NYC / NY Cesspool


PREMO Member
Mayor Adams bragging about his ALL BLACK CITY GOV.

Funny I don't thing the MAJORITY of NYC is Black


PREMO Member

50 Cent Declares TRUMP May Be THE Answer After Eric Adams Gives Migrants $53 Million In FOOD STAMPS!​



PREMO Member

Assaults on NYPD escalate to record-breaking totals in latest anti-cop sentiment: ‘Full-blown epidemic’

City cops are getting beaten at a record-setting pace — a disturbing and dangerous trend fueled by radical protests, an influx of criminal migrants, bail reform, anti-cop rhetoric and soft-on-crime prosecutors, experts told The Post.

The number of cops hurt by suspects surged 20% in 2022, when 4,724 uniformed officers suffered injuries in attacks, compared to 3,933 in 2021.

But the law enforcement nightmare grew worse last year, when 4,077 cops were hurt by suspects in just the first nine months of 2023 — on pace for a record-breaking 5,436 injuries, the latest NYPD stats show.

The data for the last quarter of 2023 has not been released.

“Well over 5,000 cops were attacked and injured last year – that’s not only a record, it’s a full-blown epidemic,” Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry told The Post.

“The vicious attacks on police officers we’ve seen recently didn’t come out of nowhere. This dangerous environment has been building for years. . . . It’s not going to get better until those who attack police officers are consistently prosecuted and kept in jail. And that won’t happen unless New Yorkers keep speaking up to demand an end to the chaos.”


PREMO Member
At least 10 shots were fired at the Mount Eden Avenue station after a fight between two groups of teenagers broke out aboard a northbound 4 train at around 4:40 p.m., creating “total pandemonium,” according to witnesses and police.

A 35-year-old man was killed after he was shot in the chest, police and sources said.

His identity was not released pending family notification, but he did not appear to be an intended target, sources said.

“Today another senseless act of violence occurred on our transit system,” NYPD First Deputy Commissioner Tanya Kinsella said at a press conference Monday evening. “We have innocent victims and we want New Yorkers to know that we will get you, whoever was responsible for this.”

A 14-year-old girl, a 15-year-old boy, a 29-year-old woman and two men, ages 71 and 28, respectively, were also shot. The five surviving victims were hospitalized in stable condition.



PREMO Member
🔥 The controlled demolition of New York continues. Believe it or not, but adding to their many concerns, New Yorkers are now dealing with moped-riding gangs of phone snatchers. It sounds funny but it’s much crazier than it sounds; the mopeds race the phones directly to hacker hideouts, where the stolen phones are electronically hijacked and people’s bank accounts are being looted.

I will bet you a thousand bucks the mopeds are unlicensed and untraceable, just as untraceable as the undocumented, ganged-up riders. Oh, and they are also killing cops now:

image 2.png

Cop assassinations are a deliberate strategy. Once the gangs intimidate the local cops, they can run the city.

I expect to see a strong response in Miami. I’m not too sure about New York.



PREMO Member

NYC may ban detergent packs including Tide PODS in latest ‘green’ crackdown — with fines up to $1,200 for selling them

New York City could soon ban Tide PODS and other laundry-detergent packs under the latest “green” push from lawmakers.

The “Pods are Plastic Bill,” introduced by City Councilman James Gennaro last week, would make it illegal to sell any pods and laundry sheets if they’re made with polyvinyl alcohol.

Fines for selling the pods would start at $400, double for a second violation and top off at $1,200 for flouting the rules more than twice, if the bill becomes law. The bill would also require education and outreach to businesses on the ban for the first year.

The law wouldn’t take effect until Jan. 1, 2026, if passed.

Polyvinyl alcohol, or PVA, is used as a film in pods that dissolves in water during a wash cycle. But scientists counter that it breaks down into tiny microplastic pieces that still pollute waterways and slip through filtration systems.

About 19,000 tons of PVA are used each year in pods, with more than 8,000 tons being left untreated in US water, according to a 2021 study.


PREMO Member

Nineteen-year-old Darwin Andres Gomez-Izquiel was arrested again, as part of a group of four people who allegedly stole about $600 in clothing from a Macy's in a Queens mall. They struggled with a security employee, who tried to stop them and punched him. The employee suffered some injuries. Gomez-Izquiel has been charged with robbery and petit larceny.

According to the NY Post, the group was "acting in concert," trying to stuff clothes into bags.

The local ABC News affiliate reported he was taken into custody by federal agenda at the Queens Center Mall on Tuesday evening. "Federal" might suggest ICE, otherwise I'm not sure who else would be indicated here.

Had the authorities not let him go, but held him on bail, this might not have happened.

The police union president issued a statement regarding Gomez-Izquiel's re-arrest.
"Those who attack NYC police officers have zero respect for the law. This is exactly what happens when our justice system fails to hold them accountable — they are emboldened to victimize other New Yorkers. He needs to be put back behind bars and kept there," PBA President Patrick Hendry said.

Gomez-Izquiel was charged with second-degree assault on a police officer and obstructing governmental administration for the NYPD assault.

So far, seven have been indicted, but Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg said they were still looking for five individuals in the beating of the police officers case.



PREMO Member

Eric Adams Says New York City Is Handcuffed By Sanctuary City Laws Amid Migrant Crisis

“We’re not just saying we’re out of room as a soundbite. We’re out of room, literally. People are going to be eventually sleeping on the streets,” he told FOX 5 New York’s Rosanna Scotto.

When asked what Adams could do about the flood of migrants entering the city, the mayor demurred. He said the legal system has restricted his options and forced his decisions on key issues.

“The law states that we cannot notify [Immigration and Customs Enforcement]. I cannot break the law and enforce the law. I can’t deport. I can’t stop people from coming in, repeated criminal behavior, I can’t report to ICE for deportation. So, there’s certain things I can’t do,” Adams responded.

Adams said the migrant crisis that is straining the city’s infrastructure is “unfair to New Yorkers.”

“Our hearts are endless, but our resources are not,” Adams said. “It’s not like New York is not saying we are not a city of immigrants. We are. We have a rich history of immigrants, but we can’t take the global problem and it become our problem. That is unfair to New Yorkers, and is unfair to migrants.”


PREMO Member

Eric Adams is confronted by furious Harlem residents over plans to move migrants into luxury building

  • New York Mayor backs down on plans to install migrants into disused luxury condo after keen-eyed neighbors spotted bunk beds being delivered
  • The 35 apartments on Adam Clayton Powell Jr Boulevard were built with an indoor swimming pool, marble bathrooms and a rooftop running track
  • But the apartments have sat empty for more than a decade after banks foreclosed the development

Furious Harlem residents forced New York Mayor Eric Adams into a humiliating u-turn on plans to house migrants in an empty luxury apartment building after they spotted bunk-beds being discreetly delivered.

The WA condominium off 130th Street promised buyers an indoor swimming pool, marble bathrooms and a rooftop running track, before the project was put on ice in a neighborhood with a chronic housing shortage.

Schools, nursing homes and a string of landmark hotels have been requisitioned to house many of the 170,000 migrants who have arrived in the city since the spring of 2022.

But neighbors of the condominium in Adam Clayton Powell Jr Boulevard were determined it was not going to go the same way.

'We were trying to find out what was going on, and we weren't getting any answers to our questions,' neighbor Regina Smith told CBS.


PREMO Member

Turley argues that playing loose with real estate values is a longstanding practice in New York, and rarely prosecuted because it tends to be victimless, assuming the loans are paid back. By singling out Trump AND handing down an obscenely excessive penalty (even though his loans against Mar-A-Lago were paid back on time), James and Engoron set a dangerous precedent that other businesses will notice.

From Turley's opinion piece:

The impact on New York business is likely to be dire. New York is already viewed as a hostile business environment, with the top end of its tax base literally heading south as taxes and crime rises. This draconian award is only going to deepen concerns over the arbitrary application of the law by figures like James, who previously sought to disband the National Rifle Association. (She has shown less interest in cracking down on liberal organizations like Black Lives Matter or the National Action Network of Al Sharpton despite their own major financial scandals.)
As James gleefully uses this law to break up a major New York corporation, it is hard to imagine many businesses rushing to the Big Apple. This follows Democratic politicians such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) campaigning against Amazon seeking to open new facilities in the city. After this week, drawing new businesses to the city is going to be about as easy as selling country estates during the French Revolution.

Ironically, Turley points out that it may require the United States Supreme Court -- an institution that the left currently despises -- to save New York from itself. If SCOTUS (or the New York Supreme Court) determines Engoron's ruling to be excessive (gee, you think?), then businesses might get some reassurance that they won't be treated the same way if they step out of line even an inch.

The rest of Dobbs' tweet is as follows:

The courts are brimming with legal talent like Engoron, leftist, clownish fools everywhere. Last business out of New York, turn off the lights. Democracy doesn't die in darkness, it dies in a New York courtroom. Everyday.



Well-Known Member
How can you let this mentally challenged individual work for you? They need to spend their time developing social skills, talking to friends, having meals in restaurants, they have to get out and make friends.

They post for you non stop and you don’t care.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
How can you let this mentally challenged individual work for you? They need to spend their time developing social skills, talking to friends, having meals in restaurants, they have to get out and make friends.

They post for you non stop and you don’t care.

Piss off, fascist. Nobody is forcing you to read it.


PREMO Member

Great oaks from little acorns grow; or, a potential truckers strike against New York City

On Saturday afternoon, a video was creeping up on X/Twitter suggesting a trucker’s strike against New York City because of truckers’ anger about the $384 million judgment against Donald Trump. I asked, “Is this going to be something?” Well, yes, it is, and that’s despite the fact that, per the original video, only thirteen or fourteen truckers were contemplating a strike. Now, though, in true black swan fashion, it’s become a real story that could have a powerful effect on the lawfare coming out of leftist cities.

This is the video from Chicago1Ray, in which he discusses his friends’ reaction to the disgraceful, hyper-partisan, and completely non-legal judgment that Judge Engoron leveled on Trump (language warning):

I've been on the radio for over an hour and I've talked to at least (10) Truckers who are gonna start refusing loads of Monday for (NYC) ...I talked to (3) guys that I work with who texted the boss and told him no (NYC)

Truckers are (95%) Trump... it'll get overturned on appeal…
— Chicago1Ray 🇺🇸 (@Chicago1Ray) February 17, 2024

Did you catch that Chicago Ray is describing conversations with roughly 13 truckers? I did. But he’s also describing a deep anger at the way in which the establishment is systematically denying voters of their right to have a say in choosing whom they want to be president of the United States of America.

As of now, Chicago Ray’s video has over 5 million views. More than that, it’s popping up all over as a real possibility. It’s getting huge play on X. Currently, “truckers” is trending with over 234,000 posts, while “Boycott New York” is steadily climbing upward. Enthusiasm for the idea is palpable:



PREMO Member

'Nothing to Worry About': Kathy Hochul Tries to Reassure Businesses After Outrageous Trump Verdict

Earlier today, we wrote about New York Attorney General Letitia James' horrible, arrogant tweet gloating over the outrageous verdict handed down by Judge Arthur Engoron, ordering Donald Trump to pay a $355 million penalty for overvaluing Mar-A-Lago in loan applications.

We talked about the potential for karma to hit James and New York after her juvenile bragging, but at least a little bit of karma may already be coming soon in the form of VERY nervous businesses in the state of New York.

Governor Kathy Hochul at least seems to be a little concerned that some businesses -- particularly real estate developers -- might not be looking to invest in her state after witnessing Engoron's ruling.

Nope, nothing to see here. Hochul promises that they will never go after you like they did Trump. Scout's honor. Assuming you are an obedient Democrat, that is. But what about businesses run by conservatives? Are they safe from judges like Engoron?

The Hill provides more details:

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) addressed New York business owners in a new interview and told them there was “nothing to worry about” after former President Trump was hit with a $355 million fine and a ban on conducting business in New York for three years.
Hochul joined John Catsimatidis on 'The Cats Roundtable' on WABC 770 AM, where she was asked if other New York businesspeople should be worried that if 'they can do that to the former president, they can do that to anybody.'
'I think that this is really an extraordinary, unusual circumstance that the law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about, because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior,' Hochul responded.
