Obama's National Speech in School


They call me ... Sarcasmo
The people who complain about our president, will NEVER be happy with anything he does. If they agreed with anything he did, they would have to admit they they were wrong, and that will NEVER happen. Closed minded people are intolerable.

But if the people do not agree with him because he is wrong, does that still make them close minded?

Has anybody read the speech yet?


New Member

Get over it.......

This is the first time in history that OUR U.S. President has addressed the children of this country. His message is not about policy. It's about staying in school and getting a good education. It's not about you and it's not about him, it's about our children; our future!


Main Streeter
The speach will be posted on the WH site on Monday.

SMCPS has left it up to the teachers as to wether or not the speach will be shown in their classroom. If the righties don't want their kids to watch, they can send in the anti-American-permission slip.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'm COMPLETELY amazed at folks who think the President talking to their children about something like doing the right thing and studying hard has caused so much trouble. Don't forget, George, Sr. did this back when he was president.
You have a copy of the speech? Care to share? Yes, Bush 41 did do this, and he caught hell for it from the Dems.

Be honest. These are the same people that aren't happy McCain didn't win the election, so they are grasping for any straw they can possible grab. Silly, stupid misleading arguments like saying the president wasn't a citizen, like saying he's a Nazi or that now he has something nefarious up his sleeve are a COMPLETE waste of time. My reaction to the silly reactions from...sorry, Republicans...makes me want to use curse words. However, I won't stoop to that level.I could care less that McCain didn't win, he's not a fighter he's a placater. I do agree with you on the birther nut jobs, there is so much more REAL proof of his ineptitude out there to use. Don't be afraid to use colorful language, lefties use them all the time . "Republicans are azzholes"-Van Johnson "Green Jobs CZAR for Dear Leader.

He's sending a good message to students. Get over yourselves. Take a minute to listen instead of judging right away; and take a look at what he is going to say before you get on your high horses so quickly. I sure bet when George, Jr. sent my friends and family into Iraq, you were probably telling your kids what a wonderful guy the president was. It's disgusting. We have to wait until Monday (holiday) to read it unless you want to share your copy. So are you going to say that Obama is a great president now that he is sending troops in to fight his war? HELLO, Afghanistan.

It's disgusting not only because it's a non-issue, but because you are the same people who aren't "active" in your own communities. Oh, you are? Well, then why are the kids who have turned teens and adults during George, Jr.'s administration now so unbelievably disrespectful and rude. Why do those kids think the world is owed to them, with parents who roll over whenever their kids make a request. It's horrible. Did this President's children drink underage or stick their tongues out during motorcades? Pa-leeze.
Actually it is an issue. The democrats like to point at falling SAT scores and how third world countries far outpace us in science and math education but we're going to give the president time out of the school day to say the same thing that parents have been saying for years/ What makes you think that the way he says it will hit home with Johnny? Yes, there are a lot of kids that think the world owes them something. You wanna know why? Because single mommy and daddy are trying to buy off Jr's affection in a perverse game of one upmanship. If it isn't the parents with the hand outs, here comes more entitlement programs courtesy of the US taxpayer! Nice, you had to drag the president's children into it. Classy! We'll let time play to see how the Obama children end up acting as adolescents, then as college students. If you think they will get the same degree of scrutiny as the Bush twins then I have a bridge to sell you. One more point to make- your insinuation that Bush is the reason that kids are rude now is so off the chart retarded I can't believe that you believe it. Let's see-Katrina-Bush's fault, the tsunami-Bush's fault, rude kids with cocked hats and baggy pants-Yep, Dubya again.
Grow up. He's your president. Figure out how to support him now, like you did when you last president had thousands of soldiers killed for no good reason or just focus your efforts on the next election. Get over people like Rush Limbaugh and silly TV personalities. They're making money off you. Pay attention to what surrounds you.He is my president and I respect the OFFICE, not necessarily who sits in it. The President works for the PEOPLE and his job is to protect and defend the constitution, not to find ways to do end runs around it. When are we allowed to be mad about the troop surge in Afghanistan? How high does the death toll have to be before we can say "NO BLOOD FOR OPIUM?"


*Rant over.*:buddies:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Get over it.......

This is the first time in history that OUR U.S. President has addressed the children of this country. His message is not about policy. It's about staying in school and getting a good education. It's not about you and it's not about him, it's about our children; our future!

Ahhh, that famous line, :wah:"Think of the children". If he was so concerned about the children, there wouldn't have been a stimulus package, or a 33% increase in government employment, nor would there be ANY CZARS.

:psst:Bush 41 did this too... and caught hell for it.
But don't let facts cloud your judgement or anything.
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Obama destroyed America
The speach will be posted on the WH site on Monday.

SMCPS has left it up to the teachers as to wether or not the speach will be shown in their classroom. If the righties don't want their kids to watch, they can send in the anti-American-permission slip.
This is why the kids need all the schooling they can get. Basic spelling FAIL!
Embarrassing for our country.
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Obama destroyed America
I agree with you 100%. You're spot on about teaching them both sides, and the president deserving respect.
This president deserves no respect!! Respect has to be EARNED!!!

What has he done besides:

Hang out with known terrorists
Prays with an America hating racist for 20 years (remember GOD DAMN AMERICA??)
Hides where he was actually born
Is running this country into sh!t creek
Lies through his teeth
Bows to Arabs who hate Americans

The list goes on...... See post 77
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New Member
I am just wondering if other parents are as outraged as I am regarding this....

Who does he think he is to take time away from my child's daily learning to shove his political views down his throat? I believe it is my place as a parent to direct and teach my children; not Obama.

I did call the Calvert County Board of Education and was told that they don't have a decision on the matter and won't until sometime tomorrow and that it will be posted on their website. I asked if the children were going to be given an "opt out" if we choose to do this and again, she says she doesn't know the rules as of yet. There is a meeting this afternoon.

What are other parent's views on this???

I'm stumped. I've read the speech and just can't find the part where the socialism indoctrination comes in... or where he "shoves his political views" down students' throats...

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New Member
So, have any of you read the speech yet? I have. I can guarantee a bunch of you who like to hide behind your online personas will not admit you were wrong. I think it's great that he, like Reagan (though not at a school) and Bush 41, have spoken with school children about staying in school and personal responsibility. If we, as parents, did a better job raising our kids with personal responsibility instead of brainwashing them to fit whatever political agenda WE have for ourselves, our country may be in a better place.


New Member
CCPS made a decision on Friday

The broadcast will be available to high school students only in Calvert County Public schools.


New Member
You assume too much, my daughter is a honor roll strong minded free thinker and we often talk about politics, strength of education, knowledge, integrity, leadership, being a role model, respect, and being informed so my daughter does not have to live her life blindly eating political horse sh*t coming out of our Capital and White House which will make her another government tit sucker who is dependent on someone else who will make her life's decisions, but that's just me...:coffee:

She's also matured into the type of adolescent who is not shy to tell her parents she love's us in front of her friends and conversation does not include any 4 letter sh*t talk. BUT, I have taught my kid every 4 letter word in the book so she can identify stupid conversation normally brought on be left wing nut heads when they are overcome by logic and facts... :howdy:

Talk about run on sentences and total BS. You need Obama to talk to your kid because you are a freaking nut job. What year did you join KKK?


Well-Known Member
I'm stumped. I've read the speech and just can find the part where the socialism indoctrination comes in... or where he "shoves his political views" down students' throats...


stars i agree with you 100 % I am not an Obama supporter in a lot of the things he is doing, but like you i read his speech to the students and view it as our Presidents concern to our school aged children about the importance of a good education and their responsibility towards that goal. I see no mind or thought control or political propaganda in the speech at all. I would have no problem with my children watching this speech and would look forward to discussing it with them. PS Not a big Obama supporter.....
You ever watch Nanny 911 where the parents sit on their asses and yell from the couch - "quit playing with those knives, Johnny, I mean it." It is too much work for some parents (I guess I'm speaking from a teacher's point of view here) to actually put in the effort to raise their kids. It's like they expect society or the schools to do it for them. But if the society or school does one thing that they disagree with, all hell breaks loose. THEN suddenly they are super-parent. It's crap.

I didn't vote for him (there - I said it) but I sure do think it is ridiculous that people can't have or model respect for the office in front of children. Kids used to dream of growing up to become president. Now it's a joke. THAT pisses me off.


Obama destroyed America
You ever watch Nanny 911 where the parents sit on their asses and yell from the couch - "quit playing with those knives, Johnny, I mean it." It is too much work for some parents (I guess I'm speaking from a teacher's point of view here) to actually put in the effort to raise their kids. It's like they expect society or the schools to do it for them. But if the society or school does one thing that they disagree with, all hell breaks loose. THEN suddenly they are super-parent. It's crap.

I didn't vote for him (there - I said it) but I sure do think it is ridiculous that people can't have or model respect for the office in front of children. Kids used to dream of growing up to become president. Now it's a joke. THAT pisses me off.
And the biggest joke is in office now. Too bad it's not funny.

He doesn't have to address kids during school hours. He could address them at 6:00pm, 7:00pm or 8:00pm.

From the posts I've seen on here from both school age kids and adults (term used loosely), should not have their learning interrupted at all!


NOT Politically Correct!!
My daughter is going to school and I gave her the Opt out choice and her response was I can handle the Obama sponge heads. I love that girl!!! :diva: