Obama and Islam...


Both my sister and I were accepted to a very good Catholic school (ended up not going, though) and they never asked for proof of anything related to our worship studies. You're right about Communion, I'm sure, but the Catholic schools I've come into contact with I don't think are as strict. I have a couple Jewish friends who attend an all-girls Catholic high school because it's a good school, not for their faith. Maybe those schools are more lax, though.

Anyway, I digress. I'm just saying that claiming Obama is Muslim because he attended an Islamic-run school is like saying that I'm a practicing Episcopal because I attended Episcopalian middle school and served as an acolyte at Wednesday morning chapel at school. *shrug*

I do agree with you that he shouldn't worry what people think about his religious history and just get it all out in the open, because I agree, I think it breeds more suspicion of his religious affiliations, past and present, if he doesn't discuss it. But I also don't think that the schools someone attended between the ages of six and ten should brand their spiritual identity years later.

(Obama also attended Catholic private school while he was Indonesia, btw.)
Alot has changed in 30 years I guess, but then even in church they didn't used to have girls helping the priest serve Mass. Alter boys were all they had back then.


NOT Politically Correct!!
For the 90,000th time, I don't like Obama. I think he's a classic Marxist.

But an evil muslim terrorist he is not. :duh:

Everyday I say people can't get any dumber. Then, I read what you, chernmax, Dork, RadioPatrol, and t_p post. :faint:

You're an idiot to think I'm going to be force fed the NObama rhetoric. You have no idea what you want to do and you maintain a neutral safety net that doesn't define yes or no but PRESENT! You live in your grey area, I've lived long enough on this earth (and have traveled most of it!) to understand the issues that are important to me and I won't flex in my convictions. Lead, follow, or stay the hell out the way... :coffee:


New Member
You don't think the Muslims brainwash children at that young of an age? If you don't, you'd better get out into the world a little more.
Again, you're stereotyping based off what Rush Limbag and the kooks over at FOX Noise tell you to believe.

You're a typical rightie, voting soley off race and religion (which don't matter to those of us living in the real world).

I'm glad you righties take such pride in being so obtuse. :yay:


Alot has changed in 30 years I guess, but then even in church they didn't used to have girls helping the priest serve Mass. Alter boys were all they had back then.

Well, it was an all girls Catholic school. No boys in sight. They would cause us to sin, of course! Or something. :whistle: Part of the reason we wound up not attending, aside from the fact that we aren't Catholic. My Jewish friend decided to stay, though, it was an excellent education and she was allowed to sit out of Mass assemblies as she pleased. Win-win.


New Member
You guys shouldn't vote for him.

If I had originally planned on not voting for him, I would have changed my mind due to the enormous amount of ignorant crap you Righties have been spewing about Obama on this site.

Now...all that's left to do is to decide whose vote I will render worthless. It's an ongoing competition, and I will announce the winner the night before the election. It's going to be tough...I would take great joy in canceling out the votes of many of you. However, I can only legally cancel out one...so the competition is on.

Good luck! :yay:


New Member
You're an idiot to think I'm going to be force fed the NObama rhetoric. You have no idea what you want to do and you maintain a neutral safety net that doesn't define yes or no but PRESENT! You live in your grey area, I've lived long enough on this earth (and have traveled most of it!) to understand the issues that are important to me and I won't flex in my convictions. Lead, follow, or stay the hell out the way... :coffee:

Right, so go ahead and believe whatever :bs: you want to.

Barry's a classic socialist. There's plenty of things to attack him on that are actually relevant.

Religion and race don't count.

Instead of attacking him on the issues (gun control, economy, his stance on Iraq), you attack him based off of :bs: you read in an email from Joe Blow.

We've lost the election because of people like you, people who attack him because FOX Noise says he's a muslim. You neocon Bush-loving righties have given the LSM enough fodder to potray the Republican Party as racist and intolerant.


New Member
What is a non-issue for some is important to others.

I havent studied Islam just what I read and pick up here and there.

My understanding is that any Muslim who leaves Islam for another religion is considered a prime target for killing.
According to Sharia, the group explained, apostates – those who leave Islam for another religion – must be killed. Union of Islamic Court leaders even have threatened to kill as apostates Muslims who are lax in their prayers, claiming this is commanded by Sharia. Several Muslims have been flogged publicly for drug-related offences since the union took control.
Convert from Islam to Christianity killed
If Obama admitted he had been a Muslim and converted ,doesnt that make him a target for fundamentalists.

Polls show 80% of Palestinian children seek a martyr’s death, a death that will kill many “unbelievers.” Most Muslims have been reared to believe that dying in the cause of Allah is more important than living, so to have a proper death (dying as a martyr) is more precious than to live a good and prosperous life.
Does a man who was taught by such a religion have a problem with lying??
I doubt it.


Highlander's MPD
For the 90,000th time, I don't like Obama. I think he's a classic Marxist.

But an evil muslim terrorist he is not. :duh:

Everyday I say people can't get any dumber. Then, I read what you, chernmax, Dork, RadioPatrol, and t_p post. :faint:

Everyday I say people can't get any dumber. Then, I read what AndyMarquisLIVE and Kerad post.


New Member
...but you're a Democrat. You can wipe out dozens of GOP'ers! :lmao:

Where's the fun in that??? It would totally diminish the achievement of the legitimate winner. I promise, my vote will specifically cancel out only the vote of the most deserving.

(There will be a couple unannounced alternates, in case the winner is unable to vote, or wastes their vote by voting for some 3rd party dope.)


NOT Politically Correct!!
Reading comprehension is your friend. Maybe you should reread what I posted in the #3 post!!!

Also please forward me the email address of Job Blow, haven't seen any of his emails hit my inbox yet! I suggest you stand up and unwad your panties and actually tune into the multiple news sources that are posting the NObama information. :coffee:

Yeah it's us righties posted all the B/S attacking McCains military record and how his ex-wife could have ever been appointed to an aid for Nancy Reagen... :rolleyes:

Right, so go ahead and believe whatever :bs: you want to.

Barry's a classic socialist. There's plenty of things to attack him on that are actually relevant.

Religion and race don't count.

Instead of attacking him on the issues (gun control, economy, his stance on Iraq), you attack him based off of :bs: you read in an email from Joe Blow.

We've lost the election because of people like you, people who attack him because FOX Noise says he's a muslim. You neocon Bush-loving righties have given the LSM enough fodder to potray the Republican Party as racist and intolerant.


New Member
lol at all yo people saying "born muslim". No one is born anything but crying.

Ever tried to explain the concept of god to a newborn?

I'll wager they'll look whatever way you're holding them and maybe cry/laugh/throw up/whatever.

also, he went to catholic schools when he was overseas too, but I don't hear anyone whining about that.

lordy, I'd be fine with you people #####ing about something that actually mattered. You people don't like politics, you like popularity contests. I've never seen so much middle school drama in one place.

psst hey.


can I copy your pre alg. homework?


hey .... obama went to a muslim school when he was 7

aw man


McCain sold out our boys in NAM tho.

damn man

they both sound terrible.

what about the actual issues?

no idea yo

no idea


New Member
Everyday I say people can't get any dumber. Then, I read what AndyMarquisLIVE and Kerad post.
Aaw, Dork doesn't like me. :bawl::bawl::bawl::killingme

Oh wow, Dork hates me so much he includes me in a Signature. Man, I'm feeling the love.

I'm glad you righties view me as your Kyle Busch. I take immense pride in that. :evil:


Well-Known Member
For the 90,000th time, I don't like Obama. I think he's a classic Marxist.

But an evil muslim terrorist he is not. :duh:

Everyday I say people can't get any dumber. Then, I read what you, chernmax, Dork, RadioPatrol, and t_p post. :faint:
Interesting you added me into this. I agree with you.

I don't like Obama.

I think he's a Marxist socialist.

I don't think he's a terrorist.

But, clearly a liar with problems with religion that he just can't seem to get passed. Lack of convictions to religion, friends, and honesty.

So, since I agree with you, does that make you as dumb as me?


New Member
I suggest you stand up and unwad your panties and actually tune into the multiple news sources that are posting the NObama information. :coffee:
I do. I watch pMSNBC, Nightly News and I get FOX Report, ABC World News Tonight and BBC on my computer every night.

But, we all know when you say multiple news sources, you mean the Ru, FOX Noise, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh.

I've said a million times, Obama's a Marxist and I won't be caught dead voting for him. A Marxist he is, but a terrorist he is not. I also know it's probable he will win the election. Sad, I never thought I'd live to see the day of a socialist regime in America. But, all empires come to an end.