nor treat you unequally!

Please demonstrate the study that supports your claim.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with the gay lifestyle. My freaking brother is gone for the next six weeks to the South of France to eat, drink and be merry. I don't agree with that crap at all. Freaking' homo's.

The LAST place I want to be for six weeks is ANYWHERE in France.



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Wirelessly posted

This_person said:
Wirelessly posted

Again, that's a whole lot of stupid.

I got to marry someone I love. In fact, throughout the ceremony the preist spoke vividly about the gift of love and how love was the foundation of marriage.
Now, you're speaking of the religious concept of marriage, not the legal one, right?

You know there's a difference, right?
Gay people can't marry who they love. That is discriminatory.
Are you speaking religiously, or legally? There is a difference.

They certainly can marry someone they love in whatever ceremony they choose. What they can not do is have that "marriage" recognized as marriage by the state. Because, that marriage (just like multiple partnered marriage, marrying someone too young, marrying someone too closely related.....) does not fit the criteria for the recognition and all that comes with it.

It's really so easy a concept to understand, I would think even you would have that mental capacity.

And, you realize that homosexuals can marry someone of the opposite sex just as much as heterosexuals can not marry someone of the same sex. This is not a sexual orientation issue.

You speak of love, though. Do you know of a state that requires "be in love" to be a criteria for marriage? I'll bet as many states require that as have sexual orientation clauses :lol:
In certain states the laws already reflect this truth; gays can marry- the criteria has been changed if you will. Its exactly like interracial marriage
It's nothing like interracial marriage. Unless, of course, there's a state that requires a certain sexual orientation for a marriage license. In that (non-existent) state, it's just like interracial marriage.

I am talking about recgonized legal marriage. Many many of them are religious ceremonies that result in a legally recognized marriage.

This is exactly like interracial marriage, it's changing slowly just like those laws did, and sadly just like the bigots of yesteryear, the ones of today feel justified in their bigotry. :yay:
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