Here you go, Larry. Hope this helps.
...if someone is interested but, that's not the goal.
They are all calling you a smart guy, but your comma is incorrectly placed. I've noticed it more than once, that tiny little thing...
I'm open to suggestions and corrections...
My comment was your lesson
PS - I have to admit, I am a bit bummed to see that you ended it. I was all into if for a few minutes this afternoon. Silly, eh?
Well, it just wasn't...easy enough.
Not AT ALL what I read.
Gonna to have to brush up on mah comprehension skills, I guess.
Meanwhile, since you missed the lesson - the comma goes before the but. As in: "Had so much fun playing with her, but..."
Starting a relationship with someone who already has 1 or more minor kids is a huge complication. I recently had this discussion with my 20 year old daughter. She has already come to the conclusion on her own. A guy she would consider dating material is no longer dating material and immediately gets put in the friend zone if she finds out he has a kid. I'm glad she's figured this out already.
Most 20 year olds are smarter than me. Good for her!
Relationships are difficult the more we advance in age. Toss in kids, aging parents, jobs, etc. and thing get further complicated. Good on you to realize what is in your control. At this point just make the best of it. Things will work out if they were meant, at least that is the philosophy I go with now. Try your best. If that doesn't work out then it wasn't meant. Best of luck.
Relationships are difficult the more we advance in age. Toss in kids, aging parents, jobs, etc. and thing get further complicated. Good on you to realize what is in your control. At this point just make the best of it. Things will work out if they were meant, at least that is the philosophy I go with now. Try your best. If that doesn't work out then it wasn't meant. Best of luck.
What we have here are competing interests of:
Relationships being more difficult as we age
Trying our best
And me not giving enough of a #### to try all that hard
If we take all the things we, as an individual, give a #### about in a relationship, mind this, don't mind that, gotta have this, no way that plus all the tweeners it all will work well enough or it wont. Not only am I done 'working' at relationships, I simply can't do it anymore so it has to just fit. For example her kid was not a problem at all. It was her kid AND her parenting style AND where I am now as opposed to maybe 20 years ago. She is a good parent but was not kewl with me being juvenile with her kid. There are good parents that would have been fine, even happy about that. Take those variables characteristic by relationship characteristic and you got you a sort of matrix. I compromised a lot my whole life trying to help things work. My give a #### is highly tuned at this point and not to be ignored.
Well...this kind of makes sense anyway. At our ages, we're pretty much done "raising" children, so you're at the stage of life where you relate to them as an (older) uncle or grandfatherly type.
Grandpas should be for FUN! and for horsing around, and for buying treats, and for going on fun excursions and all that kind of stuff. So, I guess she would have to get her mind around that and it would be difficult when she is still in the child raising mode.
Now, should I have left it to her to make that decision?
I was only commenting on the one point about the child and how you thought (maybe) you were a "bad influence" on her. (My words) I think you were too hard on yourself about it, that's all.See, that's the thing. She doesn't need to do a thing to accommodate me. She is fine and doesn't need to change a thing. We just aren't 'it' for one another and that is OK. All the plus's of early on, I mean, sure, early on is easy, agreed but, you can't get to finding out what next month or 6 months or next year bring until you get there. It was promising and, that and other reasons, anh, not our cup of tea. I could be smug and say 'she wasn't for me' but, by definition, I wasn't for her either and that alone is one clarity I have now that I didn't have 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 years ago. I mean, Vrai REALLY brought it home to me in another thread' (maybe this one???) that even when things were great for her and I, it was never easy. That said a LOT to me because there were times when she and I both thought that if she and I couldn't make it work with all the GREAT things we did share, what chance does anyone have? And the simply truth of the matter that she figured out and, my extension, made me understand, is that, whatever was fantastic about our relationship, yeah, maybe not everyone has that high but, by the same token, maybe good relationships don't have the lows she and I had and THAT becomes the larger point; maybe THIS part isn't a 10 for some folks, but, maybe THAT part isn't a 0 or 1 and that means the lack of '10' in whatever ares isn't all that big a deal. I know for a fact that I ignored a HUGE red flag about her early on and that she ignored at least one, (or was it 10??) about me. You make that compromise then for whatever reasons you make it. The good stuff, the kids, the place and time, the possibilities and that's all fine but, those things were there at the beginning and that, in my view, just IS about anyone and it either is OK over time ain't as circumstances evolve.
So, where that all has me now is a very low threshold for anything that isn't...easy. If something bugs me about "her" fairly soon on, it will damn sure bug me later and that is, for sure, a two way street. The possibility existed, for good reasons, that this last flame may well have been the one who I could have evolved with over time and all would have been well but, for several reasons, those chances got fairly low in view fairly quick and, again, I ain't got, or won't commit the time. Maybe that alone is all that need be said???
In any event, I am a LOT more aware that it could be ME that could be the source of problems later than I used to be and, in some way, I think I saved HER the trouble. Now, should I have left it to her to make that decision?