Most Epic. Bitch: :EVER:I give ya'll one guess as to who this is...
For the love of all things sane, are you serious? I totally forgot about this site until a friend I told about the classifieds informed me he was on the other day reading through some things, and came back across this thread. He had mentioned that LG had provided a rather narcissistic dissertation about dates and that "I" had been mentioned via a "checklist" of traits and characteristics - but since I'm busy - never read.
Until now.
First of all, you didn't walk away from any relationship. There was no relationship. But, to be clear, I stopped responding to texts and didn't take your call. We didn't talk about conflict or deal breakers, we just stopped. And yes, I am thankful you didn't push when I didn't respond.
Where do I even begin - I read this thread from start to end and I am appalled. Most people google others newly met and I only wished I had. Let me give you some advice Larry, should the next conquest do so and peruse this site, you'll not get far. It's not so fun being on the other side of the screen and ones perceptions, is it?
Secondly, you're a grown man, albeit immature and childish in your approach to actually having an adult relationship. I get reminiscing, seeking opinion and insight when it comes to dating (because gawd knows it sucks) from friends, but it should stop there in a public forum when you use your real name. It's incredibly disrespectful to extol upon other's private life and beyond diminutive to profess knowledge of their personal or professional background, fiscal security, or their perceived struggles. You obviously have no idea as to who I am.
Let me set the record straight - I am acutely successful not because of my "structured, inna box existence" and "go go go mentality". It is because of my flexibility, adaptability, wit, humor, sarcasm, and overall kick ass, albeit modest personality. I could buy your farm, in cash. I may not have the ass of a 20 year old, but I could absolutely kick yours in a number of ways. In all honesty, I'd like to give you the ol' proverbial interwebz punch to the throat, but I digress.
Fun and energizing? This is your main problem. You seem to have no concept as to what it takes to successfully exist in life. It isn't all fun and games, especially when you're in no position to support such a laid back existence - and you're in the position you are in because of your inability to actually strategize and work towards a cumulative goal regardless of what it is. What you're going to be good with is some half-baked hippie chick (which is entirely ok) with no kids who lives out of a VW van, who doesn't mind that you take no pride in your appearance, your belongings, or your living quarters. Strong, intelligent, independent, naughty, well rounded women do not seek men who don't have their #### together. Granted, I stumbled upon you, but you provide relatively little, long-term, to the "type" of woman you seem to say you are indeterminately attracted to.
For all that I have expounded upon, what got my knickers in a bunch is for you to have the audacity to comment upon my child. Good, bad, or indifferent. How stupid do I think you are? Beyond measure. As a single, veteran widowed parent, regardless of the age of the child, you can't possibly fathom (obviously by your lack of applicability) what my small family has endured to overcome, yet THRIVE. Day to day consists of responsibility. Something you would be well served to attain. My child is incredibly well grounded, chock full of common sense, and quick witted BECAUSE of my parenting style - what other 8 year old can say #### at the dinner table we call Switzerland (anything goes in order to maintain open communications), but she has responsibilities, expected behaviors, and understands action and consequence. You were juvenile to assume you could waltz into this scenario and have a party.
Lastly, your lack of commitment and follow through to pretty much anything is what is easy for you. So is your lack of honesty in this forum regarding what actually transpires in your dating adventures. You are inherently a "good guy" [sic], but your whimsical fantasy of having your cake and eating it too, will be your undoing.
And in all reality for those of you sitting there with your mouth agape - I'm not the flaming bitch I may come across as here. I'm only well written. And if you're a single, financially stable, hung like a horse (and it works), has a job, maybe a couple of investments, one woman type of well humored good teeth strong hands type of man that understands enabling a strong woman to run free, feel free to PM me.
Most Epic. Bitch: :EVER:![]()
I'm a bitch? Or it was a bitch of a rant?
For all that I have expounded upon, what got my knickers in a bunch is for you to have the audacity to comment upon my child. Good, bad, or indifferent. How stupid do I think you are? Beyond measure. As a single, veteran widowed parent, regardless of the age of the child, you can't possibly fathom (obviously by your lack of applicability) what my small family has endured to overcome, yet THRIVE. Day to day consists of responsibility. Something you would be well served to attain. My child is incredibly well grounded, chock full of common sense, and quick witted BECAUSE of my parenting style - B"
You have my absolute and unconditional apology and I will gladly erase any and all comments or the entire thread if you would like. I had no intention of causing you, or her, any harm whatsoever and had thought my comments vague enough as well as solidly complimentary of you as a person and parent as well as stating, plainly, that the shortcomings were, and are, mine to avoid any concerns. If I had any sense that I was out of bounds, I would have long deleted all of this out of simple courtesy. I think you a fantastic parent and I think it shows, readily. I think you a wonderful person that any guy, far better than me, would be honored to be with. I'd honestly thought I'd made that clear.
I would like to leave this up long enough to serve as as public an apology as you see fit and then I'll take the whole thing down.
I am sorry.
You have my absolute and unconditional apology and I will gladly erase any and all comments or the entire thread if you would like. I had no intention of causing you, or her, any harm whatsoever and had thought my comments vague enough as well as solidly complimentary of you as a person and parent as well as stating, plainly, that the shortcomings were, and are, mine to avoid any concerns. If I had any sense that I was out of bounds, I would have long deleted all of this out of simple courtesy. I think you a fantastic parent and I think it shows, readily. I think you a wonderful person that any guy, far better than me, would be honored to be with. I'd honestly thought I'd made that clear.
I would like to leave this up long enough to serve as as public an apology as you see fit and then I'll take the whole thing down.
I am sorry.
Spoken like a true gentleman.![]()
Spoken like a true gentleman.![]()
If I was a true gentleman I'd have come nowhere offending her.
Oh great! Now you are going to screw with my post count! Way to go, Larry!![]()
You have my absolute and unconditional apology and I will gladly erase any and all comments or the entire thread if you would like. I had no intention of causing you, or her, any harm whatsoever and had thought my comments vague enough as well as solidly complimentary of you as a person and parent as well as stating, plainly, that the shortcomings were, and are, mine to avoid any concerns. If I had any sense that I was out of bounds, I would have long deleted all of this out of simple courtesy. I think you a fantastic parent and I think it shows, readily. I think you a wonderful person that any guy, far better than me, would be honored to be with. I'd honestly thought I'd made that clear.
I would like to leave this up long enough to serve as as public an apology as you see fit and then I'll take the whole thing down.
I am sorry.
Larry, it's not like you mentioned her by name. And it's not like you were dating long enough that all her friends and family members would be googling you. And if they did it's unlikely they'd want to wade through this long ass thread to see what you said.
I gave some of my best relationship advice in this thread, damn it.![]()
While I appreciate you falling on your proverbial sword, you're missing a number of points. You seek objectivity in your relational partnerships, but have an abject disregard of respect and privacy - of your own or others, much less honesty of what actually transpires. And at one point in this timeline you were looking for a solid, quantifiable relationship. Had I actually taken the time to go past face value, I would never have met you. Maybe it's because I'm southern, and have a naive expectation that grown men don't talk about the women they "bang", much less provide checklists and details of ones life that you have no business sharing in a public, online, searchable, indexable forum.
We also talked about this when you told me how you use this site. Anonymity isn't a bad thing. I clearly stated that if we were to continue down a coupled path, that I require and expect a level of privacy that you possibly wouldn't like. As a business owner yourself, and I as someone who holds lucrative visible positions in DC of all places, that it takes only one person to dig and find linkages that get people fired or provide the basis in which they would not do business with you. I'm by no means paranoid, but this is not an extreme example in today's socially media driven world. And while thankfully, I can't be linked to you through this communication (at face value), had this worked out, it would have made me uncomfortable if not embarrassed for friends, family, or coworkers to see how you talk about a significant other and share nuances outside the needed confines of a mature relationship. I asked why you used your full name here, and I still don't get it. I'm actually surprised someone hasn't called you out on it before now. And never underestimate what people will sit and read through to find a nugget of leverage to negate integrity of character.
You've not caused me concern or worry, but it was highly irritating, as is apparent by my diatribe, to see the leeway you take in discussing people (and their children) that you encounter in this way. The simple courtesy is not to do it in the first place. You want advice on relationships? You should know better considering the number of times it hasn't worked out with someone, that the "fit" you seek doesn't exist when you're not even honest with yourself. There's another post here where you go on and on about stuff in the bathroom that is such an absolute exaggeration that I just shake my head. It's like you smear Vaseline all over your glasses and say you have 20/20 vision. Your take on things is distorted. You deserve happiness, gawd knows we all do, but you won't find it the way you go about it. And I totally agree that one doesn't need a reason not to be with someone, but it takes work and compromise to happily be with someone, anyone, regardless of how fun, energizing and go with the flow they are. And quite honestly, you're going to have to give a lot more because of where you are in life until you clean your slate up a little more thoroughly.
Many of you have given great advice, but it's truly irrelevant due to his skewed presentation of what he's actually got going on, and his own personal one on one interaction with another.
Good times.
I must say, your (rather verbose) replies sound way more personal than just a brief dating thing. Seems like you have a lot more hostility for Larry - as if you had way more invested emotionally than you claim.
As others have stated - it's not like Larry mentioned names and made any seriously derogatory comments or personal slurs. Hell, not being a Harry Potter fan, I had to look up Voldermort. No one would have ever made a connection and frankly, no one probably cared to.
Anyhoo - that's just my .02¢ :shrug:
Yikes and good grief, NV. I couldn't finish reading your last post because it gave me a headache. It is good you and Larry parted ways. Good for both of you. I just have always liked Larry from my beginning here. Good luck in all you do. No judgement, just opinion. I don't think y'all are compatibleI am from the South, too. NOLA. Where are you from?
Edit: You seem to have the same syndrome I had when I first came here. It is called 'The lady doth protest too much, methinks". Shakespeare in case you didn't know. It is all a learning experience. Thank you for taking the center of attention off me!
One more thing. I think it takes a lot of guts to use one's actual name on the internet as Larry uses his name as his screen name. Yes, I will admit I have looked him up. To me, that means he has nothing to hide, and puts himself out there, and the Devil may care. Good for him. I use my first name on here sometimes when I post. My name is Robin. Nice to make your acquaintance.Also, some of us are not so scared of repercussions, and we stand up for what we believe in.
Nite, nite.
While I appreciate you falling on your proverbial sword, you're missing a number of points.