Obama's National Speech in School


New Member
I read the speech in it's entirety, and there is nothing in there other than encouraging kids to stay in school. Sounds completely appropriate to me, same as Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr.


Obama destroyed America
You need to chill out. When was the last time you got .......................
I'll make a deal. I'll chill out when you:
A. go back to school and learn to spell
B. stop posting your opinions as fact
C. acknowledge your posts were mopped up by facts

Looks like I won't have to chill..... :killingme


Obama destroyed America
Don't get me wrong, I do not support everything the President is doing. But, I do respect the President. He has done nothing to earn respect

I believe that he is genuinely trying to help our country, and that he genuinely cares about our country. I believe the opposite simply based on his and his wife's actions and admissions. "GOD DAMN AMERICA!!" "Now I can be proud of my country."

I'm not democratic or republican, because I don't agree with everything on either party.
You can respect the office but you don't have to respect the man until he earns it. Obama hasn't come close to earning anything and his approval ratings prove it.
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professional daydreamer
His lips are moving, and I hear his voice, but in my mind it translates to "stay in school, get a good job, because you have trillions of dollars of debt to pay off", but that's just me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
His lips are moving, and I hear his voice, but in my mind it translates to "stay in school, get a good job, because you have trillions of dollars of debt to pay off", but that's just me.

I wonder is Obama has a clue if he has long since done the one thing no teacher can ever afford to do and expect kids to still pay attention; "woh woh, woh woh woh, woh woh, woh, woh, woh woh woh..."

He simply gives far too many speeches. He's becoming (become?) a white noise Peanuts character.

And he'll be back in front of us tomorrow night. :jameo:


New Member
You can respect the office but you don't have to respect the man until he earns it. Obama hasn't come close to earning anything and his approval ratings prove it.

Are you saying just because his preacher said that, he doesn't genuinely care for our country?
Like I said, nothing will ever be good enough for all the extreme left's. It's just a shame IMO, that we're modeling this behavior to our children. You know, it's pretty much the same thing as when older generations showed racism to their children, who then showed it to their children, and so on. You're not allowing your children (don't take it personal, it's a generalized comment) to make an honest opinion for themselves, because you're passionately showing them your's.

BTW, I don't mean passionately in a good way either.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Obama: "Look, kids, I went to private school from fifth grade to high school graduation and it worked for me. It was great and every kid should have the opportunity to get as good an education as I did! This is why I am killing the voucher program in the Nations Capital. See how that works?"


New Member
I watched the speech and I saw nothing wrong with it.. Nothing political just talking to young adults.. Telling them life is not easy and get all the education you can. No, you may not like what you have to do now but someday you will be glad you did stay in school and get educated... Some parents don't encourage there own kids the way he tried to. Instead of finding fault with every single thing he is TRYING to do why not try and help find solutions to OUR problems. You come up with a better solution and start right in your own community. This healthcare issue is something we need to take care of and if you have a better idea then write a letter or make and appointment to talk to your Congressman or Representative.. We need to stop screaming and stop listening to gossip meant to cause panic.. Yes, there maybe some things we need to change in this bill so lets do that instead of throwing the whole thing out the window.. We need healthcare reform but, we don't need add on's and extra pork... Line Item Veto... I don't claim to know all the facts but, I really think we need to stop the name calling and the people who want to see failure from this president. He is a good man who is trying to fix a terrible mess he was handed.. It will not happen over night but, it has to start somewhere... God Bless America and God Bless our President


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Actually, I was asking him personally to answer. However, I do appreciate your response, but you also told me to go do a search for previous threads.

Chernmax, I don't know if you personally respond like an adult or not. All I know is that there are so many on here that don't, I can't remember who does or doesn't. I did not intend to offend!

Oops, sorry, it's a public message board & I didn't realize your quoting Chernmax's prior reply was intended only for him. :shrug:


New Member
I watched the speech and I saw nothing wrong with it.. Nothing political just talking to young adults.. Telling them life is not easy and get all the education you can. No, you may not like what you have to do now but someday you will be glad you did stay in school and get educated... Some parents don't encourage there own kids the way he tried to. Instead of finding fault with every single thing he is TRYING to do why not try and help find solutions to OUR problems. You come up with a better solution and start right in your own community. This healthcare issue is something we need to take care of and if you have a better idea then write a letter or make and appointment to talk to your Congressman or Representative.. We need to stop screaming and stop listening to gossip meant to cause panic.. Yes, there maybe some things we need to change in this bill so lets do that instead of throwing the whole thing out the window.. We need healthcare reform but, we don't need add on's and extra pork... Line Item Veto... I don't claim to know all the facts but, I really think we need to stop the name calling and the people who want to see failure from this president. He is a good man who is trying to fix a terrible mess he was handed.. It will not happen over night but, it has to start somewhere... God Bless America and God Bless our President

Extremely well said, thank you.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I wonder is Obama has a clue if he has long since done the one thing no teacher can ever afford to do and expect kids to still pay attention; "woh woh, woh woh woh, woh woh, woh, woh, woh woh woh..."

He simply gives far too many speeches. He's becoming (become?) a white noise Peanuts character.

And he'll be back in front of us tomorrow night. :jameo:

Britt Hume said the same thing tonight. (Basically)

He musta read your post here!


So, 2morrow,..will everything be peaches and cream ?..........doubt it,......another wasted use of film.......imho.


Obama destroyed America
Are you saying just because his preacher said that, he doesn't genuinely care for our country?
Like I said, nothing will ever be good enough for all the extreme left's. It's just a shame IMO, that we're modeling this behavior to our children. You know, it's pretty much the same thing as when older generations showed racism to their children, who then showed it to their children, and so on. You're not allowing your children (don't take it personal, it's a generalized comment) to make an honest opinion for themselves, because you're passionately showing them your's.

BTW, I don't mean passionately in a good way either.
Judge the man by his associates. Here, I'll make it easy. http://forums.somd.com/3949286-post77.html


NOT Politically Correct!!
People, ALL people, no one is disputing (GOP, Indo, DU) that healthcare reform is not needed, My GOD we are all in 1000% agreement!!! BUT you ask why are so many people against it? Well I'll tell you, TRUST!!! We came within 2 weeks of a 1000+ page bill that was not written buy the legislative branch of our government, it had to be passed within a shorter time-line than it took Obama to pick a family dog (Draft and Pass a Healthcare bill for America, 6 Weeks --- Pick a family dog for the Obama family 6 months).

It may sound funny to most but the fact of the matter is our government attempted to steam roll America and force feed us an initial healthcare bill that WAS ultimately designed to bankrupt the current Healthcare insurance companies and get America eventually on a government control single payer system. Yeah Obamacare may have changed it's name 3-4 times already and now the new power word is health insurance reform. In the beginning the government did not call it that because the initial goal was to eventually bankrupt the insurance industry and regardless if it took 5-10-15 years the ULTIMATE goal was the governments (well at least the hard left, special interest, Obama administration) total control of healthcare and the people on it!

Just imagine a small town with hundreds of mom and pop places and Wal-Mart moves in downtown with a new superstore, now I'm not telling you to stop shopping at the mom and pops places, but if we at Wal-Mart can offer you a better deal and a better price, come shop with us. But like I said, YOU CAN STAY WITH YOUR CURRENT SHOP AND KEEP YOUR CURRENT SERVICES. Now in you change the word private shop with private insurance and change Wal-Mart with Government. You are being fed the exact same scenario!!!

No matter how many times you re-wrap that Turd and every time I see Obama presenting me with the new wrapping, can you blame me for continually slamming the door in his face. It's what the far left tried to sell us initially that lost my trust in our government to ever sell me something again!!! :coffee: