Obama says no constitutional right to a gun


New Member
Obama’s campaign explicitly only recognizes the right to own firearms for “the purposes of hunting and target shooting,” and insists on “commonsense regulation.” What is commonsense regulation according to Barack Obama?

1998 Obama stated a desire to “ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.”

or the Ruger 10/22, Marlin Model 60, and many other rimfire .22 rifles, which form the backbone of American shooting sports, from hunting to target shooting.

he hates America, and now will take your weapons away. Its all on his web site.


Well-Known Member
The "right to keep and bear arms" is NOT about hunting or target shooting, it's about freedom of the "people" to protect ourselves from those that would do us harm.

This frigging idiot will learn the truth from the Supreme Court, expected later this month.


Obama destroyed America
Obama said the other day that republicans were trying to make him look scary. Its working. He is scary.
Republicans aren't making him look scary, HE is making himself look scary. He IS scary!!

I'm confident that if he gets in and goes extreme, our military commanders will take his terrorist ass out. :dead: :patriot:


New Member
Republicans aren't making him look scary, HE is making himself look scary. He IS scary!!

I'm confident that if he gets in and goes extreme, our military commanders will take his terrorist ass out. :dead: :patriot:

That would be called a "Coup d' etat" and certainly no American would want to see the military even think of such a thing. However if he chooses Hillary as his VP he should be aware at all times that he is to go nowhere near Ft. Marcy. :whistle:


"Typical White Person"
No one can be stupid enough to think that the 2nd Amendment was talking about hunting and sporting rifles. Look at what we were going through as a country at the time, look at the Constitution and what it talks about, look at the context in which it was written. Yeah I am sure that is exactly what the founding fathers were talking about when they mentioned individual RKBA.

These Effing morons that vote for this guy are gonna send this country into a bad, bad place.


"Typical White Person"
I'm not trying to be a keyboard commando here, but if push come to shove, Molon Labe.

If he means some of things he says, someone WILL eventually take him out. Not that I would ever promote anything like that, but he is going to piss alot of people off that are pretty pasionate about the Constitution.


I'm not trying to be a keyboard commando here, but if push come to shove, Molon Labe.

I agree ....... but unless we set a really large camp in a very defensible position, they will pick us off is ones and twos .... a flash bang is all you will here before your face down on the bedroom floor with a Swatie's knwee on your neck ...

Problems is all those militarized police forces ....

aka NO after Katrina ....

and will be gun owners ending up dead, or in FEMA Rail Yard Camps .... :whistle:


"Typical White Person"
I agree ....... but unless we set a really large camp in a very defensible position, they will pick us off is ones and twos .... a flash bang is all you will here before your face down on the bedroom floor with a Swatie's knwee on your neck ...

Problems is all those militarized police forces ....

aka NO after Katrina ....

and will be gun owners ending up dead, or in FEMA Rail Yard Camps .... :whistle:

Would be interesting to see what percent of Cops and active military welcome our new over lord and what percent will defy him.


Harley Rider
It can't be any clearer to us real Americans. Either we all get out and vote against him or he gets in and we suffer. You know the Dems and the gays and illegals will be out in full force, so shame on you if you catch an attitude and don't vote. We can't depend on all Americans to do a "write in" candidate so, as much as I loathe McCain, what choice do we have? It's either him or the obamination.


New Member
It can't be any clearer to us real Americans. Either we all get out and vote against him or he gets in and we suffer. You know the Dems and the gays and illegals will be out in full force, so shame on you if you catch an attitude and don't vote. We can't depend on all Americans to do a "write in" candidate so, as much as I loathe McCain, what choice do we have? It's either him or the obamination.










NOT Politically Correct!!








Oh STFU :smack:, we can choose just like you and just because we don't like NObama or agree with you has nothing to do with hate. We're just smart enough to realize he's an inexperienced windbag not qualified to run this country... :coffee:


New Member
His latest...he is saying that the men in the black community need to step up and raise thier children (which is true).......But didn't Bill Cosby say the same thing and he pretty much got shunned by the black community for that....so this should be interesting how Obama saying this will go over.......


NOT Politically Correct!!
His latest...he is saying that the men in the black community need to step up and raise thier children (which is true).......But didn't Bill Cosby say the same thing and he pretty much got shunned by the black community for that....so this should be interesting how Obama saying this will go over.......

Imagine if McCain had made that same comment, AL & Jessy would be on the next flight to boycott him.

Yeah and add his own father to that list and discount the contributions of the white half of his family that stuck by and raised him.

NObama Quote: My grandmother was a "Typical White Person". Shame on him!!!:smack: